2010-03-31 15:22:00 CEST

2010-03-31 15:22:23 CEST


Finnska Enska
Nordic Aluminium - Decisions of general meeting

Resolutions of the Nordic Aluminium Plc Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors


The Annual General Meeting of Nordic Aluminium held today March 31, 2010
approved the financial statements for the financial period January 1 - December
31, 2009 and discharged the responsible parties from liability. 

The General Meeting approved that a dividend of EUR 1.30 per share is paid. The
date of record for dividend distribution is 7 April 2010. The dividend will be
payable on 14 April 2010. 

The following remuneration payable to the members of the Board is being
approved by the Annual General Meeting: 
- for the Chairman EUR 32 000 annually
- for each member EUR 17 000 annually.

The number of Members of the Board of Directors was confirmed by the General
Meeting as four (4). 

The current Board members Stig Lival-Lindström, Nina Ehrnrooth, Viveka Iisaho
and Hans Jonasson were re-elected. 

The General Meeting approved that the Auditor is to be reimbursed according to
the invoice of the Auditor. 

Authorized public accountants Ernst & Young Oy were elected as Auditor of
Nordic Aluminium Plc with Tomi Englund, authorized public accountant, as
responsible Auditor. 

The General Meeting approved that the provisions regarding the share capital's
minimum and maximum amounts as well as the nominal value of the shares are
removed from the Articles of Association by deleting 3 §, which determines the
minimum and maximum share capital, and 4 §, which determines the shares'
nominal value. 

The General Meeting approved amendments to the following provisions of the
Articles of Association (whose numbering will change when the above provisions
are removed from the Articles of Association): 

- the current 5 § of  the Articles of Association is amended as follows:

“[3]§ Book-Entry System 
The shares of the company belong to the book-entry system.”

- the current 12 § of  the Articles of Association is amended as follows:

“[10]§ Meeting Summons
The summons to the Meeting of the Shareholders shall be published not earlier
than two months and not later than three weeks before the Meeting on the
company's website and in a newspaper appearing in Helsinki as resolved by the
Board of Directors. The summons shall, however, be published at least nine days
before the date of record for the Shareholders' Meeting pursuant to chapter 4,
section 2, paragraph 2 of the Companies Act.” 

- the current 14 § of  the Articles of Association is amended as follows: 
“[12]§ Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders shall be held annually within
six months from the end of the accounting period. 

At the meeting 

the following documents shall be presented:
1. the Annual Accounts and the report of the Board of Directors;
2. the Auditor's report; 

the following resolutions shall be made:
3. adoption of the Annual Accounts;
4. the use of the profit shown on the balance sheet;
5. discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors and the
Man-aging Director; 
6. the number of members of the Board of Directors and of the Auditors;
7. remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Auditors as
well as the principles for the compensation of travel costs; 

the following persons shall be elected:
8. the members of the Board of Directors;
9. the Auditors.”

The minutes of the General Meeting will be available on the website
www.nordicaluminium.fi from 7 April 2010 at the latest. 

At its organizing meeting held after the General Meeting the Board of Directors
elected Mr Stig Lival-Lindström as its Chairman. 


Peter Högel
Managing Director
For further information please contact:
Managing Director Peter Högel, Nordic Aluminium, tel. +358 20 7660 222

The Main Media
