2009-04-29 15:20:46 CEST

2009-04-29 15:21:47 CEST


Englanti Liettua
Lietuvos Juru Laivininkyste AB - Notification on material event

AB "Lietuvos juru laivininkyste" the resolutions of general meeting of shareholders

AB “Lietuvos juru” laivininkyste” the  resolutions of the general meeting of the
shareholders on 29 April, 2009:                                                 

1.The annual report of the AB “Lietuvos juru laivininkyste” for the year 2008
2.Auditor's report for 2008 year is heard. 
3.The company financial statements are approved. In accordance with the
statements the company assets on December 31, 2008 - LTL 323 581 286 , (93 715  
618 EUR) own capital - LTL 231 059 501 (66 909 457 EUR), net  loss of the       
financial year - LTL -19 726 790  (-5 713 273 EUR). 
4.It  has  been  resolved  to  transfer  the  distribution  of    LTL   19 726
790 ( 5 713 273 EUR) from the reserves of  2008 year.                          
5.It has been resolved to approve the profit (loss) distribution for the year 
Proposed profit appropriation LTL ( EUR) :                                      

| - Profit (loss) brought forward at    |                      _               |
| the end of the last financial year    |                                      |
| - Net profit (loss) of the financial  | (19 726 790) LTL (5 713 273 EUR)     |
| year                                  |                                      |
| - Transfers from reserve's            | 19 726 790   LTL (8 629 189 EUR)     |
| - Profit (loss) to be appropriated in |                      _               |
| total                                 |                                      |
| - Part of the profit appropriated to  |                      _               |
| legal reserve                         |                                      |
| - Part of the profit to investments   |                      _               |
| - Part of profit appropriated to      |                      _               |
| dividend payment                      |                                      |
| - Part of the profit appropriated to  |                      _               |
| social-cultural needs                 |                                      |
| - Part of the profit - for premium    |                      _               |
| pay to the employees                  |                                      |

Arvydas Stropus                                                                 
Chief accountant                                                                
(+370 46 ) 393 126