2009-11-20 13:47:16 CET

2009-11-20 13:48:16 CET


Zemaitijos Pienas AB - Notification on material event

Notice on Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting Žemaitijos pienas AB


The Board of AB Zemaitijos pienas calls for an extraordinary general meeting of
shareholders of AB Zemaitijos pienas, company code 300041701, address Sedos st.
35, Telsiai, on 1.00 p.m. December 18, 2009. 
Registration starts at 12.45 p.m. December 18, 2009 and lasts till 1.00 p.m.
The meeting begins at 1.00 p.m.
Place of the meeting: company headquarters Sedos g. 35, Telsiai.
The reporting date of the meeting: December 11, 2009

Agenda of the meeting:

1.	Recalling and electing the Board and the Supervisory Board;
2.	Forming the Company Auditing Committee and adopting its activity rules;
3.	Electing an independent member for the Company Auditing Committee and fixing
his/her remuneration; 
4.	Adopting a composition of the Company Auditing Committee;
5.	Acquiring company own shares;
6.	Forming a reserve in order to acquire company own shares;
7.	Establishing private limited liability company.

Taking part and voting in a general meeting of shareholders is a privilege of
persons who hold the shares at the end of the reporting day. 
Draft documents related to the issues of the meeting are available for your
information at the headquarters of the company. The shareholders may express
their will on every issue to be discussed during the general meeting of
shareholders in terms set by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania. 

Gintaras Keliauskas
The Lawyer
Tel. (+370 444) 222 08