2017-02-08 07:30:18 CET

2017-02-08 07:30:18 CET


Finnish English
Tokmanni Group Oyj - Financial Statement Release

Tokmanni Group Corporation:Revenue grew and profitability improved, strong cash flow

Tokmanni Group Corporation                  Financial Statement Release
8.2.2017    8.30 am EET

Tokmanni Group: Revenue grew and profitability improved, strong cash flow

This release is a summary of Tokmanni's Financial Statement Bulletin 2016. The
complete report is attached to this release as a pdf-file.

  * Revenue grew 2.8% to EUR 238.1 million (231.7)
  * Like-for-Like revenue grew 0.8%
  * Gross profit totaled EUR 84.2 million (80.8), a gross profit margin of
    35.3% (34.9%)
  * Adjusted gross profit totaled EUR 83.5 million (80.5), an adjusted gross
    profit margin of 35.1% (34.8%)
  * EBITDA amounted to EUR 28.4 million (26.0), 11.9% of revenue (11.2%)
  * Adjusted EBITDA totaled EUR 27.3 million (26.4), 11.5% of revenue (11.4%)
  * EBIT amounted to EUR 24.6 million (22.2), 10.3% of revenue (9.6%)
  * Adjusted EBIT totaled EUR 23.6 million (22.5), 9.9% of revenue (9.7%)
  * Cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 47.5 million (42.0)
  * Earnings per share amounted to 0.32 euros (0.31)

  * Revenue grew 2.7% to EUR 775.8 million (755.3)
  * Like-for-Like revenue at last year's level, -0.1%
  * Gross profit totaled EUR 268.4 million (257.5), a gross profit margin of
    34.6% (34.1%)
  * Adjusted gross profit totaled EUR 267.9 million (258.1), an adjusted gross
    profit margin of 34.5% (34.2%)
  * EBITDA amounted to EUR 64.3 million (53.9), 8.3% of revenue (7.1%)
  * Adjusted EBITDA totaled EUR 62.8 million (58.5), 8.1% of revenue (7.7%)
  * EBIT amounted to EUR 49.2 million (39.1), 6.3% of revenue (5.2%)
  * Adjusted EBITDA totaled EUR 47.7 million (43.7), 6.1% of revenue (5.8%)
  * Cash flow from operating activities was strong EUR 62.5 million (35.0)
  * Earnings per share totaled 0.50 euros (0,33)
  * Based on the strong cash flow and cash position, the Board of Directors
    proposes to the Annual General Meeting to pay dividend according to the
    company dividend policy 0.41 euro per share and an extraordinary dividend of
    0.10 euro, in total a dividend of 0,51 euro per share

Tokmanni's expects good revenue growth for 2017 based on the revenue from new
stores opened in 2016 and 2017 and low single digit Like-for Like revenue
growth.  Group profitability (adjusted EBITDA%) is expected to improve from the
previous year.


"The year 2016 was eventful for Tokmanni. We were introduced on the Nasdaq
Helsinki stock exchange, opened seven new stores around Finland and a growing
number of customers found their way to our stores. This resulted in revenue
growth and reinforced the brand awareness.

During the year the challenges in the market continued and according to the FTGA
statistics the non-grocery market continued to decline in 2016 as well. In the
summer of 2016 the department store chain Anttila went bankrupt and liquidated
its stock which created temporary market turbulence. The effects were seen also
at Tokmanni especially in the third quarter but also extending to the fourth
quarter impacting our Like-for-Like development negatively.

With the exception of the third quarter, Tokmanni's Like-for-Like revenue has
grown during the whole year which signals that our measures to improve Like-for-
Like growth are in the right direction. I am particularly pleased that our
number of baskets increased by 3.4% to 44.7 million showing that we create value
for our customers, our assortment is topical, that Tokmanni's brand awareness
constantly improves and that new customers are finding their way to our stores.

In accordance with our strategy our profitability improved by improving sourcing
efficiency, focusing on direct sourcing, increasing the share of private labels
and through continuous tight cost control. Our cash flow was good and our
balance sheet strong enabling the continuous development of the company and
increasing shareholder value.

We expect good growth in 2017. After several years there are signals of recovery
in the market and consumer confidence has improved. Our guidance for 2017 is
however primarily based on our own measures. We have developed the company in a
focused way for several years and will continue to do so. As a result, we expect
good revenue growth for 2017 based on revenue from new stores opened in 2016 and
2017 as well as low single digit Like-for-Like revenue growth. In the fourth
quarter 2016 we launched a new marketing concept and we continue our active work
to offer our customers good value for money through an even more attractive
assortment and pleasant shopping experience. At the same time we continue our
tight cost control. In 2017 we will open at least 11 new stores."


                       10-12/2016 10-12/2015 Change% 1-12/2016 1-12/2015 Change%

Revenue, MEUR            238.1      231.7     2.8%     775.8     755.3    2.7%

Like-for-like revenue     0.8                          -0.1
development, %

Number of baskets, M      12.8       12.4     3.5%     44.7      43.3     3.4%

Gross profit, MEUR        84.2       80.8     4.2%     268.4     257.5    4.2%

Gross margin, %           35.3       34.9              34.6      34.1

Adjusted gross profit,    83.5       80.5     3.7%     267.9     258.1    3.8%

Adjusted gross margin,    35.1       34.8              34.5      34.2

Operating expenses       -56.8      -56.0     1.6%    -207.4    -207.7    -0.1%

Adjusted operating       -57.2      -55.4     3.3%    -208.5    -203.7    2.4%

EBITDA, MEUR              28.4       26.0     8.9%     64.3      53.9     19.3%

EBITDA, %                 11.9       11.2               8.3       7.1

Adjusted EBITDA, MEUR     27.3       26.4     3.5%     62.8      58.5     7.4%

Adjusted EBITDA, %        11.5       11.4               8.1       7.7

Operating profit          24.6       22.2     11.0%    49.2      39.1     25.9%

Operating profit          10.3       9.6                6.3       5.2
margin EBIT, %

Adjusted EBIT, MEUR       23.6       22.5     4.7%     47.7      43.7     9.2%

Adjusted EBIT, %          9.9        9.7                6.1       5.8

Net financial items,      -1.4       -5.1    -72.4%    -15.2     -20.9   -27.2%

Net Capital               4.4        5.1     -13.5%     9.8       9.0     8.8%
expenditure, MEUR

Net debt / adjusted       1.8        2.7                1.8       2.7

Net cash from             47.5       42.0              62.5      35.0
operating activities,

Return on capital         7.2        6.5               14.5      11.6
employed, %

Return on equity, %       12.3       11.0              18.1      12.0

Number of shares,        58 869     44 549            54 095    44 549
weighted average
during the financial
period (thousands)*

Earnings per share        0.32       0.31              0.50      0.33

Personnel at the end     3 224      3 293              3 224     3 293
of the period
* The amount of shares 2015 and 2016 has been adjusted with the effects of the
bonus issue ('share split') carried out 04/2016.

During 2016 the Finnish economy has seen slight recovery which has been
primarily based on the growth of private consumption. The Finnish Finance
Ministry predicts that GDP will grow by 0.9% in 2017 and 1.0% in 2018, but that
the growth of private consumption will temporarily slowdown in 2017 as among
others a result of accelerating inflation, wage development due to the
Competitive Pact (KiKy) as well as annual working time changes. Tokmanni expects
the Finnish retail market to grow slightly, but tough competition to continue
especially in the grocery market. At the same time specialty stores and online
stores will continue to strengthen their position.

Although the weak economic situation has accelerated the growth of discount
stores in the Finnish retail market as a whole, growth is expected to continue
as the economy recovers. When customers have taken discount retailers as a
regular shopping place and become accustomed to discount retailers and found the
value for money of those products favorable they are likely to remain regular
customers also when the economy recovers. The value for money trend which has
prevailed internationally for a long time is therefore expected to continue.

The bankruptcy clearance sale of Anttila department store has ended and the last
stores closed in December 2016. The bankruptcy caused a disturbance on the
market in the second half of 2016 but in the longer term, Anttila's exit from
the market creates opportunities for companies such as Tokmanni both regarding
retail space as well as the redistribution of Anttila's customer base.


An analyst and press conference will be held on the publication at 10.00 am EEST
(9.00 CET) at the GLO Hotel, Kluuvikatu 4, Helsinki. The conference is in
Finnish and will also be webcasted. An audiocast in English will be held at
11.15 am EEST (10.15 CET).

Both the live casts can be accessed via Tokmanni's website at ir.tokmanni.fi or
through the link http://www.goodmood.fi/webcaster/accounts/tokmanni/live. On-
demand versions of both webcasts will be available at ir.tokmanni.fi later
during the same day.

The participants can also join a telephone conference that will be arranged in
conjunction with the live webcasts. The participants are asked to dial in 5-10
minutes prior to starting time using the Participant Phone Number and
Participant Passcodes below:

09-7479 0360 (Finnish callers)
+44 (0)330 336 9401 (UK callers)
+1 719-325-2238 (US callers)
Participant code: 976594

For further information, please contact:

Heikki Väänänen
Tel. +358 20 728 6044

Sixten Hjort, CFO
tel: +358 20 728 6043

Joséphine Mickwitz, Head of IR and Communications
tel. +358400784889
mail: josephine.mickwitz(a)tokmanni.fi

2016 Publications and accouncements

The 2016 financial statements, Corporate Governance Statement and Corporate
Responsibility Report will be published during week 8.

All Company Announcements and press releases published by Tokmanni in 2016 can
be found on the corporate website at ir.tokmanni.fi.

Tokmanni in brief
Tokmanni is the largest general discount retailer in Finland measured by number
of stores and revenue. In 2016, Tokmanni's revenue was EUR 776 million and on
average it had approximately 3,200 employees. Tokmanni is the only nationwide
general discount retailer in Finland, with 162 stores across Finland as at 31
December 2016.
Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Main news media

Full report:
