2009-11-23 15:15:00 CET

2009-11-23 15:15:01 CET


Liettua Englanti
DnB NORD Bankas AB - Notification on material event

Regarding changes on AB DnB NORD Bankas Supervisory Council

AB DnB NORD Bankas,company code 112029270, VAT payer code LT120292716,
registered office at J. Basanavičiaus St. 26, Vilnius, the data about the
company is collected and stored at the Register of Legal Entities, notifies
that members of AB DnB NORD Bankas Supervisory Council Antanas Juozas Zabulis
and Viktoras Valentukevičius have resigned from their duties of members of the
Supervisory Council of AB DnB NORD Bankas from 23 November 2009 due to the
intended optimization of structure of AB DnB NORD Bankas Supervisory Council. 

Andrius Vilkancas
Press Officer 
tel. +370 5 239 3413