2007-04-16 17:15:00 CEST

2007-04-16 17:15:00 CEST


Finska Engelska
Componenta - Company Announcement

Amendment to Componenta's release Comparison data for 2006

In Componenta's release Comparison data for 2006 on 13 April 2007 there was a   
mistake in the chart Group development by quarter. The column 1-12/006 of the   
chart included the information of 2005 instead of 2006.                         

The valid figures in the column 1-12/2006 are:                                  
Net sales		362.1                                                               
Operating profit 	14.5                                                         
Net financial items	-9.9                                                       
Profit/loss after financial items	4.6                                           

The complete amended chart is as follows:                                       

Group development by quarter                                                    

| MEUR                   |   Q1/06 |   Q2/06 |    Q3/06 |    Q4/06 | 1-12/2006 |
| Net sales              |    93.6 |    94.6 |     78.4 |     95.5 |     362.1 |
| Operating profit       |     5.3 |     6.6 |     -1.2 |      3.8 |      14.5 |
| Net financial items    |    -2.2 |    -2.5 |     -2.3 |     -3.0 |      -9.9 |
| Profit/loss after      |     3.1 |     4.1 |     -3.4 |      0.9 |       4.6 |
| financial items        |         |         |          |          |           |

Helsinki, 16 April 2007                                                         

COMPONENTA CORPORATION                                                          

Heikki Lehtonen                                                                 
President and CEO                                                               

FURTHER INFORMATION:                                                            
Heikki Lehtonen                                                                 
President and CEO                                                               
tel. +358 10 403 00                                                             

Componenta is a metal sector company with international operations and          
production plants located in Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Turkey. The  
pro forma net sales of Componenta exceeded EUR 602  million in 2006 and the     
Group employed about 5,100 people. Componenta's shares are quoted on the        
Helsinki Stock Exchange. Componenta specializes in supplying cast and machined  
components and total solutions made of them to its global customers who are     
manufacturers of vehicles, machines and equipment.                              
                            Componenta  Corporation                             
                    Panuntie 4. FI-00610 Helsinki , Finland                     
                   Tel. +358 10 403 00, Fax +358 10 403 2721                    