2016-12-13 15:15:32 CET

2016-12-13 15:15:32 CET


Finska Engelska
Asiakastieto Group Oyj - Company Announcement

Members of Asiakastieto Group Plc's Shareholders' Nomination Board have been appointed and Board's proposal


Members of Asiakastieto Group Plc's Shareholders' Nomination Board have been
appointed and Board's proposal

The Shareholders' Nomination Board is established in Asiakastieto Group to
prepare proposals in relation to the election and remuneration of members of the
Board of Directors to the next Annual General Meeting.

Based on the Nomination Board's Charter, representatives of the three largest
shareholders as at the end of May are appointed to the Nomination Board. The
Chairman of the company's Board of Directors and a person nominated by the Board
of Directors are expert members of the Nomination Board.

The three largest shareholders on 31 May 2016 were Sampo Plc, Mandatum Life
Insurance Company and OP-Delta Sijoitusrahasto. Mandatum Life Insurance Company
announced that they will not appoint a member to the Board. The right to appoint
a member was transferred to the next largest shareholder (Keva).

Sampo Plc, OP-Delta Sijoitusrahasto and Kuntien eläkevakuutus have appointed
Patrick Lapveteläinen (Sampo Plc), Kalle Saariaho (OP-Delta Sijoitusrahasto) and
Päivi Palomäki (Keva) as members of the Nomination Board. Patrick Lapveteläinen
is a member of the Nomination Board as the Chairman of the Board of Directors
and Bo Harald as a member appointed by the Board of Directors. As the Chairman
of the Board of Directors is also the representative appointed by the largest
shareholder, the Board consists of four members.

The Nomination Board elected Patrick Lapveteläinen as the Chairman of the
Nomination Board in its meeting on 13 December 2016.

Board's proposal

Asiakastieto Group Plc's Nomination Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting
in spring 2017 that the number of Board members be five (5). The Nomination
Board proposes that the current members, Petri Carpén, Bo Harald, Anni
Ronkainen, Patrick Lapveteläinen and Carl-Magnus Månsson be re-elected.

Petri Carpén (born in 1958) has been a Board member since 2014. He is currently
Deputy CEO of Nets Oy.

Bo Harald (born in 1948) has been a Board member since 2014. He has a long
standing experience in managerial duties in financing and IT, among others at
the Nordea Group and Tieto.

Anni Ronkainen (born in 1966) has been a Board member since 2015. She is Chief
Digital Officer of Kesko responsible for digital business environment and

Patrick Lapveteläinen (born in 1966) has been a Board member since 2016. He is
Investment Director in Sampo Plc.

Carl-Magnus Månsson (born in 1966, Swedish citizen) has been a Board member
since 2016. He is CEO of Acando Ab (publ.).

The Nomination Board does not propose increase in remunerations payable. The
Nomination Board proposes that the remunerations payable to the Board of
Directors Chairperson be 40 000 euros per year and to other Board members
25 000 euros per year. A separate remuneration will not be paid for the
attendance to Board meetings. The chairpersons of the committees of the Board of
Directors shall receive an attendance fee of 500 euros and the committee members
shall be paid an attendance fee of 400 euros per committee meeting. The
Nomination Board proposes that no remuneration will be paid to the Nomination
Board members. Reasonable travelling expenses for the attendance to the meetings
shall be paid to members.

The proposals of the Nomination Board will be included in the invitation to the
Annual General Meeting.

For further information:
Jukka Ruuska, CEO
Asiakastieto Group Plc
tel. +358 10 270 7111

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
major media

Asiakastieto Group is one of the leading Finnish providers of business and
consumer information services. The Group's products and services are primarily
used for risk management, finance and administration, decision-making and sales
and marketing purposes. At the end of 2015, the Group had around 13 000
contractual clients. It serves several industries, the largest ones including
finance and banking as well as wholesale and retail sectors and expert service
companies. In 2015, the Group's net sales were EUR 43,7 million and it had 152
employees at the end of 2015. Asiakastieto Group is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki
with the ticker ATG1V. More information about Asiakastieto Group is available at
