2011-07-26 07:00:00 CEST

2011-07-26 07:00:08 CEST


Finnish English
Lassila & Tikanoja - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Lassila & Tikanoja plc: Interim Report 1 January - 30 June 2011

Helsinki, Finland, 2011-07-26 07:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 
  -- Net sales for the second quarter EUR 162.2 million (EUR 149.0 million);
     operating profit EUR 8.9 million (EUR 8.8 million); operating profit
     excluding non-recurring items EUR 9.7 million (EUR 11.8 million); earnings
share EUR 0.19 (EUR 0.14)
  -- Net sales for January-June EUR 321.7 million (EUR 302.9 million); operating
     profit EUR 15.3 million (EUR 15.4 million); operating profit excluding
     non-recurring items EUR 16.5 million (EUR 19.6 million); earnings per share
     EUR 0.29 (EUR 0.25)
  -- Full-year net sales will grow slightly from 2010 and operating profit
     excluding non-recurring items is expected to remain at the 2010 level.


Second quarter
Lassila & Tikanoja's net sales for the second quarter increased by 8.8% to EUR
162.2 million (EUR 149.0 million). Operating profit was EUR 8.9 million (EUR
8.8 million), representing 5.5% (5.9%) of net sales, and operating profit
excluding non-recurring items was EUR 9.7 million (EUR 11.8 million). Earnings
per share were EUR 0.19 (EUR 0.14). 

With the exception of Renewable Energy Sources, all divisions reported net
sales growth, half of this growth being organic. Demand for Environmental
Services increased and the work load of Property Maintenance remained healthy. 

Profitability weakened from the comparison period due to a temporary rise in
waste disposal costs and an increase in traffic fuel prices. A non-scheduled
maintenance shutdown at L&T Recoil's plant eroded profitability. Three
significant business acquisitions were concluded in the second quarter, which
involved integration costs. In addition, non-recurring restructuring costs of
EUR 0.8 million were recorded for the quarter. 

The income tax rate for the quarter decreased following the Administrative
Court's decision on the tax deductibility of dissolution loss write-off; as a
result, EUR 1.6 million of deferred tax liabilities were recognised as income.
Consequently, earnings per share improved by EUR 0.04 per share. 

Lassila & Tikanoja's net sales for January-June amounted to EUR 321.7 million
(EUR 302.9 million); an increase of 6.2%. Operating profit was EUR 15.3 million
(EUR 15.4 million), representing 4.8% (5.1%) of net sales, and operating profit
excluding non-recurring items was EUR 16.5 million (EUR 19.6 million). Earnings
per share were EUR 0.29 (EUR 0.25). 

Net sales growth could be attributed to the higher demand for Environmental
Services, the healthy work load of Property Maintenance, and the acquisitions
made in the second quarter. In the first half of the year, more than half of
the growth was organic. Meanwhile, the sale of wood-based fuels failed to reach
the comparison period's level due to a suspension in the payment of electricity
production subsidy in the first quarter and the tough competition. 

Higher salary, subcontracting and diesel oil costs eroded profitability in the
first half, while in the second quarter, performance was also affected by the
temporary rise in waste disposal costs as well as the integration of business

In the comparison period, non-recurring costs of EUR 3.0 million were recorded
for the discontinuation of the wood pellet business. 

Financial summary

                                4-6/   4-6/  Change   1-6/   1-6/  Change  1-12/
                                2011   2010       %   2011   2010       %   2010
Net sales, EUR million         162.2  149.0     8.8  321.7  302.9     6.2  598.2
Operating profit excluding       9.7   11.8   -17.5   16.5   19.6   -15.9   45.5
 non-recurring items, EUR                                                       
------------------------------                                            ------
Operating profit, EUR million    8.9    8.8     1.2   15.3   15.4    -0.4   40.2
------------------------------                                            ------
Operating margin, %              5.5    5.9            4.8    5.1            6.7
------------------------------                                            ------
Profit before tax, EUR           7.7    7.8    -1.8   13.1   13.4    -2.4   36.0
------------------------------                                            ------
Earnings per share, EUR         0.19   0.14    35.7   0.29   0.25    16.0   0.68
------------------------------                                            ------
EVA, EUR million                 1.9    1.2    58.3    1.7    0.1           10.1

* Breakdown of operating profit excluding non-recurring items is presented
below the division reviews. 


Environmental Services

Second quarter
The division's net sales for the second quarter increased by 10.5% to EUR 83.5
million (EUR 75.6 million). Operating profit totalled EUR 9.2 million (EUR 10.1
million) and operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 9.2 million
(EUR 10.1 million). 

The division's growth was primarily organic. Net sales grew particularly in
waste management and process cleaning thanks to larger waste volumes and
maintenance shutdown-related work. Similarly, the volumes of secondary raw
materials grew from the comparison period and prices remained at a healthy
level. The acquisition of Papros Oy, which was completed during the quarter,
strengthened the division's position in the recycled fibre markets. 

The rising costs of waste transport and final disposal as well as the
non-scheduled maintenance shutdown at the L&T Recoil plant undermined the
division's profitability. The catalyst change in June required a prolonged
shutdown and kept production at a standstill for almost a month, which is why
the joint venture's result was clearly negative. The technical reliability of
the plant will be improved in connection with another maintenance-related
shutdown in September. 

Net sales generated by the division's international operations remained
unchanged but profitability declined slightly from the comparison period. 

During the quarter, several comprehensive service agreements were concluded in
the retail trade sector. The quarter also saw the successful market launch of a
new Managreen service model, which offers customers the ability to manage their
environmental management agreements and the related network partners. 

The Environmental Services division's net sales for January-June amounted to
EUR 156.0 million (EUR 140.2 million), showing an increase of 11.2%. Operating
profit totalled EUR 13.4 million (EUR 14.5 million) and operating profit
excluding non-recurring items was EUR 13.4 million (EUR 14.9 million). 

The division's net sales growth was primarily organic and could be attributed
to the growth of waste volumes and high demand for industrial cleaning
services. There was a significant rise in the demand for and volume and prices
of secondary raw materials (fibres, plastics, metals) compared to the same
period last year. 

Operating rates of recycling plants were lower than planned and there was a
temporary increase in waste disposal related costs, which taxed profitability.
A steep increase in the price of diesel oil and higher production costs also
weakened the financial performance. The division had some problems adapting
process cleaning services to fluctuations in demand in the first half, but
extensive maintenance shutdown-related assignments in May-June were completed
as planned. 

Although the net sales and the operating rate of the joint venture L&T Recoil's
re-refinery improved in the first half, production reliability and base oil
supply have still not reached a satisfactory level. A non-scheduled maintenance
shutdown in the second quarter resulted in a clearly negative result in the
first half. 

The division's net sales and operating profit from international operations
declined slightly from the comparison period. 

Cleaning and Office Support Services

Second quarter
The division's net sales for the second quarter totalled EUR 40.8 million (EUR
35.7 million); an increase of 14.2%. Operating profit totalled EUR 1.0 million
(EUR 2.2 million) and operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR
1.2 million (EUR 2.2 million). 

Net sales in domestic operations grew from the comparison period, thanks
largely to business acquisitions (Hansalaiset). Sales of commissioned
assignments met expectations. Profitability declined from the comparison period
due to a rise in the general cost level and the integration costs associated
with the acquisitions. Due to the increased cost level, the division will
implement price hikes in the second half. 

Net sales generated by international operations grew as a result of the
acquisition (Östgöta Städ) made in Sweden. Non-recurring restructuring costs of
EUR 0.2 million were recorded for Swedish operations, which limited the
operating profit. 

The January-June net sales of Cleaning and Office Support Services increased by
7.5% to EUR 75.6 million (EUR 70.4 million). Operating profit totalled EUR 2.5
million (EUR 3.3 million) and operating profit excluding non-recurring items
was EUR 2.7 million (EUR 3.4 million). Net sales growth in the first half could be primarily attributed to the
acquisitions made in the second quarter. In Sweden, sales to new customers were
successful. Sales of commissioned assignments reached the set targets. 

The start-up costs of new projects and higher than expected integration costs
associated with acquisitions eroded the division's profitability. In the
comparison period, the EUR 0.7 million credit loss recorded for Russian
operations restricted the operating profit. 

Property Maintenance

Second quarter
The division's net sales for the second quarter increased by 9.9% to EUR 30.9
million (EUR 28.1 million). Operating profit totalled EUR 0.8 million (EUR 1.1
million) and operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 0.8 million
(EUR 1.1 million). 

All services, damage repair services in particular, were able to grow their net
sales from the previous year. The work load of maintenance services for
technical systems also remained healthy. Nonetheless, the division's operating
profit weakened from the comparison period due to higher production costs. Due
to the increase in cost level, the division will implement price hikes in the
second half. 

The division's net sales for January-June were up by 7.5% to EUR 69.8 million
(EUR 64.9 million). Operating profit totalled EUR 2.7 million (EUR 3.9 million)
and operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 2.7 million (EUR 4.0

The division's net sales grew thanks to higher demand for maintenance services
for technical systems and a stronger work load of damage repair services. 

The decrease in the division's operating profit could be attributed to the rise
in production costs and higher subcontracting and overtime costs. The
profitability of commissioned assignments was weaker than a year earlier. 

Renewable Energy Sources

Second quarter
Second quarter net sales of Renewable Energy Sources (L&T Biowatti) were down
by 20.6% to EUR 9.6 million (EUR 12.1 million). Operating loss amounted to EUR
1.3 million (a loss of EUR 3.9 million), and operating loss excluding
non-recurring items was EUR 1.3 million (a loss of EUR 0.9 million). 

Net sales generated by wood-based fuels declined from the comparison period due
to intense competition.  Higher collection and logistics costs also eroded

During the quarter, several new delivery agreements were signed for future
heating seasons, and reorganisational measures were taken to cut fixed costs. 

In the comparison period, the non-recurring costs of EUR 3.0 million related to
the discontinuation of the wood pellet business reduced the operating profit. 

January-June net sales of Renewable Energy Sources (L&T Biowatti) were down by
20.5% to EUR 25.6 million (EUR 32.2 million). Operating loss amounted to EUR
2.0 million (a loss of EUR 4.8 million), and operating loss excluding
non-recurring items was EUR 1.6 million (a loss of EUR 1.7 million). 

In the first half of the year, power plant customers did not receive any
subsidy for electricity generation from forest processed chips. As a result of
the suspension in the payment of this subsidy, several power plants replaced
forest processed chips with fossil fuels. 

A reorganisation programme was launched in the first half to improve the
division's competitiveness. The programme involves fixed cost cuts and
operational efficiency enhancement measures. 


EUR million                                        4-6/  4-6/  1-6/  1-6/  1-12/
                                                   2011  2010  2011  2010   2010
Operating profit                                    8.9   8.8  15.3  15.4   40.2
Non-recurring items:                                                            
Discontinuation of wood pellet production of              3.0   0.1   3.0    3.4
 L&T Biowatti                                                               
Discontinuation of cleaning business in Moscow                               0.4
Restructuring costs                                 0.8         1.1   1.2    1.5
Operating profit excluding non-recurring items      9.7  11.8  16.5  19.6   45.5


Cash flows from operating activities amounted to EUR 31.5 million (EUR 30.4
million). EUR 3.2 million was released from the working capital (EUR 2.1

At the end of the period, interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 154.5
million (EUR 112.6 million). In the comparison period, the assets and
liabilities of the joint venture L&T Recoil are presented as held-for-sale
assets and related liabilities, which is why the interest-bearing liabilities
associated with L&T Recoil, EUR 20.9 million, are not included in the
interest-bearing liabilities in the comparison period. Net interest-bearing
liabilities amounted to EUR 144.0 million, showing an increase of EUR 31.7
million from the beginning of the year. 

Net finance costs in January-June amounted to EUR 2.2 million (EUR 2.0
million). Net finance costs were 0.7% (0.7%) of net sales. Long-term loans
totalling EUR 13.1 million will mature during the rest of the year. The average
interest rate on long-term loans (with interest-rate hedging) fell to 3.1%
(3.3%) despite the rise in general interest rate level. 

The equity ratio was 42.0% (43.8%) and the gearing rate 67.6 (47.5). Liquid
assets at the end of the period amounted to EUR 10.5 million (EUR 14.4

Of the EUR 50 million commercial paper programme, EUR 23.5 million (EUR 4.0
million) was in use. The EUR 15.0 million committed limit was not in use, as
was the case in the comparison period. 


The Annual General Meeting held on 17 March 2011 resolved on a dividend of EUR
0.55 per share. The dividend, totalling EUR 21.3 million, was paid to the
shareholders on 29 March 2011. 


Capital expenditure totalled EUR 45.1 million (EUR 16.1 million), approximately
half of it consisting of acquisitions. 

In the first quarter, Pentti Laurila Ky and businesses of Matti Hossi Ky and
PPT Luttinen Oy were acquired into Environmental Services. The business of
Kestosiivous Oy was acquired into Cleaning and Office Support Services and the
business of KH-Kiinteistöhuolto Oy was acquired into Property Maintenance. 

In the second quarter, the Environmental Services division acquired Papros Oy
and Full House Oy. The Cleaning and Office Support Services division acquired
Savon Kiinteistöhuolto- ja Siivouspalvelu Oy, Varkauden Kiinteistönhoito ja
Siivouspalvelu Oy, Jo-Pe Huolto Oy, Östgöta Städ Ab and WTS-Palvelut Oy. The
Cleaning and Office Support Services and Property Maintenance divisions
acquired the Hansalaiset Oy group including its subsidiaries. 


In January-June, the average number of employees converted into full-time
equivalents was 8,228 (7,522). The total number of full-time and part-time
employees at the end of the period was 10,389 (9,420). Of them 8,198 (7,496)
people worked in Finland and 2,191 (1,924) people in other countries. 


Traded volume and price
The volume of trading excluding the shares held by the company in Lassila &
Tikanoja plc shares on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in January-June was 5,205,262 which
is 13.4% (8.8%) of the average number of outstanding shares. The value of
trading was EUR 68.2 million (EUR 50.8 million). The trading price varied
between EUR 11.75 and EUR 15.18. The closing price was EUR 12.08. At the end of
the period, the company held 63,305 of its own shares. The market
capitalisation excluding the shares held by the company was EUR 467.9 million
(EUR 511.3 million) at the end of the period. 

Share capital and number of shares
The company's registered share capital amounts to EUR 19,399,437, and the
number of outstanding shares to 38,735,569 shares. The average number of shares
excluding the shares held by the company totalled 38,736,835. 

Share option scheme 2005
In 2005, 600,000 share option rights were issued. The exercise period for the
2005A options ended on 29 May 2009, for the 2005B options on 31 May 2010 and
for the 2005C options on 31 May 2011. 

Share option scheme 2008
In 2008, 230,000 share option rights were issued, each entitling its holder to
subscribe for one share of Lassila & Tikanoja plc. 33 key persons hold 168,000
options and L&T Advance Oy 62,000 options. 

The exercise price is EUR 16.20. It was reduced by EUR 0.07 as of 22 March
2011. The exercise price of the share options shall, as per the dividend record
date, be reduced by the amount of dividend which exceeds 70% of the profit per
share for the financial period to which the dividend applies. However, only
such dividends whose distribution has been agreed upon after the option pricing
period and which have been distributed prior to the share subscription are
deducted from the subscription price. The exercise price shall, however, always
amount to at least EUR 0.01. The exercise period is from 1 November 2010 to 31
May 2012. 

As a result of the exercise of the outstanding 2008 share options, the number
of shares may increase by a maximum of 168,000 new shares, which is 0.4% of the
current number of shares. The 2008 options have been listed on NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki since 1 November 2010. 

Share-based incentive programme
Lassila & Tikanoja plc's Board of Directors decided on 24 March 2009 on a
share-based incentive programme. The programme includes three earnings periods
one year each, of which the first one began on 1 January 2009 and the last one
ends on 31 December 2011. The basis for the determination of the reward is
decided annually. Rewards to be paid for the year 2011 will be based on the EVA
result of Lassila & Tikanoja group. They will be paid partly as shares and
partly in cash. The proportion paid in cash will cover taxes arising from the
reward. The programme covers 23 persons. 

A maximum total of 180,000 Lassila & Tikanoja plc shares may be paid out on the
basis of the programme. The shares will be obtained in public trading, and
therefore the incentive programme will have no diluting effect on the share

At the end of the financial period, the company had 9,498 (8,439) shareholders.
Nominee-registered holdings accounted for 12.2% (10.3%) of the total number of

Authorisation for the Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting held on 31 March 2010 authorised Lassila & Tikanoja
plc's Board of Directors to make decisions on the repurchase of the company's
own shares using the company's unrestricted equity and on the issuance of these
shares. Shares will be repurchased otherwise than in proportion to the existing
shareholdings of the company's shareholders in public trading on the NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki Ltd at the market price quoted at the time of the repurchase. 

The Board of Directors is authorised to repurchase and transfer a maximum of
500,000 company shares, which is 1.3% of the total number of shares. The
repurchase authorisation will be effective for 18 months and the share issue
authorisation for four years. These authorisations revoke the authorisation for
the repurchase of the company's own shares and the authorisation to issue
shares issued by the Annual General Meeting 2009. 

The Board of Directors is not authorised to launch a convertible bond or share
option rights. 

Own shares
On 5 April 2011, a total of 2,547 shares of Lassila & Tikanoja plc were
returned to the company free of consideration, by virtue of the terms of the
share-based incentive programme of 2009. At the end of the period, the company
held 63,305 of its own shares, representing 0.2% of all shares and votes. 


The Annual General Meeting of Lassila & Tikanoja plc, which was held on 17
March 2011, adopted the financial statements for the financial year 2010 and
released the members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO from
liability. The AGM resolved that a dividend of EUR 0.55 per share, a total of
EUR 21.3 million, as proposed by the Board of Directors, be paid for the
financial year 2010. The dividend payment date was resolved to be 29 March

The Annual General Meeting confirmed the number of the members of the Board of
Directors six. The following Board members were re-elected to the Board until
the end of the following AGM: Heikki Bergholm, Eero Hautaniemi, Matti Kavetvuo,
Hille Korhonen and Miikka Maijala. Sakari Lassila was elected as a new member
for the same term. 

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, was elected auditor.

The Annual General Meeting resolved on decreasing the share premium reserve by
EUR 50,672,564.52 by transferring all the funds in the share premium reserve to
the unrestricted equity reserve. The resolution was not registered at the
appointed time and therefore the arrangement cannot be implemented. 

The resolutions of the Annual General Meeting were announced in more detail in
a stock exchange release on 17 March 2011. 


The members of the Board of Directors are Heikki Bergholm, Eero Hautaniemi,
Matti Kavetvuo, Hille Korhonen, Sakari Lassila and Miikka Maijala. In its
constitutive meeting the Board elected Heikki Bergholm as Chairman of the Board
and Matti Kavetvuo as Vice Chairman. 

From among its members, the Board elected Eero Hautaniemi as Chairman and
Sakari Lassila and Miikka Maijala as members of the audit committee. Heikki
Bergholm was elected as Chairman of the remuneration committee and Matti
Kavetvuo and Hille Korhonen as members of the committee. 


The Board of Directors of Lassila & Tikanoja plc has appointed Pekka Ojanpää as
President and CEO of the company. Mr Ojanpää will assume his position as
Lassila & Tikanoja's President and CEO on 13 December 2011 at the latest. Ville
Rantala, CFO of Lassila & Tikanoja, has been appointed as acting President and
CEO as of 13 June. 


In a release published on 22 March 2011, the company announced that M.Sc.
(Econ.) Ville Rantala has been appointed as Managing Director of L&T Biowatti
Oy and Vice President, Renewable Energy Sources division, as of 22 March 2011.
Rantala will also continue as CFO of Lassila & Tikanoja plc. He will report to
Jari Sarjo, President and CEO. Tomi Salo, Managing Director of L&T Biowatti,
will not continue in the company. 

In a release published on 5 April 2011, the company announced that a total of
2,547 shares of Lassila & Tikanoja plc have been returned to the company free
of consideration, by virtue of the terms of the share-based incentive programme
of 2009. 

In a release published on 13 June 2011, the company announced that the Board of
Directors of Lassila & Tikanoja plc has appointed Pekka Ojanpää as President
and CEO. Pekka Ojanpää acts as President of Kemira's Municipal & Industrial
segment. He previously worked as President of the Kemira Performance Chemicals
business area, and has held various executive positions at Nokia Corporation.
Mr Ojanpää will assume his position as Lassila & Tikanoja's President and CEO
on 13 December 2011 at the latest. 

The Board of Directors and Jari Sarjo, former President and CEO, have jointly
agreed that Sarjo will leave his position as President and CEO immediately.
Ville Rantala, CFO of Lassila & Tikanoja, has been appointed as acting
President and CEO as of 13 June. 


General economic uncertainty may cause radical price changes in the secondary
raw material markets of the Environmental Services division. 

Succeeding in the integration of the acquisitions concluded in the second
quarter will affect the performance in the second half. 

L&T Recoil's production has not fully stabilised, and any further disturbances
in the plant's production could have a negative effect on the Environmental
Services division's performance. End-product and raw material price
fluctuations would have a major effect on L&T Recoil's performance. 

The government support for renewable fuels will have a positive effect on the
demand for wood-based fuels in the future, but with some delay. Changes in the
prices of emission rights will affect the competitiveness of L&T Biowatti's
wood-based fuels. 

More detailed information on L&T's risks and risk management is available in
the Annual Report, in the report of the Board of Directors, and in the
consolidated financial statements. 


In the Environmental Services division, the outlook for the remainder of the
year is largely stable. The secondary raw material price development and the
operational reliability of L&T Recoil's plant after the maintenance shutdown in
September will affect the division's profitability. In response to the rise in
costs, the division will implement price increases. 

The markets for Cleaning and Office Support Services and for Property
Maintenance are expected to grow slowly. In response to the rise in costs, the
divisions will implement price increases. 

The demand for L&T Biowatti's wood-based fuels is expected to strengthen. A
dynamic electricity generation subsidy for wood-based fuels was introduced at
the beginning of July. 

Full-year net sales will grow slightly from 2010 and operating profit excluding
non-recurring items is expected to remain at the 2010 level. 



EUR 1000                           4-6/      4-6/      1-6/      1-6/     1-12/
                                   2011      2010      2011      2010      2010
Net sales                       162 186   149 014   321 660   302 916   598 193
Cost of sales                  -146 068  -131 123  -292 726  -271 068  -531 066
Gross profit                     16 118    17 891    28 934    31 848    67 127
Other operating income              890       703     1 570     1 021     2 708
Selling and marketing costs      -4 219    -3 470    -8 015    -6 939   -13 779
Administrative expenses          -3 372    -2 888    -6 338    -5 943   -10 519
Other operating expenses           -557      -849      -827    -1 964    -2 686
Impairment                                 -2 632              -2 632    -2 632
Operating profit                  8 860     8 755    15 324    15 391    40 219
Finance income                      341       310       640       648     1 053
Finance costs                    -1 504    -1 227    -2 867    -2 618    -5 282
Profit before tax                 7 697     7 838    13 097    13 421    35 990
Income tax expense                 -421    -2 105    -1 825    -3 557    -9 786
Profit for the period             7 276     5 733    11 272     9 864    26 204
Attributable to:                                                               
Equity holders of the company     7 276     5 726    11 270     9 853    26 188
Non-controlling interest                        7         2        11        16

Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity holders of the company:

Basic earnings per share, EUR    0.19  0.14  0.29  0.25  0.68
Diluted earnings per share, EUR  0.19  0.14  0.29  0.25  0.68


EUR 1000                                  4-6/   4-6/    1-6/    1-6/   1-12/
                                          2011   2010    2011    2010    2010
Profit for the period                    7 276  5 733  11 272   9 864  26 204
Other comprehensive income, after tax                                        
Hedging reserve, change in fair value   -1 145    -31    -224    -226     223
Current available-for-sale investments                                       
Gains in the period                         -2    -56      -4     -56     -58
Current available-for-sale investments      -2    -56      -4     -56     -58
Currency translation differences            11    345      43   1 152     792
Other comprehensive income, after tax   -1 136    258    -185     870     957
Total comprehensive income, after tax    6 140  5 991  11 087  10 734  27 161
Attributable to:                                                             
Equity holders of the company            6 141  5 974  11 084  10 691  27 130
Non-controlling interest                    -1     17       3      43      31


EUR 1000                                                6/2011   6/2010  12/2010
Non-current assets                                                              
Intangible assets                                                               
Goodwill                                               123 293  112 768  113 467
Customer contracts arising from acquisitions            12 087    5 499    4 736
Agreements on prohibition of competition                12 077   10 766   10 023
Other intangible assets arising from business              258    2 212    1 229
Other intangible assets                                 13 031   11 694   13 226
                                                       160 746  142 939  142 681
Property, plant and equipment                                                   
Land                                                     4 634    4 356    4 671
Buildings and constructions                             79 267   43 698   78 908
Machinery and equipment                                115 980  105 882  111 733
Other                                                       84       83       85
Prepayments and construction in progress                 5 097   14 741    5 303
                                                       205 062  168 760  200 700
Other non-current assets                                                        
Available-for-sale investments                             613      525      598
Finance lease receivables                                3 433    3 992    3 547
Deferred tax assets                                      4 566    2 663    3 924
Other receivables                                        3 288      527    3 401
                                                        11 900    7 707   11 470
Total non-current assets                               377 708  319 406  354 851
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                             24 830   23 492   27 957
Trade and other receivables                             96 740   81 623   85 662
Derivative receivables                                     772               407
Prepayments                                              2 646    2 050      317
Available-for-sale investments                           3 299    5 995    9 895
Cash and cash equivalents                                7 185    8 446    4 653
Assets held for sale                                             34 612         
Total current assets                                   135 472  156 218  128 891
TOTAL ASSETS                                           513 180  475 624  483 742

EUR 1000                                               6/2011   6/2010  12/2010
Equity attributable to equity holders of the company                           
Share capital                                          19 399   19 399   19 399
Share premium reserve                                  50 673   50 673   50 673
Other reserves                                         -2 274   -2 246   -2 141
Unrestricted equity reserve                               -15                  
Retained earnings                                     133 548  128 545  128 597
Profit for the period                                  11 270    9 853   26 188
                                                      212 601  206 224  222 716
Non-controlling interest                                  281      290      278
Total equity                                          212 882  206 514  222 994
Non-current liabilities                                                        
Deferred tax liabilities                               32 157   32 723   33 718
Retirement benefit obligations                            677      610      615
Provisions                                              2 710    2 493    2 748
Borrowings                                            101 456   90 011   95 563
Other liabilities                                       1 017    1 948      364
                                                      138 017  127 785  133 008
Current liabilities                                                            
Borrowings                                             53 012   22 610   31 261
Trade and other payables                              107 073   91 115   94 891
Derivative liabilities                                  1 696    1 204    1 173
Tax liabilities                                            24       22       15
Provisions                                                476      134      400
Liabilities related to assets held for sale                     26 240         
                                                      162 281  141 325  127 740
Total liabilities                                     300 298  269 110  260 748
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                          513 180  475 624  483 742


EUR 1000                                                6/2011   6/2010  12/2010
Cash flows from operating activities                                            
Profit for the period                                   11 272    9 864   26 204
Income tax expense                                       1 825    3 557    9 786
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment               21 823   23 022   43 937
Finance income and costs                                 2 227    1 970    4 229
Other                                                     -368      159    1 570
Net cash generated from operating activities before     36 779   38 572   85 726
 change in working capital                                                      
Change in working capital                                                       
Change in trade and other receivables                  -12 309   -3 101   -6 118
Change in inventories                                    3 127    5 735    4 874
Change in trade and other payables                      12 380     -508     -918
Change in working capital                                3 198    2 126   -2 162
Interest paid                                           -3 026   -1 667   -5 409
Interest received                                          539      479      914
Income tax paid                                         -6 013   -9 073  -15 259
Net cash from operating activities                      31 477   30 437   63 810
Cash flows from investing activities                                            
Acquisition of subsidiaries and businesses, net of     -23 574     -723   -1 655
 cash acquired                                                                  
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and businesses,                           199
 net of sold cash                                                               
Purchases of property, plant and equipment and         -20 331  -13 405  -36 003
 intangible assets                                                              
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment      1 724      688    3 655
 and intangible assets                                                          
Purchases of available-for-sale investments                          -3      -74
Change in other non-current receivables                     98      202   -2 673
Dividends received                                                             1
Net cash used in investing activities                  -42 083  -13 241  -36 550
Cash flows from financing activities                                            
Change in short-term borrowings                         17 751    4 230    5 091
Proceeds from long-term borrowings                      20 000                  
Repayments of long-term borrowings                      -9 875  -12 411  -23 166
Dividends paid                                         -21 284  -21 301  -21 301
Repurchase of own shares                                         -1 125   -1 125
Net cash generated from financing activities             6 592  -30 607  -40 501

EUR 1000                                     6/2011   6/2010  12/2010
Net change in liquid assets                  -4 014  -13 411  -13 241
Liquid assets at beginning of period         14 548   27 583   27 583
Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates     -50      272      206
Liquid assets at end of period               10 484   14 444   14 548
Liquid assets                                                        
EUR 1000                                     6/2011   6/2010  12/2010
Cash and cash equivalents                     7 185    8 449    4 653
Money market investments                      3 299    5 995    9 895
Total                                        10 484   14 444   14 548


EUR 1000      Share   Share  Revalu  Un-restr  Retaine   Equity  Non-co    Total
             capita  premiu  -ation     icted        d  attribu  ntroll   equity
                  l       m     and    equity  earning    table     ing         
                     reserv   other   reserve        s       to  intere         
                          e  reserv                      equity      st         
                                 es                     holders                 
                                                         of the                 
Equity at    19 399  50 673  -2 141         0  154 785  222 716     278  222 994
Expense                                             90       90               90
n of                                                                            
d benefits                                                                      
Repurchase                                         -37      -37              -37
 of own                                                      
Dividends                                      -21 290  -21 290          -21 290
Transfer                         52       -15       37       37               37
n reserve                                                                       
Total                          -185             11 270   11 085       3   11 088
ive income                                                                      
------------                                                            --------
Equity at    19 399  50 673  -2 274       -15  144 855  212 601     281  212 882
Equity at    19 399  50 673  -3 084         0  150 014  217 002     247  217 249
Expense                                            333      333              333
n of                                                                            
d benefits                                                                      
Repurchase                                        -489     -489             -489
 of own                                                                         
Dividends                                      -21 313  -21 313          -21 313
Total                           838              9 853   10 691      43   10 734
ive income                                                                      
            ----------------        ----------                                  
Equity at    19 399  50 673  -2 246         0  138 398  206 224     290  206 514
------------                --------          ----------------------------------


                                          4-6/    4-6/     1-6/    1-6/    1-12/
                                          2011    2010     2011    2010     2010
Earnings per share, EUR *                 0.19    0.14     0.29    0.25     0.68
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR *        0.19    0.14     0.29    0.25     0.68
Cash flows from operating activities      0.54    0.41     0.81    0.77     1.65
 per share, EUR                                                                 
EVA, EUR million                           1.9     1.2      1.7     0.1     10.1
Capital expenditure, EUR 1000           32 235  10 621   45 103  16 081   39 321
Depreciation, amortisation and          11 255  12 727   21 823  23 022   43 937
 impairment, EUR 1000                                                           
Equity per share, EUR                                      5.49    5.32     5.75
Return on equity, ROE, %                                   10.3     9.3     11.9
Return on invested capital, ROI, %                          8.9     9.1     11.6
Equity ratio, %                                            42.0    43.8     46.5
Gearing, % **                                              67.6    47.5     50.3
Net interest-bearing liabilities, EUR                   143 984  98 180  112 277
 1000 **                                                                        
Average number of employees in                            8 228   7 522    7 835
 full-time equivalents                                                          
Total number of full-time and                            10 389   9 420    8 732
 part-time employees at end of period                                           
Number of outstanding shares adjusted for                                       
 issues, 1000 shares                                                            
average during the period                                38 737  38 759   38 749
at end of period                                         38 736  38 738   38 738
average during the period, diluted                       38 768  38 759   38 773

* On 22 March 2011, L&T Hankinta Ky received a favourable decision from the
Administrative Court of Helsinki regarding its complaint on the tax
deductibility of dissolution loss write-off.  As a result, on 30 June 2011 the
Group recognised EUR 1.6 million worth of deferred tax liabilities as income.
Consequently, earnings per share improved by EUR 0.04 per share. 

** In the comparison period 6/2010, L&T Recoil's assets are recorded as assets
held for sale and related liabilities. The EUR 20.9 million interest-bearing
liabilities associated with L&T Recoil are not included in the interest-bearing


This interim report is in compliance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting
standard. The same accounting policies as in the annual financial statements
for the year 2010 have been applied. This interim report has been prepared in
accordance with the IFRS standards and interpretations as adopted by the EU.
The following amendments to standards that have become effective in 2010 have
had an impact on the interim report: 

IFRS 3 (revised) Business Combinations
The revised standard continues to apply the acquisition method to business
combinations, with some significant changes. For example, all payments to
purchase a business are to be recorded at fair value at the acquisition date,
with contingent payments classified as debt subsequently re-measured through
the income statement. There is a choice on an acquisition-by-acquisition basis
to measure the non-controlling interest in the acquiree at fair value or at the
non-controlling interest's proportionate share of the acquiree's net assets.
All acquisition-related costs should be expensed. 

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS require the
management to make such estimates and assumptions that affect the carrying
amounts at the balance sheet date for the assets and liabilities and the
amounts of revenues and expenses. Judgements are also made in applying the
accounting policies. Actual results may differ from the estimates and

The interim report has not been audited.


Net sales

                         4-6/2011                  4-6/2010                     
EUR 1000         Externa  Inter-    Total  Externa  Inter-    Total    Total net
                       l  divisi                 l  divisi                sales,
                              on                        on              change %
Environmental     82 644     891   83 535   74 579   1 045   75 624         10.5
                                          ---------                 ------------
Cleaning and      40 418     366   40 784   35 395     315   35 710         14.2
 Office Support                                                                 
                                          ---------                 ------------
Property          30 324     555   30 879   27 714     376   28 090          9.9
                                          ---------                 ------------
Renewable          8 800     800    9 600   11 326     771   12 097        -20.6
 Energy Sources                                                                 
                                          ---------                 ------------
Eliminations              -2 612   -2 612           -2 507   -2 507             
L&T total    162 186       0  162 186  149 014       0  149 014          8.8
                                          ---------                 ------------

                         1-6/2011                  1-6/2010                     
EUR 1000         Externa  Inter-    Total  Externa  Inter-    Total    Total net
                       l  divisi                 l  divisi                sales,
                              on                        on              change %
Environmental    154 164   1 800  155 964  138 099   2 134  140 233         11.2
                                          ---------                 ------------
Cleaning and      74 967     673   75 640   69 776     600   70 376          7.5
 Office Support                                                                 
                                          ---------                 ------------
Property          68 536   1 282   69 818   64 255     692   64 947          7.5
                                          ---------                 ------------
Renewable         23 993   1 618   25 611   30 786   1 437   32 223        -20.5
 Energy Sources                                                                 
                                          ---------                 ------------
Eliminations              -5 373   -5 373           -4 863   -4 863             
L&T total    321 660       0  321 660  302 916       0  302 916          6.2
                                          ---------                 ------------

EUR 1000                              External  Inter-division    Total
Environmental Services                 286 260           3 771  290 031
Cleaning and Office Support Services   139 399           1 216  140 615
Property Maintenance                   121 546           1 923  123 469
Renewable Energy Sources                50 988           4 118   55 106
Eliminations                                           -11 028  -11 028
L&T total                          598 193               0  598 193

Operating profit

EUR       4-6/      %    4-6/      %    1-6/     %    1-6/      %   1-12/      %
 1000     2011           2010           2011          2010           2010       
Enviro   9 182   11.0  10 124   13.4  13 357   8.6  14 540   10.4  33 674   11.6
Cleani   1 001    2.5   2 218    6.2   2 476   3.3   3 255    4.6   7 524    5.4
ng and                                                                          
Proper     769    2.5   1 075    3.8   2 671   3.8   3 868    6.0   7 764    6.3
Renewa  -1 325  -13.8  -3 900  -32.2  -1 976  -7.7  -4 760  -14.8  -6 553  -11.9
Group     -767           -762         -1 204        -1 512         -2 190       
. and                                        
L&   8 860    5.5   8 755    5.9  15 324   4.8  15 391    5.1  40 219    6.7
Financ  -1 163           -917         -2 227        -1 970         -4 229       
, net                                                                           
Profit   7 697          7 838         13 097        13 421         35 990       
e tax                                                                           

Other segment information

EUR 1000                          6/2011    6/2010   12/2010                    
Environmental Services           350 779   328 831   330 963                    
Cleaning and Office Support       55 471    41 114    39 007                    
Property Maintenance              40 773    34 120    38 098                    
Renewable Energy Sources          41 447    46 898    49 113                    
Group admin. and other             2 065       648     1 902                    
Unallocated assets                22 645    24 013    24 659                    
L&T total                    513 180   475 624   483 742                    
Environmental Services            57 782    50 693    50 300                    
Cleaning and Office Support       30 191    26 818    25 654                    
Property Maintenance              16 808    13 860    15 784                    
Renewable Energy Sources           4 284     4 673     4 835                    
Group admin. and other             1 598     1 166     1 193                    
Unallocated liabilities          189 635   171 900   162 982                    
L&T total                    300 298   269 110   260 748                    
EUR 1000                        4-6/2011  4-6/2010  1-6/2011  1-6/2010  1-12/201
Capital expenditure                                                             
Environmental Services            16 846     8 287    25 660    12 540    31 409
Cleaning and Office Support       12 138       434    13 360       900     2 112
Property Maintenance               3 033     1 740     5 664     2 249     5 074
Renewable Energy Sources             203       105       291       228       654
Group admin. and other                15        55       128       164        72
L&T total                     32 235    10 621    45 103    16 081    39 321
Depreciation and amortisation                                                   
Environmental Services             7 620     6 897    14 999    14 017    28 558
Cleaning and Office Support        1 280     1 019     2 233     2 040     4 023
Property Maintenance               1 188     1 001     2 257     1 984     4 017
Renewable Energy Sources           1 167     1 176     2 334     2 344     4 702
Group admin. and other                           2                   5         5
L&T total                     11 255    10 095    21 823    20 390    41 305
Renewable Energy Sources                     2 632               2 632     2 632
L&T total                                2 632               2 632     2 632


EUR 1000     4-6/     1-3/   10-12/     7-9/     4-6/     1-3/   10-12/     7-9/
             2011     2011     2010     2010     2010     2010     2009     2009
Environm   83 535   72 429   73 992   75 806   75 624   64 609   71 178   72 055
Cleaning   40 784   34 856   34 580   35 659   35 710   34 666   35 686   36 338
Property   30 879   38 939   31 596   26 926   28 090   36 857   25 829   23 746
Renewabl    9 600   16 011   15 266    7 617   12 097   20 126   17 702   10 669
e Energy                                                                        
Inter-di   -2 612   -2 761   -3 927   -2 238   -2 507   -2 356   -2 354   -2 069
L&T   162 186  159 474  151 507  143 770  149 014  153 902  148 041  140 739
g profit                                                                        
Environm    9 182    4 175    8 204   10 930   10 124    4 416    6 793   11 816
Cleaning    1 001    1 475      181    4 088    2 218    1 037    1 697    4 076
Property      769    1 902      633    3 263    1 075    2 793    1 070    3 157
Renewabl   -1 325     -651     -361   -1 432   -3 900     -860     -321   -1 029
e Energy                                                                        
Group        -767     -437     -104     -574     -762     -750     -735   -1 111
L&T     8 860    6 464    8 553   16 275    8 755    6 636    8 504   16 909
g margin                                                                        
Environm     11.0      5.8     11.1     14.4     13.4      6.8      9.5     16.4
Cleaning      2.5      4.2      0.5     11.5      6.2      3.0      4.8     11.2
Property      2.5      4.9      2.0     12.1      3.8      7.6      4.1     13.3
Renewabl    -13.8     -4.1     -2.4    -18.8    -32.2     -4.3     -1.8     -9.6
e Energy                                                                        
L&T       5.5      4.1      5.6     11.3      5.9      4.3      5.7     12.0
Finance    -1 163   -1 064     -987   -1 272     -917   -1 053   -1 078   -1 242
Profit      7 697    5 400    7 566   15 003    7 838    5 583    7 426   15 667


Business combinations in aggregate


EUR 1000                                                     Fair values used in
Cash                                                                      25 644
Equity instruments                                                              
Contingent consideration                                                   1 100
Total consideration transferred                                           26 744
Indemnification asset                                                           
Fair value of equity interest held before the acquisition                       
Total consideration                                                       26 744
Acquisition-related costs (included in the administrative                      3
 expenses in the consolidated financial statements)                             

Recognised amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed

EUR 1000                                  Fair values used in consolidation
Property, plant and equipment                                         4 019
Customer contracts                                                    8 707
Agreements on prohibition of competition                              3 313
Other intangible assets                                                 449
Inventories                                                             397
Trade and other receivables                                           5 393
Cash and cash equivalents                                             3 169
Total assets                                                         25 446
Deferred tax liabilities                                                738
Trade and other payables                                              7 889
Total liabilities                                                     8 627
Total identifiable net assets                                        16 819
Non-controlling interest                                                   
Goodwill                                                              9 953
Total                                                                26 773

Acquisitions by Environmental Services

  -- 4 January 2011, Pentti Laurila Ky, an environmental management business
     operating in the Keuruu and Multiala region in central Finland
  -- 1 February 2011, the Ypäjä-based Matti Hossi Ky, a waste management and
     interchangeable platform business
  -- 1 March 2011, the PPT Luttinen Oy waste management business
  -- 1 May 2011, Papros Oy, an environmental management company, and Full House
     Oy, a company specialising in the provision of environmental management
     services, both operating in the Helsinki region.

Acquisitions by Cleaning and Office Support Services

  -- 1 January 2011, Kestosiivous Oy, a cleaning company operating in the
     Helsinki region
  -- 1 April 2011, the cleaning and property maintenance businesses of
     Varkaus-based Savon Kiinteistöhuolto- ja Siivouspalvelu Oy, Varkauden
     Kiinteistönhoito ja Siivouspalvelu Oy and Jo-Pe Huolto Oy
  -- 1 May, Östgöta Städ Ab in Sweden, a cleaning service provider 
  -- 1 June 2011, WTS-Palvelut Oy, a cleaning company operating in the Tampere

Acquisitions by Cleaning and Office Support Services and Property Maintenance

  -- 1 April 2011, the Hansalaiset Oy group, including its subsidiaries,
     providing cleaning and property maintenance services in the Helsinki,
     Turku, Tampere and Oulu regions.

Acquisitions by Property Maintenance

  -- 1 March 2011, the operations of KH-Kiinteistöhuolto Oy operating in the
     Nurmijärvi region.

The figures for these acquired businesses are stated in aggregate, because none
of them is of material importance when considered separately. Fair values have
been determined as of the time the acquisition was realised. No business
operations have been divested as a consequence of any acquisition. All
acquisitions have been paid for in cash. With share acquisitions, L&T was able
to gain 100% of the voting rights. The conditional consideration is tied to the
transfer of the customer contracts to Lassila & Tikanoja plc, and the estimates
of the fair values of considerations were determined on the basis of
probability-weighted final acquisition price. The estimates for the conditional
consideration have changed by EUR 30 thousand between the time of acquisition
and the balance sheet date. Trade and other receivables have been recorded at
fair value at the time of acquisition. Individual acquisition prices have not
been itemised because none of them is of material importance when considered

By annual net sales, the largest acquisition was Hansalaiset Oy (EUR 10,973

It is not possible to itemise the effects of the acquired businesses on the
consolidated net sales and profit for the period, because L&T integrates its
acquisitions into the current business operations as quickly as possible to
gain synergy benefits. 

The accounting policy concerning business combinations is presented in Annual
Report under Note 2 of the consolidated financial statements and under Summary
on significant accounting policies. 


EUR 1000                                1-6/2011  1-6/2010  1-12/2010
Carrying amount at beginning of period   142 681   148 417    148 417
Business acquisitions                     21 973       451      1 175
Other capital expenditure                  1 593     1 468      2 944
Disposals                                      0    -3 472     -1 760
Amortisation and impairment               -5 382    -4 519     -9 134
Transfers between items                                            -4
Exchange differences                        -119       594      1 043
Carrying amount at end of period         160 746   142 939    142 681


EUR 1000                                1-6/2011  1-6/2010  1-12/2010
Carrying amount at beginning of period   200 700   201 651    201 651
Business acquisitions                      4 468       272        500
Other capital expenditure                 17 069    13 890     34 628
Disposals                                   -756   -29 288     -1 711
Depreciation and impairment              -16 441   -18 503    -34 803
Transfers between items                                             4
Exchange differences                          22       738        431
Carrying amount at end of period         205 062   168 760    200 700


EUR 1000                                  1-6/2011  1-6/2010  1-12/2010
Intangible assets                              100       180           
Property, plant and equipment                9 244     7 267      5 106
Total                                        9 344     7 447      5 106
The Group's share of capital commitments       550       420          0
of joint ventures                                                      

(Joint ventures)

EUR 1000                 1-6/2011  1-6/2010  1-12/2010
Sales                         862     1 144      2 332
Other operating income         38        37         74
Interest income               466       212        505
Non-current receivables                               
Capital loan receivable    22 146    17 146     20 646
Current receivables                                   
Trade receivables           2 272        35      2 375
Loan receivables            1 452       750      1 034


Securities for own commitments

EUR 1000                                            6/2011  6/2010  12/2010
Mortgages on rights of tenancy                      42 179  42 179   42 179
Company mortgages                                   21 460  21 460   21 460
Other securities                                       195     222      222
Bank guarantees required for environmental permits   5 331   3 856    4 634

Other securities are security deposits.
The Group has given no pledges, mortgages or guarantees on behalf of outsiders.

Operating lease liabilities

EUR 1000                                                 6/2011  6/2010  12/2010
Maturity not later than one year                          8 284   7 811    8 087
Maturity later than one year and not later than five     18 813  18 864   20 087
Maturity later than five years                            4 375   5 304    4 509
Total                                                    31 472  31 979   32 683

Liabilities associated with derivative agreements

Interest rate and foreign exchange swaps

EUR 1000                                                 6/2011  6/2010  12/2010
Nominal values of interest rate and foreign exchange                            
Maturity not later than one year                         18 204   4 629   11 010
Maturity later than one year and not later than five     58 520  28 471   49 355
Maturity later than five years                                               267
Total                                                    76 724  33 100   60 632
Fair value                                               -1 669  -1 379   -1 173

The interest rate and foreign exchange swaps are used to hedge cash flow
related to a floating rate loan, and hedge accounting under IAS 39 has been
applied to it. The hedges have been effective, and the changes in the fair
values are shown in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the
period. On the balance sheet date, the value of foreign currency loans was EUR
1.1 million positive. The fair values of the interest rate swaps are based on
the market data at the balance sheet date. 

Commodity derivatives

metric tons                                              6/2011  6/2010  12/2010
Nominal values of diesel swaps                                                  
Maturity not later than one year                          5 070            7 596
Maturity later than one year and not later than five      1 272            2 544
Total                                                     6 342           10 140
Fair value, EUR 1000                                        705              400

Commodity derivative contracts were concluded, for hedging of future diesel oil
purchases. IAS-39-compliant hedge accounting will be applied to these
contracts, and the effective change in fair value will be recognised in the
hedging reserve within equity. The fair values of commodity derivatives are
based on market prices at the balance sheet date. 

Currency derivatives

EUR 1000                          6/2011  6/2010  12/2010
Volume of forward contracts                              
Maturity not later than one year                      196
Fair value                                              7

Hedge accounting under IAS 39 has not been applied to forward contracts.
Changes in fair values have been recognised in finance income and costs. 


Earnings per share:
profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company / adjusted average
basic number of shares 

Earnings per share, diluted:
profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company / adjusted average
diluted number of shares 

Cash flows from operating activities/share:
cash flow from operating activities as in the statement of cash flows /
adjusted average number of shares 

operating profit - cost calculated on invested capital (average of four
WACC 2010: 8.7%
WACC 2011: 7.7%

Equity per share:
equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company / adjusted basic
number of shares at end of period 

Return on equity, % (ROE):
(profit for the period / equity (average)) x 100

Return on investment, % (ROI):
(profit before tax + finance costs) / (total equity and liabilities -
non-interest-bearing liabilities (average)) x 100 

Equity ratio, %:
equity / (total equity and liabilities - advances received) x 100

Gearing, %:
net interest-bearing liabilities / equity x 100

Net interest-bearing liabilities:
interest-bearing liabilities - liquid assets

Operating profit excluding non-recurring items:
operating profit +/- non-recurring items

Helsinki, 25 July 2011

Board of Directors

Ville Rantala
President and CEO (acting)

For additional information please contact Ville Rantala, President and CEO
(acting), tel. +358 50 385 1442 or Keijo Keränen, Head of Treasury & IR, tel.
+358 50 385 6957. 

Lassila & Tikanoja specialises in environmental management and property and
plant support services and is a leading supplier of wood-based biofuels,
recovered fuels and recycled raw materials. With operations in Finland, Sweden,
Latvia and Russia, L&T employs 10,400 persons. Net sales in 2010 amounted to
EUR 598 million. L&T is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. 

Major media