2008-03-04 14:44:53 CET

2008-03-04 14:45:56 CET


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English Islandic
FL GROUP hf. - Notice to general meeting

- Agenda and Proposals for Annual General Meeting 11 March 2008

1.	Presentation of the Board's annual report for 2007.
2.	Presentation of financial statements for 2007.
3.	Decision on the handling of the Company's loss in the year 2007.
4.	Proposal for a Remuneration Policy.
5.	Decision on remuneration payable to members of the Board.
6.	Election of the Board of Directors.
7.	Election of auditors.
8.	Proposal for amendments to the Articles of Association of FL Group:
Proposal to increase the authorization of the Board of Directors in
subparagraph b of Paragraph 2 in Article 4 in the Articles of Association to
increase the share capital by means of subscription to new shares, for up to
ISK 2,500,000,000, without pre-emptive rights of shareholders. 
It is also proposed that subparagraph a of the same Article in the Articles of
Association, which states the authorization of the Board of Directors to
increase the share capital of the company by issuance and sale of new shares to
finance the purchase of shares in Tryggingamiðstöðin hf., will be deleted, and
that subparagraph b and c will move upwards parallel and become subparagraph a
and b. 
9.	Proposal to grant authorization to the Board to buy FL Groups' own shares.
10.	Any other business lawfully submitted or approved for discussion at the

Proposals of the Board of Directors of FL Group hf. to the company's Annual
General Meeting on 11 March 2008. 

Decision on the handling of the Company's loss in the year 2007 (Agenda no. 3).
The FL Group hf.'s Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting,
held on 11 March 2008, approve that the equity of the Company will be reduced
by the loss of the Company in the year 2007 and that no dividend will be paid
to shareholders in the year 2008. 

Proposal on a Remuneration Policy (Agenda no. 4). 
Proposal of the Board of Directors of FL Group on Stock Options and FL Group's
Remuneration Policy submitted to the Annual General Meeting. 

FL Group emphasis on being able to recruit skilled personnel and hold its key
personnel to secure the ongoing growth of the company and acceptable return on

In relation thereto the company has granted key personnel stock options for
shares in the company and also issued and renewed stock options with strike
price in all cases being in line with market price at the time of grant of the
relevant stock option. 

In relation to the practice of the aforementioned goal of the company stock
options granted to key personnel may at any time in total be up to 9% of the
company's outstanding share capital. Purchase price (strike price) shall equal
market price at the time when the option is granted. 

FL Group's Remuneration Policy is based on good practice of corporate
governance and the company's goals on growth and return on equity. The Board of
FL Group has agreed upon the following Remuneration Policy with reference to
Article 79. a in Act No. 2/1995, on Public Limited Liability Companies. 

Members of the Board shall receive a fixed fee for their duties as Directors.
The fee for both general duties as Directors and as members of the Boards'
subcommittees shall be decided upon by the company's Annual General Meeting for
the period from the AGM to the next AGM. 

Board members may take on other duties on behalf of the Company and be
remunerated for such services according to a special agreement approved by the
Board of Directors. 

The CEO's terms of employment shall be based on a written agreement. The CEO's
remuneration shall be agreed upon in line with his responsibilities and on
basis of his duties taking notice of the company's size and operations in
general, and in line with general remuneration development in the countries
where the company operates in and in line with the progress of the company. 

The CEO's remuneration may consist of fixed salary, bonuses in cash payments
and shares, stock options, warrants, pension fund contributions and if deemed
feasible redundancy and termination payments. Remuneration of other key
personnel shall also be based on the aforementioned key elements. 

In the annual general meeting of the shareholders the Board of Directors shall
disclose to the shareholders the terms of employment of the CEO, and board
members of the Company. The Board of Directors shall disclose the total amount
paid in salaries in any form in the previous financial year, payments from
other companies within the Group, and stock options and all other forms of
payment pertaining to stock in the company and retirement payments, if any. 

Proposal on remuneration of the Board in the next business year (Agenda no. 5).
The Annual General Meeting of FL Group hf., held on 11 March 2008, agrees that
the remuneration of the Board of Directors in the period from the Annual
General Meeting 2007 until the Annual General Meeting 2008 shall be half of
last year's remuneration and shall be as follows: 	 
Chairman of the Board ISK 350,000 per month
Vice-Chairman ISK 250,000 per month 
Other directors ISK 175,000 per month. 
Reserve board members shall be paid ISK 50,000 for each meeting attended. 
Board members shall receive a fixed fee for each meeting they attend in the
Board's subcommittees. The fee shall be ISK 100,000 for the Chairman of the
relevant committee for each meeting but ISK 50,000 for other members for each
meeting attended. The fee for attending meetings in subcommittees in the period
shall however not exceed ISK 600,000 for the Chairman and ISK 300,000 for other

Candidates for the Board of Directors (Agenda no. 6).
Notification of candidature for the Board of Directors shall be submitted to
the Board at least five days before the Annual General Meeting. Candidatures
will be published two days before the Annual General Meeting at the latest. 
Proposal of the company's Board of Directors on the company auditors (Agenda
no. 7). 
It is proposed that KPMG Endurskoðun hf., Borgartún 27, Reykjavik, are
re-elected as the company's auditors for 2008. 

Proposals on amendments to the Articles of Association (Agenda no. 8).
Amendments to Article 4.  

It is proposed to increase the authorization of the Board of Directors in
subparagraph b of Paragraph 2 in Article 4 in the Articles of Association to
increase the share capital by means of subscription to new shares, for up to
ISK 2,500,000,000, without pre-emptive rights of shareholders, in next five
years from 11 March 2008. On the shareholders meeting held 27 September 2007
the Board of Directors was given the authorization to increase the share
capital for up to ISK 1,500,000,000. The Board of Directors has exercised part
of the authorization which is now ISK 819,727,891. 
It is also proposed that subparagraph a of the same Article in the Articles of
Association, which states the authorization of the Board of Directors to
increase the share capital of the company by issuance and sale of new shares to
finance the purchase of shares in Tryggingamiðstöðin hf., will be deleted, and
that subparagraph b and c will move upwards parallel and become subparagraph a
and b. 

After the changes the Chapter „Share capital, shares and classes“ of Article 4
will be as follows: 
“The Board of Directors may increase the share capital of the company by up to
ISK 3,000,000,000 of nominal value with sale of new shares as follows: 
a.	The company's Board of Directors is authorized to increase the company's
share capital by up to nominal value of ISK 1,500,000,000. The Board of
Directors may implement the increase in stages over the next five years as of
from March 11, 2008. The Board of Directors is authorized to sell the increased
share capital without the pre-emptive rights of Article 34 of Act Respecting
Public Limited Liability Companies No. 2/1995 and the provisions of Article 4
of the company's Articles of Association being applicable. The company's Board
of Directors decides the tender price of shares, justifies it, decides the
rules of sale each time along with the subscription and payment period, and
whether it is permitted to pay for the shares by other means than cash payment.
The new shares shall grant rights in the company from the date on which they
are registered and they shall be governed by the company's Articles of
b.	The company's Board of Directors is authorized to increase the company's
share capital by up to nominal value of ISK 500,000,000. The Board of Directors
may implement the increase in stages over the next five years as of from
September 25, 2007. The Board of Directors is authorized to sell the increased
share capital without the pre-emptive rights of Article 34 of Act Respecting
Public Limited Liability Companies No. 2/1995 and the provisions of Article 4
of the company's Articles of Association being applicable. The company's Board
of Directors decides the tender price of shares, justifies it, and decides the
rules of sale each time along with the subscription and payment period and
whether it is permitted to pay for the shares by other means than cash payment.
The new shares shall grant rights in the company from the date on which they
are registered and they shall be governed by the company's Articles of

The offering price of the shares and the rules of sale shall be determined by
the board of directors in accordance with section V of Act no. 2/1995 on Public
Limited Companies. This authorisation shall be exercised within five years of
being approved. The authorisation may be exercised in its entirety or in part
as decided by the board of directors. 

Share capital is divided into shares of one króna or multiples thereof. 

Any increase in share capital must be approved by a shareholders' meeting.” 

Proposal on the company's Board of Directors' authority to purchase shares in
FL Group hf. (Agenda no. 9). 
The Annual General Meeting of FL Group hf., held on 11 March 2008, agrees, with
reference to Article 55 of the Act on limited-liability companies, No. 2/1995,
to authorize the company's Board of Directors to purchase, over the next 18
months, up to 10% of the company's own shares. The shares' purchase price may
be up to 20% above the average sales price of shares on the Iceland Stock
Exchange in the two weeks immediately preceding the purchase. No lower limit is
set on this authorization, either regarding the purchase price or the size of
the share purchased each time. With the approval of this proposal, an identical
authorization approved at the last Annual General Meeting is cancelled.