2007-08-20 08:24:30 CEST

2007-08-20 08:24:30 CEST


Finnish English
Cramo Oyj - Company Announcement


RESTATEMENT TO CRAMO PLC'S INTERIM REPORT 1.1.-30.6.2007                        

Cramo Plc restates the Group's interim report 1.1.-30.6.2007 regarding the      
Group's ROE figure. The return on equity (rolling 12-month ROE) of the Group was
18.5 per cent as of 30.6.2007, not 24.6 per cent. The respective ROE figure for 
31.3.2007 is 16.7 per cent.                                                     

The above restatement does not affect any other figure as reported, nor does it 
affect the new financial ROE target of the Group as set by the Board, which is  
“more than 22 per cent”.                                                        

CRAMO PLC                                                                       

Vesa Koivula                                                                    
President and CEO                                                               

Further information                                                             
Vesa Koivula, President and CEO, tel.: +358 10 66110, +358 40 510 5710          
Martti Ala-Härkönen, CFO, tel.: +358 10 66110, +358 40 737 6633                 

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy                                                 
Major media                                                                     

Cramo Plc is a service company specialising in construction machinery and       
equipment rental and rental-related services, as well as rental and sale of     
modular space. As one of the industry's leading service providers in the Nordic 
countries and Central and Eastern Europe, Cramo operates in ten countries with  
250 outlets. With a group staff of approximately 2,000, Cramo's consolidated    
sales for 2006 totalled EUR 402 million. Cramo is listed on the OMX Nordic      
Exchange Helsinki Oy. For further information, please visit www.cramo.com.