2013-03-01 09:15:00 CET

2013-03-01 09:15:07 CET


Stockmann - Total number of voting rights and capital

Conversion of 31 798 Stockmann’s Series A shares to Series B shares

Helsinki, Finland, 2013-03-01 09:15 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STOCKMANN plc,
Changes in share capital and votes 1.3.2013 at 10:15 EET 

The Board of Directors of Stockmann plc has in its meeting on 12 February 2013
approved a request of a shareholder to convert 31 798 Series A shares of
Stockmann plc to Series B shares in accordance with Article 3 in the Articles
of Association. After the conversion the amount of Series A shares totals 30
595 765 and the amount of B shares totals 41 452 918. The conversion does not
affect the total amount of shares which is 72 048 683. The number of votes of
the company's shares is after the conversion 347 410 568. The conversions of
shares were registered in the Trade Register on March 1, 2013. The converted
shares will be listed on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki together with the old shares
on March 4, 2013. 

Further information:
Jukka Naulapää, Director, legal affairs, tel. +358 9 121 3850.



Hannu Penttilä

Principal media