2008-10-23 07:21:39 CEST

2008-10-23 07:22:39 CEST


Finnish English
Rocla Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Rocla Oyj    INTERIM REPORT   23.10.2008 AT 8.20 A.M.                   

ROCLA OYJ INTERIM REPORT 1.1.-30.9.2008                                         


The consolidated net sales of the Rocla Group in January-September 2008 were EUR
96.8 million, a growth of 8.1%                                                  
Operating profit was EUR 3.5 million (EUR 3.4 million).                         
Earnings per share were 0.30 euros (0.39 euros)                                 
At the end of September 2008 the order book stood at EUR 22.2 million (at the   
end of the year 2007 it was EUR 24.2 million, at the end of September 2007 it   
was EUR 25.2 million). Order bookings in the first nine months of 2008 were EUR 
72.7 million (EUR 71.8 million).                                                
Because of the weakened business outlook for the remainder of the year the      
result for the full year is not expected to reach the level indicated earlier   
but will remain short of that of 2007.                                          

In connection with the publication of this interim report it has come to the    
company's attention that Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift Europe B.V., a         
subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, will make a public tender offer  
of the shares of Rocla Oyj. A separate stock exchange release has been issued as
of today. This interim report does not include the effects of the public        

BUSINESS STRATEGY                                                               

Rocla streamlined its corporate strategy at the beginning of the year. The      
objective is profitable growth in products, services and solutions.             

In products the emphasis will continue to move in the direction of higher       
value-added products that are distributed through Rocla channels, distributors  
and partners.                                                                   
The service network and service offering are strengthened on Rocla´s local      
markets Finland, Denmark, Russia and Estonia. In solutions added focus will be  
on complete deliveries of automated truck systems and traditional truck         
deliveries and related services.                                                

Continued integration and development of business operations form the foundation
for profitable growth. Customer satisfaction and cost efficiency are the drivers
of continuous development of all fundamental business functions.                

CORPORATE STRUCTURE                    

The Rocla Group continues to expand its operations in Denmark having acquired   
the capital stock of VB Trucks A/S. Expansion is supported by the corporate     
strategy of strengthening products, services and solutions operations on the    
local markets. The acquisition makes Rocla one of the biggest truck operators in
Denmark. The acquired company was renamed Rocla Danmark A/S. The start-up date  
for operations within the Rocla Group was June 2, 2008 and since that, the      
financial statements of the Group include also the accounts of Rocla Danmark    
A/S. The functions of Rocla A/S, a Danish Rocla subsidiary since 2000, and Rocla
Danmark A/S, will be combined based on separate decisions at a later date. After
the acquisition Rocla has around 140 employees in Denmark. A separate stock     
exchange release detailing the transaction was published on June 2, 2008.       

OVERALL DEVELOPMENT                                                             

Market statistics for Europe at the end of August report a contraction in demand
for warehouse trucks by two per cent as compared with the same period last year.
The rising trend of the first part of the year was turned around and demand     
continued to weaken during four consecutive months. Growth in demand for        
counter-balance trucks continued at the rate of four per cent. In North America 
demand for both warehouse trucks and counter-balance trucks weakened by a total 
of some seven per cent in comparison with the first part of the year before. In 
Russia vigorous market growth continued and contributed to balancing out the    
levelling off on other markets.                                                 

Demand for Rocla´s products in the local markets of Finland, Denmark and Russia 
exceeded the general development and business operations for services in        
particular in this strategic region grew in line with objectives. Growth in     
order bookings in Russia was significant. In Denmark the business volume grew   
and the acquisition in early summer supports estimates for a continued          
favourable development. On the other hand the uncertainty related to market     
development reflected on order bookings from Western Europe as these fell       
clearly short of targets in the third quarter of the year. Shipments to North   
America continued in line with plans and delivery contracts.                    

Rocla´s automated truck concept has gained the attraction of markets. The       
bidding volume for automated solutions based on the Rocla business concept is   
now significant. The international financial situation seems to slow down the   
investment decisions of customers even though the pay-back periods of           
investments are proven to be short. An important contract for Rocla automated   
truck solutions was signed in September with the Portucel Soporcel Group. The   
deal is part of a 500 million euro investment at the new Setúbal paper mill. The
contract is the largest single order for automated trucks booked by Rocla so    
far. The value exceeds two million euros.                                       

KEY DATA                                                                        

The key financial data for the Rocla Group developed as follows:                

| Meur                      |       1-9 |      1-9 |     Change % |       1-12 |
|                           |      2008 |     2007 |              |       2007 |
| Net sales                 |      96.8 |     89.6 |         8.1% |      124.9 |
| Operating profit          |       3.5 |      3.4 |         2.9% |        4.9 |
| Orders received           |      72.7 |     71.8 |         1.4% |       98.2 |
| Order book at the end     |           |          |              |            |
| of the period             |      22.2 |     25.2 |       -11.9% |       24.2 |

NET SALES AND RESULTS                                                           

The Rocla Group net sales in January-September 2008, EUR 96.8 million, exceed   
those of the same period a year ago by 8.1% (EUR 89.6 million). Net sales       
continued to grow in the third quarter even though order bookings slowed down   
compared with the first part of the year and last year.                         

Operating profit was EUR 3.5 million (EUR 3.4 million). The successful launch of
automated trucks, growth in the service business and the positive development of
the operations in Denmark contributed favourably to the results of the period.  
On the other hand the general cost escalations caused a weakening of results in 
product sales. The price hikes on raw materials as well as transportation and   
plastic components, that followed the price of oil, reflected in rising         
manufacturing expenses in the third quarter.                                    

The growth of financial expenses from EUR 1.2 million to EUR 1.8 million include
the effects of the growth of the rental business, rising interest rates and     
interests on additional loans used to finance the Danish acquisition. Profit    
before taxes was EUR 1.7 million (EUR 2.2 million). Net income for the first    
nine months was EUR 1.3 million (EUR 1.6 million).                              


Consolidated return on investment, ROI, for the first nine months in 2008 was   
7.7% p.a. (7.9 %). This indicator reflects growth in the balance sheet that     
followed from i.e. the acquisition and the increase of rental equipment. Return 
on equity, ROE, was 6.2% p.a. (8.7%). Earnings per share, EPS, in the period    
were 0.30 euros (0.39 euros).                                                   

BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCING                                                     

At the end of September 2008 the consolidated balance sheet total was EUR 111.9 
million (EUR 85.9 million). At the beginning of the year the balance sheet total
was EUR 85.5 million.                                                           
At the end of September 2008 the interest-bearing net debt of the Rocla Group   
was EUR 56.9 million (EUR 37.3 million), net gearing was 208% (142%) and the    
equity to assets ratio was 24.9% (31.0%).                                       

PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT                                                      

The delivery capability of the Järvenpää factory improved in the third quarter. 
The order book at the end of the period is at an optimum level for lead-times of
deliveries. Order bookings have slowed down as the year has progressed following
the weakening of the global economic environment. This trend may cause a need   
for adaptation of production to a lower volume unless the direction of markets  
changes in a near future.                                                       

The most important product development projects during the period have focused  
on order-picking and automation solutions for logistics customers and on further
development of the service concepts.                                            

Rocla´s development work received significant recognition in the form of the    
AGVS Reward 2008 extended to Rocla in Hannover, Germany. The prize embodies     
special achievements, innovations and best practices in the development of      
automated truck systems (AGVS, Automated Guided Vehicle Systems). The prize was 
awarded by the International Logistics Center. The nomination committee         
consisted of top experts representing leading logistics companies, industry and 
universities. According to the chairman of the prize committee the recognition  
symbolizes capability, competitiveness and leadership within the industry. The  
AGVS Reward is extended every other year after 2008, its first year. The        
objective of the prize is to promote the profiling of progressive automation    
solutions on an international level.                                            


Gross investments in fixed assets in the first nine months of 2008 came to EUR  
6.1 million (EUR 3.4 million), of which product development expenses of EUR 1.5 
million (EUR 1.5 million) were carried forward in line with IFRS-practices.     

MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL                                                        

The number of Rocla Oyj Board Members was reduced to five in the beginning of   
summer as Gregory F. King left the Board effective May 31, 2008 following his   
retirement from the employment of Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc, a
significant Rocla Oyj shareholder.                                              

During the first nine months of 2008 the average number of employees in the     
Group was 588 (499). At the end of the period total personnel was 649 (507), of 
whom 219 (99) worked for the Group outside Finland. In Denmark the Rocla Group  
had 140 employees (50) following the June acquisition and in Russia the number  
of employees was 66 (41).                                                       


The Annual General Meeting on March 26, 2008 authorized the Board to decide on  
the acquisition of 194,535 Rocla Oyj shares and on the transfer of treasury     
shares held by the company to enable the Board to issue a maximum of 230,000 new
shares in one or several decisions. The authorization is for a paid share issue.
The Board holds authorization to decide on the terms of the share issue.        

The authorization, that is valid until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 
2009, has not been used.                                                        

OPTION RIGHTS                                                                   

The Annual General Meeting also decided to extend option rights to key employees
of Rocla Oyj, to Board Members and to wholly owned subsidiaries of the company. 

On June 10, 2008 the Board made a technical change in the terms of the          
option-rights by specifying that new shares subscribed based on option rights   
would be entered to their nominal value in share capital. Any additional portion
of the subscription price will be entered in unrestricted equity.               


During the first nine months of 2008 a total of 120,383 Rocla Oyj shares were   
traded at the Helsinki Exchanges. This corresponds to some 2.8% of the total    
number of shares. The highest share price of the period was 11.22 euros and the 
lowest 7.04 euros. The average price was 9.53 euros and the closing price at the
end of September 2008 was 7.49 euros.                                           

The Rocla Oyj market capitalization at the end of September based on the going  
price and excluding treasury shares was EUR 31.7 million (EUR 47.8 million).    

Rocla holds 29,066 of its own shares corresponding to 0.7% of the total number  
of shares and votes. During the period the company transferred 1,723 shares to  
management based on the 2007 profit bonus system.                               

Rocla Oyj's share capital is 4,264,788 euros and the total number of shares is  


There were no substantial changes in the Rocla Oyj ownership during the period. 
On September 30, 2008 the major shareholders were:                              

| Owner                                         |           % |         Number |
|                                               |             |      of shares |
| 1. Etra-Invest Oy Ab                          |      23.45% |      1 000 000 |
| 2. Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America    |      14.07% |        600 000 |
| 3. Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift Europe B   |      14.07% |        600 000 |
| 4. Sijoitusrahasto Aktia Capital              |       4.46% |        190 000 |
| 5. EVK-Capital Oy                             |       4.22% |        180 000 |
| 6. Mandatum Henkivakuutusosakeyhtiö           |       4.01% |        171 200 |
| 7. Turun Kaupungin Vahinkorahasto             |       2.34% |         99 618 |
| 8. Sr Arvo Finland Value                      |       1.34% |         57 209 |
| 9. Keskinäinen vakuutusyhtiö Fennia           |        1.1% |         47 000 |
| 10. Turun kaupunki                            |       0.96% |         40 754 |
| Total 10 largest                              |      70.01% |      2 985 781 |
| Nominee-registered                            |      12.63% |        538 750 |
| Others                                        |      17.36% |        740 257 |
| Total                                         |      100.0% |      4 264 788 |

ORDER BOOKINGS AND ORDER BOOK                                                   

On September 2008 the order book stood at EUR 22.2 million. The corresponding   
value a year ago was EUR 25.2 million. At the beginning of the year the order   
book was EUR 24.2 million. The change from the situation a year ago is -11.9%   
and from the turn of the year -8.3%.                                            

IMMINENT RISKS AND FACTORS OF UNCERTAINTY                                       

The most significant strategic and operational risks of the Group´s business    
operations relate to the management of partnerships, launching of new products  
and estimations of competitive position, price development of production factors
and the obligations and evaluations of long-term contracts.                     

In view of 2008 developments and Rocla´s financial position the risks related   
especially to the management of materials expenses are of particular importance.
Managing the increasing price of steel is the most significant of the risks     
related to raw materials. The costs of transportation and plastic components    
that follow the price of oil have brought cost pressures on the products        business. Adding potential cost increases on raw materials to sales prices is   
generally possible only with some delay and within the margins defined by market
prices. Management of this risk is based on developing the supplier network of  
the Group.                                                                      

Market outlooks include a growing element of uncertainty. The overall economic  
situation is likely to have a negative impact on the truck business and Rocla   
during the remainder of the year.                                               

The Group´s financing is estimated to become increasingly expensive as a result 
of rising interest rates and the international financial crisis. In securing    
adequate financing and managing the risks related to financial expenses the     
company seeks to rearrange corporate financing to the extent necessary.         


At the end of September 2008 the Rocla Group order book stood at an optimum     
level in relation to the lead times of deliveries. Demand for the Group's       
products has slowed down following the general development on Europe´s major    
markets. On the Group's local markets demand for products and services has, in  
the main, developed favourably and investments in these markets have also been  
successful in line with expectations. The outlook is shadowed by the uncertainty
related to forecasting developments of markets and trade cycles. The rising     
materials costs have brought pressure on margins. The transfer of cost increases
to sales prices has become more difficult as a result of intensified            

In the Rocla Interim Report for the first half of 2008 the profit outlook for   
the year was described as follows: unless there is a major change in the        
economic outlook Rocla Group net sales are expected to grow and results to      
improve in the fiscal year 2008. Upon the deterioration of the economic outlook 
during the third quarter the estimate is now that net sales will meet the level 
of 2007.                                                                        

The slowdown in order bookings weakens the profit estimate for the last quarter 
of the year. The result of the third quarter fell even more than expected below 
the result of the corresponding quarter last year. In these circumstances net   
profit for the current fiscal year is expected to fall short of the net profit  
of last year contrary to the forecast in the previous Interim Report.           

FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                           

Accounting practices                                                            

The Interim Report for January-September 2008 has been prepared based on the IAS
34 Interim Report Standard. Rocla Oyj has adhered to the same accounting        
principles and reporting standards as in the Financial Statements for 2007. The 
key ratios presented in the Interim Report have been computed based on the same 
principles as the corresponding data in the latest financial statements. The    
calculation principles for the key ratios are presented on page 24 of the       
Financial Statements section in the Annual Report of 2007.                      

The Financial Statements are unaudited.                                         

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (Meur)                |            |           |
|                            |           |            |            |           |
|                            |  1-9/2008 |   1-9/2007 |   Change % | 1-12/2007 |
| NET SALES                  |      96.8 |       89.6 |      8.1 % |     124.9 |
| Change in finished goods   |           |            |            |           |
| and work in progress       |       0.1 |        0.1 |            |      -1.6 |
| Other operating            |           |            |            |           |
| income                     |       0.2 |        0.1 |            |       0.1 |
| Materials and              |           |            |            |           |
| services                   |     -54.9 |      -55.3 |     -0.7 % |     -74.6 |
| Personnel expenses         |     -21.2 |      -17.0 |     24.5 % |     -24.1 |
| Depreciation               |      -6.5 |       -5.4 |     20.7 % |      -7.3 |
| Other operating            |           |            |            |           |
| expenses                   |     -11.0 |       -8.6 |     27.2 % |     -12.7 |
| OPERATING PROFIT           |       3.5 |        3.4 |      2.9 % |       4.9 |
| Financial expenses         |           |            |            |           |
| (net)                      |      -1.8 |       -1.2 |     49.3 % |      -1.7 |
| INCOME BEFORE              |           |            |            |           |
| TAXES                      |       1.7 |        2.2 |    -23.3 % |       3.2 |
| Income taxes               |      -0.4 |       -0.6 |    -30.7 % |      -0.8 |
| NET INCOME                 |           |            |            |           |
| FOR THE PERIOD             |       1.3 |        1.6 |    -20.6 % |       2.4 |
| Earnings per share         |           |            |            |           |
| euros                      |      0.30 |       0.39 |            |      0.57 |
| Earnings per share.        |           |            |            |           |
| euros (diluted)            |      0.30 |          - |            |         - |

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET       |       9/2008 |       9/2007 |     12/2007 |
| (Meur)                           |              |              |             |
| ASSETS                           |              |              |             |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS               |              |              |             |
| Intangible                       |              |              |             |
| assets                           |          7.9 |          7.3 |         7.6 |
| Consolidated goodwill            |          2.5 |          2.1 |         2.1 |
| Tangible                         |              |              |             |
| assets                           |         39.4 |         29.5 |        30.5 |
| Receivables                      |          0.4 |          0.1 |         0.1 |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS               |              |              |             |
| TOTAL                            |         50.1 |         39.0 |        40.3 |
| CURRENT ASSETS                   |              |              |             |
| Inventories                      |         37.2 |         23.7 |        23.9 |
| Sales receivables and            |              |              |             |
| other receivables                |         23.4 |         22.3 |        20.3 |
| Cash and cash equivalents        |          1.2 |          0.9 |         1.0 |
| CURRENT ASSETS                   |              |              |             |
| TOTAL                            |         61.8 |         46.9 |        45.2 |
| ASSETS TOTAL                     |        111.9 |         85.9 |        85.5 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES           |              |              |             |
| Share capital                    |          4.3 |          4.3 |         4.3 |
| Premium fund                     |          6.8 |          6.8 |         6.8 |
| Retained earnings                |         14.9 |         13.6 |        13.6 |
| Income for the period            |          1.3 |          1.6 |         2.4 |
| EQUITY TOTAL                     |         27.4 |         26.3 |        27.0 |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES          |              |              |             |
| Interest-bearing debt            |         32.3 |         20.5 |        20.9 |
| Deferred taxes                   |          2.1 |          1.6 |         1.9 |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES          |              |              |             |
| TOTAL                            |         34.4 |         22.2 |        22.8 |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES              |              |              |             |
| Interest-bearing debt            |         25.8 |         17.6 |        16.9 |
| Provisions                       |          0.5 |          0.4 |         0.4 |
| Non interest-bearing debt        |         23.8 |         19.4 |        18.3 |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES              |              |              |             |
| TOTAL                            |         50.1 |         37.4 |        35.7 |
| LIABILITIES TOTAL                |         84.5 |         59.6 |        58.4 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES           |              |              |             |
| TOTAL                            |        111.9 |         85.9 |        85.5 |

| CHANGE IN EQUITY  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| A=Share capital, B=Premium fund, C=Translation differences          |        |
| D=Current value fund, E=Retained earnings, F=Income for the                  |
| period, G=Total   |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| 1-9/2008          |     A |     B |     C |     D |      E |      F |      G |
| Beginning         |   4.3 |   6.8 |   0.0 |   0.0 |   16.0 |      - |   27.0 |
| Share             |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| subscriptions     |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| on option-rights  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| Dividends paid    |       |       |       |       |   -1.1 |        |   -1.1 |
| Net income        |       |       |       |       |        |    1.3 |    1.3 |
| Other changes     |       |   0.0 |   0.1 |   0.0 |    0.0 |        |    0.1 |
| End               |   4.3 |   6.8 |   0.1 |   0.0 |   14.9 |    1.3 |   27.4 |
| 1-9/2007          |     A |     B |     C |     D |      E |      F |      G |
| Beginning         |   3.9 |   4.6 |   0.0 |   0.0 |   14.4 |      - |   23.0 |
| Share             |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| subscriptions     |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| on option-rights  |   0.3 |   2.1 |       |       |        |        |    2.5 |
| Dividends paid    |       |       |       |       |   -0.8 |        |   -0.8 |
| Net income        |       |       |       |       |        |    1.6 |    1.6 |
| Other changes     |       |       |  -0.0 |   0.0 |        |        |    0.0 |
| End               |   4.3 |   6.8 |   0.0 |   0.0 |   13.6 |    1.6 |   26.3 |
| 1-12/2007         |     A |     B |     C |     D |      E |      F |      G |
| Beginning         |   3.9 |   4.6 |   0.0 |   0.0 |   14.4 |      - |   23.0 |
| Share             |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| subscriptions     |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| on option-rights  |   0.3 |   2.1 |       |       |        |        |    2.5 |
| Dividends paid    |       |       |       |       |   -0.8 |        |   -0.8 |
| Net income        |       |       |       |       |        |    2.4 |    2.4 |
| Other changes     |       |       |   0.0 |   0.0 |        |        |    0.0 |
| End               |   4.3 |   6.8 |   0.0 |   0.0 |   13.6 |    2.4 |   27.0 |

| CONSOLIDATED FUNDS STATEMENT       |            |             |              |
|                                    |   1-9/2008 |    1-9/2007 |    1-12/2007 |
| Cash flow from operations          |            |             |              |
| Net income                         |        1.3 |         1.6 |          2.4 |
| Adjustments:                       |            |             |              |
| -Depreciation                      |        6.5 |         5.4 |          7.3 |
| -Financial income and expenses     |        1.9 |         1.2 |          1.7 |
| -Taxes                             |        0.4 |         0.6 |          0.8 |
| -Other adjustments                 |       -0.1 |         0.0 |          0.0 |
| Change in working capital          |       -8.5 |        -4.9 |         -4.1 |
| Interests paid                     |       -2.7 |        -1.2 |         -2.1 |
| Interests received                 |        0.8 |         0.2 |          0.1 |
| Taxes paid                         |        0.0 |        -0.1 |          0.0 |
| NET CASH FLOW FROM                 |            |             |              |
| OPERATIONS                         |       -0.3 |         2.7 |          6.0 |
| NET CASH FLOW FROM                 |            |             |              |
| INVESTMENTS                        |       -6.3 |        -3.4 |         -4.9 |
| Cash flow from financing           |            |             |              |
| Loans withdrawn                    |       11.3 |         3.4 |          5.3 |
| Loans repaid                       |       -2.0 |        -4.3 |         -7.4 |
| Increase in equity                 |        0.0 |         2.5 |          2.5 |
| Sale of treasury shares            |        0.0 |         0.0 |          0.0 |
| Payment of financial               |            |             |              |
| leasing debts                      |       -1.5 |        -1.9 |         -2.5 |
| Dividends paid                     |       -1.1 |        -0.8 |         -0.8 |
| NET CASH FLOW FROM                 |            |             |              |
| FINANCING                          |        6.8 |        -1.1 |         -2.9 |
| CHANGE IN LIQUID FUNDS             |        0.2 |        -1.8 |         -1.8 |
| Liquid funds, beginning            |        1.0 |         2.7 |          2.7 |
| Liquid funds, end                  |        1.2 |         0.9 |          1.0 |

COMPANY ACQUISITION                                                             

Rocla acquired in June 2008 all the shares of the Danish                        
company VB Trucks A/S. The purchase price definition and                        
the allocation of the fair values have been revised during                      
the third quarter of 2008.                                                      

| Fair value of acquired assets      |            |               |            |
|                                    |       Book |     Allocated |    Values  |
|                                    |     values |         fair  |      total |
|                                    |            |        values |            |
| Intangible assets                  |        0.0 |           0.4 |        0.4 |
| Property, plant and equipment      |        2.4 |           3.3 |        5.7 |
| Other assets                       |        7.7 |           1.4 |        9.1 |
| Non-interest-bearing liabilities   |       -3.4 |          -1.1 |       -4.5 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities       |       -4.5 |          -3.4 |       -7.9 |
| Net assets                         |        2.1 |           0.6 |        2.7 |
| Purchase price incl. direct costs  |            |               |        3.1 |
| Goodwill                           |            |               |        0.4 |

| RELATED PARTY INFORMATION        |                  |           |            |
| Business transactions with owner companies holding a significant position of |
| influence in the Group.                                                      |
| (Meur)                           |      1-9/08 |         1-9/07 |    1-12/07 |
| Sales to closely                 |             |                |            |
| related parties                  |        41.5 |           40.7 |       55.8 |
| Purchases from closely           |             |                |            |
| related parties                  |         6.8 |            6.4 |       11.7 |

| CONSOLIDATED CONTINGENT COMMITMENTS (Meur)      |              |             |
|                                    |       9/08 |         9/07 |       12/07 |
| For own debt:                      |            |              |             |
| Mortgages on real estate           |        0.5 |          0.5 |         0.5 |
| Corporate mortgages                |        9.4 |          9.4 |         9.4 |
| Shares pledged (book keeping       |        3.2 |          0.0 |         0.0 |
| value)                             |            |              |             |
| Other own commitments:             |            |              |             |
| Leasing commitments                |        0.6 |          0.8 |         0.7 |
| Repurchase commitments             |        0.8 |          0.6 |         0.7 |

No pledges or other commitments have been extended on behalf of management,     
shareholders or affiliated companies.                                           

| INCOME STATEMENT BY        |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| QUARTER                    |       |       |       |       |        |        |
|                     |  7-9 |   4-6 |   1-3 | 10-12 |   7-9 |    4-6 |    1-3 |
|                     | 2008 |  2008 |  2008 |  2007 |  2007 |   2007 |   2007 |
| NET SALES           | 31.0 |  34.3 |  31.6 |  35.4 |  28.4 |   30.9 |   30.3 |
| Change in finished  |      |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| goods               |      |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| and inventories     |  0.0 |  -1.7 |   1.8 |  -1.7 |   0.6 |   -0.3 |   -0.3 |
| Other operating     |      |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| income              |  0.0 |   0.1 |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 |    0.1 |    0.0 |
| Materials and       | -16. | -18.3 | -20.2 | -19.3 | -17.8 |  -18.8 |  -18.7 |
| services            |    4 |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Personnel expenses  | -7.0 |  -7.7 |  -6.5 |  -7.1 |  -5.2 |   -6.1 |   -5.8 |
| Depreciation        | -2.7 |  -1.9 |  -1.9 |  -1.8 |  -1.8 |   -1.8 |   -1.8 |
| Other operating     |      |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| expenses            | -3.8 |  -3.8 |  -3.4 |  -4.0 |  -2.9 |   -2.9 |   -2.9 |
| OPERATING PROFIT    |  1.2 |   1.0 |   1.4 |   1.5 |   1.4 |    1.1 |    0.9 |
| Financial expenses  |      |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| (net)               | -0.7 |  -0.4 |  -0.7 |  -0.5 |  -0.5 |   -0.4 |   -0.4 |
| INCOME BEFORE TAXES |  0.4 |   0.5 |   0.7 |   1.0 |   0.9 |    0.8 |    0.5 |
| Income taxes        | -0.1 |  -0.1 |  -0.2 |  -0.3 |  -0.2 |   -0.2 |   -0.1 |
| INCOME FOR THE      |  0.4 |   0.4 |   0.5 |   0.8 |   0.7 |    0.6 |    0.3 |
| PERIOD              |      |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| EARNINGS PER SHARE  |      |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| euros               | 0.08 |  0.10 |  0.11 |  0.19 |  0.16 |   0.14 |   0.09 |
| EARNINGS PER SHARE  |      |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| euros, diluted      | 0.08 |  0.10 |     - |     - |     - |      - |   0.09 |

| KEY FIGURES                       |       9/2008 |      9/2007 |     12/2007 |
| Net sales, Meur                   |         96.8 |        89.6 |       124.9 |
| Operating profit, Meur            |          3.5 |         3.4 |         4.9 |
| % of net sales                    |          3.6 |         3.8 |         3.9 |
| Income before taxes, Meur         |          1.7 |         2.2 |         3.2 |
| % of net sales                    |          1.7 |         2.4 |         2.6 |
| Equity/share, euros               |         6.46 |        6.21 |        6.38 |
| Equity/assets, %                  |         24.9 |        31.0 |        32.0 |
| Return on equity, % p.a.          |          6.2 |         8.7 |         9.4 |
| Return on investment, % p.a.      |          7.7 |         7.9 |         8.6 |
| Gross investments, Meur           |          6.1 |         3.4 |         4.8 |
| Personnel,                        |              |             |             |
| average                           |          588 |         499 |         505 |
| Personnel,                        |              |             |             |
| end of period                     |          649 |         507 |         521 |

| OTHER DATA                        |         9/08 |        9/07 |       12/07 |
| Order book, Meur                  |         22.2 |        27.4 |        24.2 |
| Shares, 1,000                     |              |             |             |
| average                           |        4 235 |        4002 |        4119 |
| Shares, 1,000                     |              |             |             |
| diluted, average                  |        4 219 |           - |           - |
| Shares, 1,000                     |              |             |             |
| end of period                     |        4 236 |        4230 |        4234 |

Treasury shares are eliminated from the share numbers.                          

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE                                                            

The Financial Statements Bulletin for 2008 will be published on February 11,    

Järvenpää, October 23, 2008                                                     

ROCLA OYJ                                                                       
Board of Directors                                                              

Tapio Rummukainen                                                               
President and CEO                                                               

For additional information, contact:                                            

Tapio Rummukainen, President and CEO phone +358 20 778 1370                     
Hilkka Webb, CFO, phone +358 20 778 1316