2008-04-04 13:00:00 CEST

2008-04-04 13:00:01 CEST


Kesko Oyj - Company Announcement

The Kesko Group's comparative information for 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 2007


The Kesko Group's comparative information for 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 2007

Segment information on the Kesko Group's continuing operations

In the Kesko Group's segment reporting, a business segment has
been determined as the primary reporting format. Business segments
are composed of the Group's business divisions, namely Kesko Food,
Rautakesko, VV-Auto, Anttila and Kesko Agro. Other operating
activities comprise the reporting for Konekesko, Intersport
Finland, Indoor Group, Musta Pörssi and Kenkäkesko. Common
operations include the reporting for support functions.

The Kesko Group classified Kauko-Telko as a discontinuing
operation on 28 February 2008 and Tähti Optikko Group on 31 March
2008. Consequently, the financial figures for these operating
activities have been retroactively removed from the figures of the
Group's continuing operations, as shown in the table attached to
this release.

Further information is available from Jukka Erlund, Vice
President, Corporate Controller, telephone +358 1053 22338.

Kesko Corporation

Harri Utoslahti
Communications Manager

Divisions' net sales 2007, continuing operations
Divisions' operating profits 2007, continuing operations
Divisions' operating profits 2007, excl. non-recurring items,
continuing operations

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Main news media

Divisions' net sales 2007, continuing operations

€ million           1-       4-6/2007  7-       10-       1-12/2007
                    3/2007             9/2007   12/2007
Kesko Food               883       983      959     1,046     3,871
Rautakesko               534       687      694       622     2,537
VV-Auto                  248       218      195       144       805
Anttila                  120       111      143       189       564
Kesko Agro               168       216      196       213       793
Other operating          184       193      185       182       743
Common operations         -6        -7       -7        -6       -26
and eliminations
Group's net sales      2,131     2,401    2,365     2,390     9,287

Divisions' operating profits 2007, continuing operations

€ million           1-       4-6/2007  7-       10-       1-12/2007
                    3/2007             9/2007   12/2007
Kesko Food              29.2      40.9     41.2      40.0     151.3
Rautakesko              18.6      37.6     39.5      22.1     117.8
VV-Auto                 11.7       8.1      6.8      -0.5      26.1
Anttila                 -0.9       0.1      6.3      21.6      27.2
Kesko Agro              -0.6       7.9      3.5       2.1      12.9
Other operating          8.6       6.5      3.3      -8.4      10.0
Common operations                                                  
and eliminations        -6.1      -1.6     -7.3      -8.6     -23.6
Group's operating       60.4      99.6     93.3      68.3     321.5

Divisions' operating profits 2007, excl. non-recurring items,
continuing operations

€ million           1-       4-6/2007  7-       10-       1-12/2007
                    3/2007             9/2007   12/2007
Kesko Food              29.0      41.4     41.1      39.8     151.4
Rautakesko              16.3      38.7     39.0      21.9     115.9
VV-Auto                 11.7       8.1      6.8      -0.5      26.1
Anttila                 -0.9      -1.8      6.3      21.6      25.2
Kesko Agro              -0.6       7.9      3.0       2.1      12.4
Other operating          8.6       6.5      3.3      -4.5      13.9
Common operations                                                  
and eliminations        -6.3      -7.5     -7.6      -8.5     -29.9
Group's operating                                                  
profit excl. non-                                                  
recurring items         57.8      93.4     91.9      71.9     315.0