2013-01-30 18:38:44 CET

2013-01-30 18:39:44 CET


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

On Supplementation of the Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, scheduled for 11 February 2013

We hereby inform you that according to the decision of the Board of AB
Klaipėdos nafta (hereinafter, the “Company”), dated 30 January 2013, which was
adopted taking into consideration the received proposal on supplementation of
the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders, provided by the shareholder
of the Company, the Republic of Lithuania, represented by the Ministry of
Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, the agenda of the extraordinary general
meeting of shareholders of the Company scheduled for 11 February 2013 at 1:00
p.m. was supplemented. 

Agenda of the meeting (including its supplemented issues):

1. Regarding the amendment to the Articles of Association of the Company,
presenting them as a new version. 

2. Regarding the approval of the decision of the Board of the Company to enter
into the Agreement for Assignment of the Rights of Claim with the winner of the
public procurement “Procurement of Overdraft Services” by way of negotiated
procedures with publication of a tender notice - Nordea Bank Finland Plc,
acting in Lithuania through the Lithuanian Branch of Nordea Bank Finland Plc. 

3. Regarding revocation of the Supervisory Council of the Company.

4. Regarding election of the Supervisory Council of the Company.

The information, foreseen in the applicable legal acts, which has to be
provided while informing on convocation of the meeting, was announced by the
Company on 18 January 2013, announcing the notification on material event. The
renewed draft decisions on the issues of the agenda and the general voting
ballot paper are attached thereof, additionally including the draft decisions
on the third and forth issues of the agenda into them. 


1. Draft decisions of the meeting.

2. General voting ballot paper of the meeting.

         Director of Finance and Administration Department, Mantas Bartuška,
+370 46 391 763