2010-04-30 14:36:54 CEST

2010-04-30 14:37:51 CEST


Lithuanian English
Apranga APB - Notification on material event

On resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of APB Apranga shareholders

The general shareholders meeting held on 30 April 2010 has resolved the
1. Consolidated annual report on the activities of the Company in 2009.
Approve consolidated annual report on the activities of the Company in 2009.

2. Auditor's report on the Company's financial statements and annual report.
Taken for the information.

3. Approval of the consolidated and Company's financial statements for the year
Approve the annual consolidated and Company‘s financial statements for the year

4. Company's profit (loss) allocation for the year 2009.
Approve the Company's profit (loss) allocation for the year 2009:
1) The unappropriated profit (loss) of the preceding financial year at the
close of the reporting financial year LTL 32 794 159 (EUR 9 497 845); 
2) The net profit (loss) of the reporting financial year LTL -8 823 831 (EUR
-2 555 558); 
3) The profit (loss) of the reporting financial year not recognised in the 
profit (loss) account - none; 
4) Transfers from the reserves - none;
5) The shareholders' contributions to cover the losses of the company - none;
6) The total profit (loss) available for appropriation LTL 23 970 328 
(EUR 6 942 287); 
7) The share of profit allocated to the mandatory reserve - none;
8) The share of profit allocated to the reserve for  acquiring own shares -
9) The share of profit allocated to other reserves - none;
10) The share of profit for the payment of dividends - none;
11) The share of profit for the payment of annual bonuses - none;
12) Unappropriated profit (loss) at the close of the reporting financial year
and brought forward to the next financial year LTL 23 970 328 (EUR 6 942 287). 

5. Election of auditors and establishment of the terms of remuneration for
audit services. 
Elect UAB PricewaterhouseCoopers as APB Apranga auditor for the year 2010. Set
the amount of the fee payable for audit services for the year 2010 - not more
than LTL 91 000 (EUR 26 355) plus VAT. Authorise the Company's CEO to sign the
audit services agreement with UAB PricewaterhouseCoopers.

6. Election of the Board members.
Elect Company‘s members of the Board for new 4-year term:
6.1. Darius Juozas Mockus;
6.2. Marijus Strončikas;
6.3. Ilona Šimkūnienė;
6.4. Rimantas Perveneckas;
6.5. Ramūnas Gaidamavičius;
6.6. Raimondas Paškevičius.

7. Election of independent member of the audit committee, approval of members
of the audit committee, approval of remuneration of the independent member of
the audit committee. 
7.1. Approve APB Apranga audit committee of 2 members for the new 4-year term:
7.1.1. the deputy of CFO Rasa Ruleviciute, appointed by the Board, - as the
company‘s representative member of the audit committee for the new 4-year term; 
7.1.2. Asta Krusnauskaite - as the independent member of the audit committee
for the new 4-year term. 
7.2. Not to remunerate the independent member of the audit committee.

Rimantas Perveneckas
General Manager
+370 5 2390801