2015-03-27 14:30:00 CET

2015-03-27 14:30:03 CET


English Finnish
YIT - Company Announcement

YIT’s comparable figures for 2014 in accordance with the new segment structure

Helsinki, Finland, 2015-03-27 14:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YIT CORPORATION    
         STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                   MARCH 27, 2015 AT 3:30 P.M. 

YIT's comparable figures for 2014 in accordance with the new segment structure

As of January 1, 2015, YIT has three reporting segments instead of the former
two segments. The former Housing segment was split into 1) Housing Finland and
CEE and 2) Housing Russia. The new segments correspond to the former Housing
Finland, the Baltic Countries and Central Eastern Europe and Housing Russia
business areas. Business Premises and Infrastructure segment remains unchanged.
Reporting under the new segment structure will begin from the January-March
2015 interim report, which will be published on April 28, 2015. 

YIT's comparable figures for 2014 according to the new segment structure based
on segment reporting (POC) are presented below. The figures are presented in
million euros doing the rounding on each line, which may cause some rounding
inaccuracies in column and total sums. The comparable segment figures are

EUR million     1-3/14  4-6/14  7-9/14  10-12/  1-3/14  1-6/14   1-9/14  1-12/14
Housing          172.9   187.0   177.4   189.2   172.9   359.9    537.2    726.5
 Finland and                                                                    
Housing Russia   108.5   116.8   119.0   129.7   108.5   225.4    344.4    474.1
Business         121.1   147.0   188.8   142.4   121.1   268.1    456.9    599.3
 Premises and                                                                   
Other items        0.6     0.6     0.5    -0.4     0.6     1.2      1.7      1.4
Group, total     403.1   451.4   485.7   461.0   403.1   854.5  1,340.2  1,801.2
IFRS               0.0   -97.7     6.8    68.3     0.0   -97.7    -90.9    -22.6
Group, total     403.2   353.7   492.4   529.3   403.2   756.9  1,249.3  1,778.6

Operating profit                                                                
EUR million       1-3/14  4-6/14  7-9/14  10-12/  1-3/14  1-6/14  1-9/14  1-12/1
                                            2014                               4
Housing Finland     16.8    16.2    13.3    11.3    16.8    32.9    46.3    57.6
 and CEE                                                                   
Housing Russia      12.2    13.8    11.7    12.1    12.2    25.9    37.7    49.8
Business             0.2     6.9    10.3     2.8     0.2     7.1    17.3    20.1
 Premises and                                                                   
Other items         -2.3    -2.1    -1.8    -7.2    -2.3    -4.4    -6.3   -13.5
Group, total        26.9    34.7    33.5    19.0    26.9    61.5    95.1   114.0
IFRS adjustment     -3.7   -26.3    -5.4    16.3    -3.7   -30.0   -35.4   -19.2
Group, total        23.2     8.3    28.1    35.2    23.2    31.5    59.6    94.8

Operating profit                                                                
%                 1-3/14  4-6/14  7-9/14  10-12/  1-3/14  1-6/14  1-9/14  1-12/1
                                              14                               4
Housing Finland     9.7%    8.6%    7.5%    6.0%    9.7%    9.2%    8.6%    7.9%
 and CEE                                                                        
Housing Russia     11.2%   11.8%    9.9%    9.3%   11.2%   11.5%   10.9%   10.5%
Business            0.2%    4.7%    5.4%    1.9%    0.2%    2.6%    3.8%    3.4%
 Premises and                                                                   
Group, total        6.7%    7.7%    6.9%    4.1%    6.7%    7.2%    7.1%    6.3%
Group, total        5.8%    2.4%    5.7%    6.7%    5.8%    4.2%    4.8%    5.3%

Operating profit                                                                
 excluding non-recurring                                                        
EUR million       1-3/14  4-6/14  7-9/14  10-12/  1-3/14  1-6/14  1-9/14  1-12/1
                                              14                               4
Housing Finland     16.8    16.2    13.3    17.5    16.8    32.9    46.3    63.7
 and CEE                                                                        
Housing Russia      12.2    13.8    11.7    18.1    12.2    25.9    37.7    55.8
Business             0.2     6.9    10.3     3.0     0.2     7.1    17.3    20.4
 Premises and                                                                   
Other items         -2.3    -2.1    -1.8    -7.2    -2.3    -4.4    -6.3   -13.5
Group, total        26.9    34.7    33.5    31.4    26.9    61.5    95.1   126.4
IFRS adjustment     -3.7   -26.3    -5.4    16.3    -3.7   -30.0   -35.4   -19.2
Group, total        23.2     8.3    28.1    47.6    23.2    31.5    59.6   107.3

October-December 2014 operating profit includes non-recurring costs related to
restructuring measures and write-downs of assets under the capital release
program as follows: Housing Finland and CEE EUR 6.1 million, Housing Russia EUR
6.0 million, Business Premises and Infrastructure EUR 0.2 million. 

Operating profit margin                                                         
 excluding non-recurring                                                        
%                 1-3/14  4-6/14  7-9/14  10-12/  1-3/14  1-6/14  1-9/14  1-12/1
                                              14                               4
Housing Finland     9.7%    8.6%    7.5%    9.2%    9.7%    9.2%    8.6%    8.8%
 and CEE                                                                        
Housing Russia     11.2%   11.8%    9.9%   14.0%   11.2%   11.5%   10.9%   11.8%
Business            0.2%    4.7%    5.4%    2.1%    0.2%    2.6%    3.8%    3.4%
 Premises and                                                                   
Group, total        6.7%    7.7%    6.9%    6.8%    6.7%    7.2%    7.1%    7.0%
Group, total        5.8%    2.4%    5.7%    9.0%    5.8%    4.2%    4.8%    6.0%

Order backlog                                                           
EUR million                              3/14     6/14     9/14    12/14
Housing Finland and CEE                 956.7    953.2    929.8    798.5
Housing Russia                        1,070.6  1,218.8  1,103.8    653.5
Business Premises and Infrastructure    669.4    751.9    702.3    673.9
Other items                           2,696.7  2,923.9  2,736.0  2,125.9
Group, total (POC)                      449.7    556.5    542.6    381.1
IFRS adjustment                       3,146.4  3,480.3  3,278.5  2,507.1

At the end of the period               3/14   6/14   9/14  12/14
Housing Finland and CEE               1,857  2,017  1,839  1,783
Housing Russia                        2,001  1,987  2,009  1,980
Business Premises and Infrastructure  1,905  2,022  1,877  1,814
Group services                          313    332    307    304
Group, total                          6,076  6,358  6,032  5,881

EUR million                             12/14
Housing Finland and CEE                 796.6
Housing Russia                          487.9
Business Premises and Infrastructure    376.0
Other segments and eliminations          58.2
Unallocated items                       249.5
Group, total (POC)                    1,968.3
EUR million                             12/14
Housing Finland and CEE                 216.8
Housing Russia                          109.8
Business Premises and Infrastructure    194.2
Other segments and eliminations           6.1
Unallocated items                       854.2
Group, total (POC)                    1,381.0

Segments' operative invested capital1)                                   
EUR million, POC                            3/14     6/14     9/14  12/14
Housing Finland and CEE                    649.0    621.9    613.0  579.8
Housing Russia2)                           549.2    601.6    564.0  378.1
Business Premises and Infrastructure       208.8    233.2    229.3  181.9
Segments' return on operative invested capital, last. 12 months 1)       
EUR million, POC                            3/14     6/14     9/14  12/14
Housing Finland and CEE                     9.7%    10.1%     9.5%   9.4%
Housing Russia                             12.4%    11.4%    10.2%  10.5%
Business Premises and Infrastructure       15.6%    12.0%    12.1%  10.8%

1)Only operational items are taken into account in calculating the segments'
invested capital. 
2)Includes Gorelovo industrial park.

For further information, please contact:

Sanna Kaje, Vice President, Investor Relations, YIT Corporation, +358 50 390
6750, sanna.kaje@yit.fi 


Sanna Kaje
Vice President, Investor Relations

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX, Major media, www.yitgroup.com

YIT is a construction industry leader. We create better living environments in
Finland, Russia, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Over
100 years of experience have secured us a strong market position: we are the
largest housing developer and one of the largest business premises and
infrastructure developers in Finland, and the most significant foreign housing
and area developer in Russia. Our vision is to stay one step ahead - while
taking care of our customers, partners and personnel. We have nearly 6,000
employees in seven countries. In 2014, our revenue amounted to around EUR 1.8
billion. Our share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. www.yitgroup.com