2017-08-01 08:00:05 CEST

2017-08-01 08:00:05 CEST


Finnish English
Raute - Half Year financial report

Raute Corporation - Half-year report January 1 - June 30, 2017



- The Group’s net sales, EUR 71.8 million (MEUR 53.7), increased 34% on the comparison period. Order intake was EUR 52 million (MEUR 28).
- Operating profit was EUR 4.1 million (MEUR 2.9), showing growth of 41% on the comparison period. The result before taxes was EUR 4.2 million (MEUR 2.8).
- Earnings per share were EUR 0.71 (EUR 0.51).
- Net sales for the second quarter were EUR 35.2 million and operating profit was EUR 1.4 million positive. Order intake was EUR 29 million. The order book at the end of the reporting period stood at EUR 86 million (MEUR 32).
- Raute revised its guidance for the full year 2017 on July 27, 2017. Raute’s 2017 net sales are expected to clearly grow and operating profit is forecast to clearly improve from 2016.


We can continue to be pleased with our performance throughout the first half of the year, in terms of both net sales growth and improving our operating profit. Both were in line with our expectations.

Our order intake, at EUR 29 million in the second quarter, was at a good level, bearing in mind that it did not include any major individual projects. Following a quieter period, demand for modernizations also picked up. In terms of new orders, the European market is still exceptionally strong, but projects are also being actively negotiated in North America, Asia and Russia, to name a few. I estimate that in the near future, other market areas will complement the demand in Europe.

Our deliveries proceeded according to plan in the second quarter. Our relative profitability was influenced by the start-up of the Metriguard business that was acquired in early April, additional investments aimed at the Chinese market, and investments in sales and marketing. Our focus on product development and digital services, in particular, also continued.

Our order book has remained strong, which means we will retain our good momentum and our resources will be used at a high capacity also in the second half of the year. Our aim is to deliver the high number of orders scheduled for the latter half of the year on time, successfully and in keeping with the budgeted costs, which will, in turn, improve our relative profitability for the second half of the year. Our recent past serves as proof of our success in such situations. Success also partly comes down to our customers, and we need them to be successful as well.

Thanks to a good start to the year, a strong order book and continued active demand, I am confident that our net sales will clearly grow and our operating profit will clearly improve from the previous year.


Order intake and order book

The total order intake in the second quarter, EUR 29 million (MEUR 16), was at a good level, bearing in mind that it did not include major individual projects. The biggest single new orders were for peeling lines in France and Italy.

Technology services accounted for more than half of new orders and amounted to EUR 15 million (MEUR 9). Growth compared to the first quarter of the year was mainly due to orders resulting from lengthy negotiations on modernization deals.
The order book declined during the second quarter by EUR 7 million, but nevertheless ended the period at a strong EUR 86 million (MEUR 32).

Net sales

Second-quarter net sales amounted to EUR 35.2 million (MEUR 27.3). Technology services accounted for 33 percent (37%) of the total net sales and amounted to EUR 12 million (MEUR 10).

Result and profitability

Operating profit in the second quarter was EUR 1.4 million positive (MEUR 1.5 positive) and accounted for 4,0 percent (5.6%) of net sales. The result was EUR 0.9 million positive (MEUR 1.2 positive), and earnings per share were EUR +0.21 (EUR +0.29). Second-quarter profitability was influenced by investments in the start-up of the new Metriguard business, additional investments aimed at the Chinese market, and investments in sales and marketing.



Market situation in customer industries

The situation in the global economy and the financial markets in the first half of 2017 did not change considerably with respect to Raute or Raute’s customer base.

Although construction activity has increased in many market areas, it is still at a fairly low level in all market areas, including North America. Thanks to a brighter market situation, investment activity among Raute’s customers has gradually improved, and projects that were in the negotiating phase have materialized into orders. Demand remained brisk throughout the first half of the year.

Demand for wood products technology and technology services

Invitations to tender for both creating new capacity and even smaller project-type undertakings were at a good level, and trade negotiations took place at a brisk pace. Projects encompassing individual machine lines were started up to a greater extent than in the recent past.

Demand for modernizations also picked up in the second quarter following a quieter period. Demand for maintenance and spare parts services remained good. This indicates that the utilization rates of Raute’s customers’ production facilities continued to remain, for the most part, at a good level.


Raute serves the wood products industry with a full-service concept based on service that encompasses the entire life cycle of the delivered equipment. Raute’s business consists of project deliveries and technology services. Project deliveries encompass projects from individual machine or production line deliveries to deliveries of all the machines and equipment belonging to a mill’s production process. Additionally, Raute’s full-service concept includes comprehensive technology services ranging from spare parts deliveries to regular maintenance and equipment modernizations, as well as consulting, training and reconditioned machinery.

The order intake during the review period was at a good level and amounted to EUR 52 million (MEUR 28). A significant proportion of new orders was again received from European customers.

Of new orders, 56 percent came from Europe (39%), 17 percent from North America (21%), 17 percent from Russia (29%), 9 percent from South America (7%) and 1 percent from Asia-Pacific (4%). The second quarter accounted for EUR 29 million of the order intake. Sometimes even strong fluctuations in the distribution of new orders between the various market areas and over time are typical for project-focused business.

Order intake in technology services amounted to EUR 25 million (MEUR 19), increasing 33 percent on the comparison period. Growth came equally from all areas of technology services.
The order book declined during the second quarter by EUR 7 million. The order book at the end of the reporting period amounted to a strong EUR 86 million (MEUR 32). Part of the order book is scheduled for 2018.


Raute’s competitive position has remained unchanged and is good. Raute’s solutions help customers in securing their delivery and service capabilities throughout the life cycle of the production process or a part thereof. In such investments, the supplier’s overall expertise and extensive and diverse technology offering play a key role. The competitive edge provided by Raute plays a major role when customers select their cooperation partners. Raute’s strong financial position and long-term dedication to serving selected customer industries also enhance its credibility and improve its competitive position as a company that carries out long-term investment projects.

The Metriguard products acquired in April complement Raute’s product range. Metriguard’s equipment has been integrated into dozens of Raute’s deliveries over the years. The active installed equipment base extends from North and South America to Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.


Net sales for the reporting period, EUR 71.8 million (MEUR 53.7), were up 34 percent on the comparison period.

Of the total net sales for the reporting period, Europe accounted for 49 percent (63%), Russia for 33 percent (15%), North America for 12 percent (15%), South America for 4 percent (3%), and Asia-Pacific for 2 percent (5%).

Net sales for technology services grew during the reporting period by 19 per cent and amounted to EUR 22 million (MEUR 19). Technology services’ share of the Group’s total net sales declined to 31 per cent (35%) due to the strong 41 per cent growth in project deliveries.


During the period under review, operating profit was EUR 4.1 million positive (MEUR 2.9 positive) and accounted for 5.7 percent of net sales (5.4%). Operating profit grew 41 percent on the comparison period.

The result before taxes for the reporting period was EUR 4.2 million positive (MEUR 2.8 positive). The result for the reporting period was EUR 3.0 million positive (MEUR 2.1 positive). Earnings per share (undiluted) were EUR 0.71 (EUR 0.51).


The Group’s financial position remained good, despite the growing need for working capital in the second quarter. At the end of the reporting period, gearing was 9 percent (17%) and the equity ratio was 58 percent (59%). Fluctuations in balance sheet working capital items and the key figures based on them are due to differences in the timing of customer payments and the cost accumulation from project deliveries, which is typical of the project business.

The Group’s cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 3.1 million (MEUR 1.6) at the end of the reporting period. Operating cash flow was EUR 15.1 million negative (MEUR 5.4 negative). Cash flow from investment activities was EUR 4.5 million negative (MEUR 1.6 negative), including the cash consideration of EUR 2.9 million on the purchase price and costs of EUR 0.5 million related to the acquisition of the Metriguard business. Cash flow from financing activities was EUR 1.1 million negative (MEUR 2.1 positive), including a dividend payment of EUR 4.2 million and a short-term drawdown of EUR 3.0 million.

Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 6.0 million (MEUR 6.4) at the end of the reporting period.

The parent company Raute Corporation has a EUR 10 million commercial paper program, which allows the company to issue commercial papers maturing in less than one year.

The parent company Raute Corporation is prepared for future working capital needs and has long-term credit facility agreements with three Nordic banks totaling EUR 23.0 million. The main covenants for the credit facility are an equity ratio of >30% and gearing of <100%. Of the credit facilities, EUR 18.6 million remained unused at the end of the reporting period.


Raute Corporation published stock exchange releases on the following events:

January 2, 2017  Market-making for Raute Corporation transferred to Nordea Bank AB (publ)
January 11, 2017  Raute Corporation's trading and issuer codes to change as from January 16, 2017  
February 15, 2017 A new performance- and share-value-based long-term incentive program established for Raute’s top management
March 6, 2017  Disposal of Raute Corporation’s own shares
March 28, 2017 Decisions of Raute’s Annual General Meeting
March 31, 2017 Raute Corporation strengthens its offering in veneer and lumber grading technology by acquiring the business of Metriguard Inc.


Raute is a leading technology supplier for the plywood and LVL industries and focuses strongly on the development of increasingly efficient, productive and environmentally friendly manufacturing technology and supporting measurement and machine vision applications. Opportunities provided by digitalization are also an essential part of R&D activities.

Research and development costs in the reporting period amounted to EUR 1.8 million (MEUR 1.6), representing 2.4 percent of net sales (2.9%).

Capital expenditure during the period came to EUR 4.8 million (MEUR 1.7) and accounted for 6.6 percent (3.1%) of net sales. The acquisition of the Metriguard business accounted for EUR 3.4 million of the Group’s capital expenditure, including an estimate of the earn-out share to be paid in 2018.


During the reporting period, the Group’s personnel grew by 62 people, numbering 705 (650) at the end of the reporting period. The higher number of personnel includes the transfer of 24 employees to Raute in connection with the acquisition of Metriguard Inc. Group companies outside Finland accounted for 29 percent (29%) of employees.

Converted to full-time employees (“effective headcount”), the average number of employees was 652 (632) during the reporting period.


Raute Corporation established a new subsidiary, Metriguard Technologies, Inc., in the United States. The new subsidiary was a party to the acquisition agreement realized with Metriguard Inc. and has continued Metriguard Inc.’s business as of April 3, 2017.
Metriguard is a market leader in grading technology for lumber and veneer manufactured in an industrial production process. Metriguard sells and maintains measuring equipment for the veneer and plywood industry and for sawmills on a global scale. The subsidiary is located in Pullman, Washington.

The Metriguard business’s financial information will be reported as part of Raute’s wood products technology segment. The full consideration for the business was EUR 4.0 million, of which EUR 2.9 million was paid in the form of a cash consideration. The value of the acquired net assets amounted to EUR 3.0 million and goodwill generated was EUR 1.0 million. Expenses of EUR 0.5 million related to the acquisition were entered as a cost item.


The number of Raute Corporation’s shares at the end of the reporting period totaled 4,225,311, of which 991,161 were series K shares (ordinary share, 20 votes/share) and 3,234,150 were series A shares (1 vote/share). Series K and A shares confer equal rights to dividends and company assets.

Series K shares can be converted to series A shares under the terms set out in section 3 of the Articles of Association. If an ordinary share is transferred to a new owner who has not previously held series K shares, the new owner must notify the Board of Directors of this in writing and without delay. Other holders of series K shares have the right to redeem the share under the terms specified in Article 4 of the Articles of Association.

Raute Corporation’s series A shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The trading code is RAUTE. Raute Corporation has signed a market making agreement with Nordea Bank Ab in compliance with the Liquidity Providing (LP) requirements issued by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

The company’s market capitalization at the end of the reporting period was EUR 96.8 million (MEUR 54.5), with series K shares valued at the closing price of series A shares on June 30, 2017, i.e. EUR 22.92 (EUR 13.10).


At the end of the reporting period, altogether 28,845 of the company’s series C 2010 stock options were unexercised. The subscription period for Raute Corporation’s series B stock options ended on March 31, 2017.

Raute Corporation’s series C 2010 stock options are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd under the trading code RAUTEEW310. The subscription period for series C stock options is March 1, 2015–March 31, 2018. The subscription price at the end of the reporting period was EUR 5.00 and the closing price was EUR 15.00.


The Group has remuneration systems in place that cover the entire personnel.

Share-based incentive plans

The Group has valid long-term share-based incentive plans based on performance.

The company presented its latest performance- and share-based long-term incentive plan to the top management on February 15, 2017.

The terms and conditions of the incentive plans are available on the company’s website.


The number of shareholders stood at 3,625 at the beginning of the year and at 4,093 at the end of the reporting period. Series K shares were held by 55 private individuals (50) at the end of the reporting period. Nominee-registered shares accounted for 2.7 percent (2.7%) of shares. The company did not receive any flagging notifications during the reporting period.

The Board of Directors, the President and CEO as well as the Executive Board held altogether 249,973 company shares, equaling 5.9 percent (5.7%) of the company shares and 11.2 percent (11.2%) of the votes at the end of the reporting period.


Raute Corporation complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2015 for listed companies issued by the Securities Market Association on October 1, 2015.


Raute Group’s Executive Board and the members’ areas of responsibility:
Tapani Kiiski, President and CEO, Chairman – Sales
Arja Hakala, Group Vice President, Finance, CFO – Finance and administration
Marko Hjelt, Group Vice President, Human Resources – Human resources and competence development
Mika Hyysti, Group Vice President, Technology – Technology, products and R&D
Timo Kangas, Group Vice President, EMEA – Market area EMEA
Antti Laulainen, Group Vice President, Technology Services and Sales Management – Technology services and sales management
Petri Strengell, Group Vice President, Supply Chain – Sourcing and production.


Raute Corporation’s Annual General Meeting was held on March 28, 2017. More detailed information on the decisions of the Annual General Meeting can be found in the stock exchange release issued on March 28, 2017.


The Annual General Meeting held on March 28, 2017 decided to pay a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share for the financial year 2016. The total amount of dividends is EUR 4.2 million, with series A shares accounting for EUR 3,228,550.00 and series K shares for EUR 991,161.00. The dividend payment date was April 6, 2017.


At the General Meeting on March 28, 2017, Mr. Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen was elected Chairman of the Board, Mr. Mika Mustakallio was elected Vice-Chair, and Mr. Joni Bask, Ms. Laura Raitio, Mr. Pekka Suominen, and Mr. Patrick von Essen were elected as Board members. The Board of Directors’ term of office will continue until the 2018 Annual General Meeting.

Based on the evaluation of independence, Chairman Mr. Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen and members Mr. Joni Bask, Mr. Patrick von Essen, Ms. Laura Raitio, and Mr. Pekka Suominen are independent of the company. The Chairman of the Board (Mr. Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen) and two Board members (Mr. Patrick von Essen and Ms. Laura Raitio) are independent of major shareholders.
Raute Corporation’s Board of Directors has an Appointments Committee. The Appointments Committee is chaired by Mr. Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen and its members are Mr. Mika Mustakallio and Mr. Pekka Suominen. The Audit and Working Committees’ tasks are handled by the Board of Directors.


Raute Corporation published stock exchange releases on the following events after the reporting period:
July 27, 2017 Raute revises its guidance for 2017 net sales and operating profit: Net sales will
  grow clearly and operating profit will improve clearly
July 31, 2017 Raute receives an order worth over EUR 11 million to USA


Risks in the near term continue to be driven by the uncertainty relating to the global economic situation and the development of the financial markets, as well as by international political instability. During the reporting period, there were no essential changes in the business risks described in the 2016 Board of Directors’ Report and Financial Statements.

The most significant risks for Raute in the near term are related to the implementation of major mill-scale projects included in the order book in accordance with the contract terms.


On July 27, 2017, Raute revised its guidance for the full year 2017 concerning net sales and operating profit. Based on a strong order book, order intake and continued active demand, Raute’s net sales in 2017 are expected to clearly grow and operating profit to clearly improve from 2016.


Raute Corporation's Board of Directors has on August 1, 2017 reviewed the Half-year report for January 1 - June 30, 2017 and approved it to be published in compliance with this release.

The figures for the financial year 2016 presented in the figures section of the Half-year report have been audited. The presented interim financial report figures have not been audited.



    1.4.–30.6. 1.4.–30.6. 1.1.–30.6. 1.1.–30.6. 1.1.–31.12.
(EUR 1 000)   2017 2016 2017 2016 2016
NET SALES   35 209 27 306 71 805 53 733 113 130
Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress   748 60 1 237 977 150
Other operating income   91 73 119 1 034 1 103
Materials and services   -19 405 -13 513 -40 152 -27 776 -54 849
Employee benefits expense   -10 347 -8 966 -20 103 -18 097 -36 606
Depreciation and amortization   -660 -573 -1 277 -1 089 -2 340
Other operating expenses   -4 223 -2 871 -7 534 -5 880 -12 030
Total operating expenses     -34 634 -25 923 -69 067 -52 842 -105 825
OPERATING PROFIT    1 413 1 516 4 094 2 902 8 558
% of net sales   4,0 5,6 5,7 5,4 7,6
Financial income   17 -52 335 41 123
Financial expenses   -145 35 -250 -187 -461
Financial expenses, net   -127 -17 85 -146 -338
PROFIT  BEFORE TAX   1 286 1 499 4 179 2 756 8 220
% of net sales   3,7 5,5 5,8 5,1 7,3
Income taxes   -396 -274 -1 186 -628 -1 536
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD   890 1 224 2 994 2 129 6 684
% of net sales   2,5 4,5 4,2 4,0 5,9
Profit for the period attributable to             
Equity holders of the Parent company   890 1 224 2 994 2 129 6 684
Earnings per share for profit attributable          
to Equity holders of the Parent company, EUR        
Undiluted earnings per share   0,21 0,29 0,71 0,51 1,60
Diluted earnings per share   0,21 0,29 0,71 0,51 1,59
    1.4.–30.6. 1.4.–30.6. 1.1.–30.6. 1.1.–30.6. 1.1.–31.12.
(EUR 1 000)   2017 2016 2017 2016 2016
PROFIT  FOR THE PERIOD   890 1 224 2 994 2 129 6 684
Other comprehensive income items:            
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss        
Remeasurement of defined benefit obligations - - - - -
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss            
Changes in the fair value of available-for-sale investments - - -259 - 259
Hedge accounting   -180 -129 -180 42 66
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations -62 46 -91 286 534
Income taxes related to these items   27 - 79 - -60
Comprehensive income items for the period, net of tax   -215 -83 -452 328 799
COMPREHENSIVE PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 675 1 141 2 544 2 456 7 483
Comprehensive profit for the period attributable to        
Equity holders of the Parent company   675 1 141 2 544 2 456 7 483
Shares, 1 000 pcs            
Adjusted average number of shares   4 225 4 147 4 215 4 136 4 167
Adjusted average number of shares diluted 4 242 4 189 4 232 4 161 4 210
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET     30.6. 30.6. 31.12.  
(EUR 1 000)     2017 2016 2016  
Non-current assets            
Goodwill     1 054 - -  
Other intangible assets     2 798 1 393 1 353  
Property, plant and equipment     8 991 9 287 9 580  
Other financial assets     471 490 748  
Deferred tax assets     176 181 167  
Total non-current assets     13 489 11 351 11 848  
Current assets            
Inventories     11 703 9 565 9 674  
Accounts receivables and other receivables   43 556 33 947 24 435  
Income tax receivable     50 123 40  
Cash and cash equivalents     3 070 1 573 23 769  
Total current assets     58 379 45 209 57 918  
TOTAL ASSETS     71 869 56 559 69 767  
Equity attributable to Equity holders of the Parent company            
Share capital     8 256 8 256 8 256  
Fair value reserve and other reserves     6 435 6 530 6 577  
Exchange differences     751 594 842  
Retained earnings     14 322 11 858 11 859  
Profit for the period     2 994 2 129 6 684  
Total equity     32 758 29 367 34 217  
Non-current liabilities            
Provisions     595 514 462  
Deferred tax liability     57 78 192  
Total non-current liabilities     652 593 653  
Current liabilities            
Provisions     1 039 1 209 1 156  
Current interest-bearing liabilities     5 994 6 447 3 136  
Current advance payments received     15 010 6 965 13 069  
Income tax liability     513 496 1 131  
Trade payables and other liabilities     15 904 11 482 16 404  
Total current liabilities     38 460 26 599 34 896  
Total liabilities     39 112 27 192 35 549  
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES     71 869 56 559 69 767  
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 1.1.–30.6. 1.1.–30.6. 1.1.–31.12.  
(EUR 1 000)     2017 2016 2016  
Proceeds from customers     60 021 47 572 123 974  
Other operating income     16 1 034 1 103  
Payments to suppliers and employees     -72 737 -53 716 -103 221  
Cash flow before financial items and taxes   -12 700 -5 109 21 856  
Interest paid from operating activities     -146 -57 -111  
Dividends received from operating activities   120 114 114  
Interest received from operating activities     3 1 3  
Other financing items from operating activities   -169 -92 -251  
Income taxes paid from operating activities   -2 235 -273 -374  
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -1 333 -1 662 -3 019  
Business transaction     -3 371 - -  
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 29 26 94  
Proceeds from sale of investments     182 - -  
Proceeds from issue of share capital     130 394 528  
Proceeds from current borrowings     3 000 5 607 6 410  
Repayments of current borrowings     - -625 -4 794  
Dividends paid and return of equity     -4 220 -3 303 -3 303  
increase (+)/decrease (-)            
Cash and cash equivalents     3 070 1 573 23 769  
TOTAL     3 070 1 573 23 769  
*Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and bank receivables, which will be due within the following three months' period.


  Share Invested non-restricted Other Exchange Retained
(EUR 1 000) capital equity reserve reserves differences earnings
EQUITY at Jan. 1, 2017 8 256 5 445 1 132 842 18 543
Comprehensive profit for the period          
Profit for the period - - - - 2 994
Other comprehensive income items:          
Changes in the fair value of available-for-sale investments -259    
Hedging reserve - - -180 - -
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations - - - -91 -
Income taxes related to these items     79    
Total comprehensive profit for the period 0 0 -360 -91 2 994
Transactions with owners          
Share-options exercised - 130 - - -
Equity-settled share-based          
transactions - - 88 - -
Dividends - - - - -4 220
Total transactions with owners 0 130 88 0 -4 220
EQUITY at June 30, 2017 8 256 5 575 860 751 17 316
  To the owners of TOTAL    
(EUR 1 000) the Parent company EQUITY    
EQUITY at Jan. 1, 2017 34 217   34 217    
Comprehensive profit for the period          
Profit for the period 2 994   2 994    
Other comprehensive income items:          
Changes in the fair value of available-for-sale investments -259   -259    
Hedging reserve -180   -180    
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations -91   -91    
Income taxes related to these items 79   79    
Total comprehensive profit for the period 2 544   2 544    
Transactions with owners          
Share-options exercised 130   130    
Equity-settled share-based          
transactions 88   88    
Dividends -4 220   -4 220    
Total transactions with owners -4 002   -4 002    
EQUITY at June 30, 2017 32 758   32 758    
  Share Invested non-restricted Other Exchange Retained
(EUR 1 000) capital equity reserve reserves differences earnings
EQUITY at Jan. 1, 2016 8 223 4 950 1 058 308 15 161
Comprehensive profit for the period          
Profit for the period - - - - 2 129
Other comprehensive income items:          
Changes in the fair value of available-for-sale investments - - - - -
Hedging reserve - - 42 - -
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations - - - 286 -
Income taxes related to these items - - - - -
Total comprehensive profit for the period 0 0 42 286 2 129
Transactions with owners          
Share-options exercised 33 361 - - -
Equity-settled share-based          
transactions - - 118 - -
Dividends - - - - -3 303
Total transactions with owners 33 361 118 0 -3 303
EQUITY at June 30, 2016 8 256 5 311 1 219 594 13 987
  To the owners of TOTAL    
(EUR 1 000) the Parent company EQUITY    
EQUITY at Jan. 1, 2016 29 700   29 700    
Comprehensive profit for the period          
Profit for the period 2 129   2 129    
Other comprehensive income items:          
Changes in the fair value of available-for-sale investments -   -    
Hedging reserve 42   42    
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations 286   286    
Income taxes related to these items -   -    
Total comprehensive profit for the period 2 457   2 457    
Transactions with owners          
Share-options exercised 394   394    
Equity-settled share-based          
transactions 118   118    
Dividends  -3 303   -3 303    
Total transactions with owners -2 790   -2 790    
EQUITY at June 30, 2016 29 367   29 367    



General information

Raute Group is a globally operating technology and service company with core competence in selected wood products manufacturing processes. Raute’s customers are companies operating in the wood products industry that manufacture veneer, plywood, LVL and sawn timber.

Raute’s full-service concept is based on product life-cycle management and includes project deliveries and technology services. Its technology offering covers the entire production process for veneer, plywood and LVL and special measurement equipment for sawn timber. In addition to a broad range of machines and equipment, Raute’s solutions cover technology services ranging from spare parts deliveries to regular maintenance and equipment modernizations.

Raute Group's Parent company, Raute Corporation, is a Finnish public limited liability company established in accordance with Finnish law (Business ID FI01490726). Its series A shares are quoted on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, under Industrials. Raute Corporation is domiciled in Lahti. The address of its registered office is Rautetie 2, FI-15550 Nastola, and its postal address is P.O. Box 69, FI-15551 Nastola.

Basis of preparation

Raute Corporation's Half-year report for January 1 - June 30, 2017 has been prepared in accordance with standard IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, and with the principles of presentation presented in the consolidated financial statement 2016. The half-year financial report does not contain full notes or other information presented in the financial statements, and therefore the Half-year report should be read in conjunction with the Financial statements published for 2016. Preparations of the Half-year report have complied with the IAS and IFRS standards, as well as SIC and IFRIC interpretations, effective on June 30, 2017.

Preparation work for the adoption of the IFRS 15 standard in Raute Group is ongoing. The Group continues to analyze the customer contract types and reporting process and presents additional information during the latter part of the year 2017 and numerical data of the impact at the beginning of the financial year 2018.

All of the figures presented in the Half-year report are in thousand euro, unless otherwise stated. Due to the rounding of the figures in the tables, the sums of figures may deviate from the sum total presented in the table. Figures in parentheses refer to the corresponding figures in the comparison period.

When preparing the Half-year report in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards, the company management has made estimates and assumptions. The estimates and assumptions have been based on management’s best knowledge at the reporting date, therefore actual results may differ from these estimates.

Raute Corporation's consolidated financial statement information is available online at www.raute.com or at the head office of the Parent company, Rautetie 2, FI-15550 Nastola, Finland.

Net sales

The main part of the net sales is comprised of project deliveries and modernizations, which have been treated as long-term projects. The rest of the net sales is comprised of technology services provided to the wood products industry such as spare parts and maintenance services as well as services provided to the development of customers’ business.

Project deliveries and modernizations related to technology services include both product and service sales, making it impossible to give a reliable presentation of the breakdown of the Group’s net sales into purely product and service sales.

Large delivery projects can temporarily increase the shares of various customers of the Group’s net sales to more than ten percent. At the end of the period, the Group had two customers (3), whose customized share of the Group’s net sales temporarily exceeded ten percent. The sales share of the customers was 37 percent. 

Net sales by market area 1.1.–30.6.   1.1.–30.6.   1.1.–31.12.  
  2017 % 2016 % 2016 %
EMEA (Europe and Africa) 34 838 49 33 709 63 67 186 60
CIS (Russia) 23 528 33 7 885 15 19 928 17
NAM (North America) 8 957 12 8 067 15 16 829 15
LAM (South America) 2 664 4 1 568 3 3 826 3
APAC (Asia-Pacific) 1 817 2 2 504 5 5 361 5
TOTAL 71 805 100 53 733 100 113 130 100
Finland accounted for 15 percent (16 %) of net sales.        
      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.  
      2017 2016 2016  
Long-term projects            
Specification of net sales            
Net sales by percentage of completion     57 948 43 688 89 231  
Other net sales     13 856 10 045 23 899  
TOTAL     71 805 53 733 113 130  
Project revenues entered as income from currently undelivered            
long-term projects recognized by percentage of completion    147 975 112 136 114 461  
Amount of long-term project revenues not yet entered as income (order book)     83 843 30 885 105 684  
The balance sheet items of the undelivered projects        
Projects for which the value by percentage of completion exceeds      
advance payments invoiced             
- aggregate amount of costs incurred and recognized profits less recognized losses     125 080 98 951 90 806  
- advance payments received     91 776 72 963 74 065  
Gross amount due from customers     33 304 25 987 16 741  
Projects in which advance payments invoiced exceed the value by      
percentage of completion              
- aggregate amount of costs incurred and recognized profits less recognized losses     22 869 15 610 23 641  
- advance payments received     37 111 22 506 35 980  
Gross amount due to customers     14 242 6 896 12 339  
Advance payments included in the current liabilities in the balance sheet            
Gross amount due to customers     14 242 6 896 12 339  
Other advance payments received, not under percentage of completion 768 69 730  
Total     15 010 6 965 13 069  
Advance payments of the long-term projects included in inventories in the balance sheet            
Advance payments paid for long-term projects   876 157 847  
Total     876 157 847  


      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.  
Number of personnel     2017 2016 2016  
Effective, on average     652 632 631  
In books, on average     671 641 642  
In books, at the end of the period     705 650 643  
- of which personnel working abroad     205 187 183  
Pledges on behalf of the company's management        
No loans have been granted to the company's management.        
No pledges have been given or other commitments made on behalf of the company's management and shareholders.     
      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.  
Research and development costs     2017 2016 2016  
Research and development costs for the period   -1 758 -1 559 -2 863  
Amortization of previously capitalized development costs -113 -113 -227  
Development costs recognized as an asset in the balance sheet 54 - -  
Research and development costs entered as expense for the period -1 816 -1 671 -3 090  


      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.
      2017 2016 2016
Other intangible assets          
Acquistion cost at the beginning of the period     13 391 14 035 14 035
Exchange rate differences     -33 -39 -28
Additions     2 587 79 108
Disposals     - - -
Reclassification between items     252 34 -724
Acquisition cost at the end of the period     16 197 14 109 13 391
Accumulated depreciation and amortization at the beginning of the period   -12 038 -12 426 -12 426
Exchange rate differences     29 27 18
Accumulated depreciation and amortization of disposals and reclassifications - - 1 020
Depreciation and amortization for the period     -370 -316 -650
Accumulated depreciation and amortization at the end of the period -13 399 -12 715 -12 038
Book value of Intangible assets, at the beginning of the period   1 353 1 609 1 609
Book value of Intangible assets, at the end of the period   2 798 1 393 1 353
      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.
      2017 2016 2016
Property, plant and equipment          
Acquistion cost at the beginning of the period     48 657 45 463 45 463
Exchange rate differences     -424 309 445
Additions     649 1 599 3 116
Disposals     -23 -8 -66
Reclassification between items     -252 -34 -301
Acquistion cost at the end of the period     48 607 47 330 48 657
Accumulated depreciation and amortization at the beginning of the period   -39 077 -36 934 -36 934
Exchange rate differences     368 -337 -458
Accumulated depreciation and amortization of disposals and reclassifications 0 - 5
Depreciation for the period     -907 -772 -1 690
Accumulated depreciation and amortization at the end of the period -39 615 -38 043 -39 077
Book value of Property, plant and equipment, at the beginning of the period 9 580 8 529 8 529
Book value of Property, plant and equipment, at the end of the period 8 991 9 287 9 580


Business transaction Metriguard Technologies, Inc.

On April 3, 2017, Raute Corporation acquired the business of Metriguard Inc. in the USA. Metriguard sells and maintains measuring equipment for the veneer and plywood industry and for sawmills on a global scale. The production of the company has been centralized in Pullman, Washington. Metriguard’s business will be continued under Raute’s new US subsidiary, Metriguard Technologies, Inc., whose financial information will be reported as part of Raute’s wood products technology segment.

The acquisition has been implemented as an asset purchase, including Metriguard Inc.’s intangible assets, working capital and fixed assets, except real estate. Metriguard Inc.’s personnel transferred in the business transaction. The purchase price is paid in two installments. A base purchase price of USD 3.1 million has been paid at closing. The additional earn-out payment based on net sales for a 12-month period following closing of the transaction, will be paid in the summer 2018. The balance sheet items recognized from the acquisition are preliminary.

The Group has recognized acquisition related expenses in the amount of EUR 0.5 million. The expenses are included in Other operating expenses of the consolidated statement of income.

Fair values of the acquisition 3.4.2017
Assets and liabilities  
Intangible assets 1 407
Tangible assets 94
Inventory 1 368
Sales receivables and other receivables 310
Trade payables and other payables -178
Net assets acquired 3 002
Purchase consideration  
Cash paid 2 911
Contingent consideration 1 126
Total purchase consideration 4 037
Goodwill from the acquisition  
Total purchase consideration 4 037
Net assets acquired -3 002
Goodwill 1 035
The cash flow effect of the business transaction during the review period was EUR 3,371 thousand.

Financial assets

At the end of the reporting period June 30, 2017,  the fair value of the financial assets categorized at fair value on hierarchy level 3 was EUR 471 thousand.

The methods of fair value determination correspond the valuation principles presented in the Annual financial statements for 2016.

There were no transfers between the hierarchy levels 1 and 2 during the reporting period. 

      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.
Interest-bearing liabilities     2017 2016 2016
Partial payments of financial loans     5 994 6 447 3 136
TOTAL     5 994 6 447 3 136
Maturities of the interest-bearing financial liabilities at June 30, 2017      
      Current Non-current Total
Financial loans     5 994 - 5 994
Total     5 994 - 5 994
      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.
Derivatives     2017 2016 2016
Nominal values of forward contracts in foreign currency           
Economic hedging          
- Related to financing     517 - -
- Related to the hedging of net sales     5 065 3 125 6 084
Hedge accounting          
- Related to the hedging of net sales     2 694 1 763 2 556
Fair value of forward contracts in foreign currency        
Economic hedging          
- Related to financing     32 - -
- Related to the hedging of net sales     111 -77 -41
Hedge accounting          
- Related to the hedging of net sales     102 50 -75
      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.
Pledge assets and contingent liabilities     2017 2016 2016
On behalf of the Parent company          
Business mortgages     2 609 3 302 6 623
Financial loans     3 000 3 625 -
Business mortgages     3 000 3 625 -
Mortgage agreements on behalf of subsidiaries          
Financial loans     2 994 2 822 3 136
Other obligations     1 186 1 315 189
Business mortgages     4 391 3 073 3 376
Commercial bank guarantees on behalf of the Parent company and subsidiaries     15 195 7 897 17 793
Other own obligations          
Rental liabilities maturing within one year     1 123 869 926
Rental liabilities maturing in one to five years     1 439 855 756
Rental liabilities maturing later     - - 1
Total     2 562 1 724 1 684

Share-based payments

A total of 18 849  Raute's series A shares have been subscribed for with Raute's stock options 2010 B and 2010 C during the reporting period. The new shares have been registered in the Trade Register on February 23, 2017 and May 9, 2017.

On June 30, 2017 the company's share capital is EUR 8 256 316 and the number of company's shares 4 225 311 pieces.

An expense of EUR 230 thousand was recognized for the share rewards to the income statement during the reporting period.

During the reporting period, no share rewards were delivered based on the long-term share-based incentive program 2014-2018 directed to the top management.

Distribution of the profit for the financial year 2016

Raute Corporation's Annual General Meeting held on March 28, 2017, decided, according to the Board of Directors' proposal, to distribute a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share to be paid for series A and K shares, a total of EUR 4 220 thousand. The dividend payment date was April 6, 2017.

Segment information

Continuing operations of Raute Group belong to the wood products technology segment. Raute Corporation's Board of Directors is the chief operating decision maker that is responsible for assigning resources to the operating segment and assessing its result.

Due to Raute's business model, operational nature and administrative structure, the operational segment to be reported as wood products technology segment is comprised of the whole Group and the information on the segment is consistent with that of the Group. Segment reporting follows the principles of presentation of the consolidated financial statements. 

  30.6.   30.6.   31.12.  
Wood products technology 2017   2016   2016  
Net sales 71 805   53 733   113 130  
Operating profit 4 094   2 902   8 558  
Assets 71 869   56 559   69 767  
Liabilities 39 111   27 192   35 549  
Capital expenditure 4 761   1 678   3 224  
Assets of the wood products technology 30.6.   30.6.   31.12.  
segment by geographical location 2017 % 2016 % 2016 %
Finland 61 065 85 46 884 83 58 993 85
North America 5 692 8 4 799 8 4 077 6
China 4 002 6 3 704 7 5 357 8
Russia 805 1 852 2 990 1
South America 169 0 177 0 189 0
Other 137 0 144 0 161 0
TOTAL 71 869 100 56 559 100 69 767 100
Capital expenditure of the wood products 30.6.   30.6.   31.12.  
technology segment by geographical location 2017 % 2016 % 2016 %
Finland 3 238 68 1 567 93 2 925 91
North America 1 517 32 87 5 181 6
China - - 19 1 104 3
Russia 6 0 - - 9 0
South America - - 1 0 1 0
Other - - 4 0 4 0
TOTAL 4 761 100 1 678 100 3 224 100
Exchange rates used in consolidation of subsidiaries          
      1.1.–30.6. 1.1.–30.6. 1.1.–31.12.  
Income statement, euros     2017 2016 2016  
CNY (Chinese juan)     7,4418 7,3132 7,3594  
RUB (Russian rouble)     62,7349 78,4122 74,2224  
CAD (Canadian dollar)     1,4445 1,4854 1,4664  
USD (US dollar)     1,0825 1,1155 1,1066  
SGD (Singapore dollar)     1,5201 1,5402 1,5278  
CLP (Chilean peso)     714,3828 769,3287 748,7723  
      30.6. 30.6. 31.12.  
Balance sheet, euros     2017 2016 2016  
CNY (Chinese juan)     7,6459 7,4023 7,2983  
RUB (Russian rouble)     67,5449 71,5200 64,3000  
CAD (Canadian dollar)     1,4785 1,4384 1,4188  
USD (US dollar)     1,1412 1,1102 1,0541  
SGD (Singapore dollar)     1,5710 1,4957 1,5234  
CLP (Chilean peso)     747,2473 764,6714 702,2261  
FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT     30.6. 30.6. 31.12.  
      2017 2016 2016  
Change in net sales, %     33,6 -4,7 -11,1  
Exported portion of net sales, %     85,2 84,4 78,3  
Return on investment (ROI), %     23,0 17,6 25,3  
Return on equity (ROE), %     17,9 14,4 20,9  
Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR million     2,9 4,9 -20,6  
Equity ratio, %     57,6 59,2 60,4  
Gearing, %      8,9  16,6  -60,3  
Gross capital expenditure, EUR million     4,8 1,7 3,2  
% of net sales     6,6 3,1 2,8  
Research and development costs, EUR million     1,8 1,6 2,9  
% of net sales     2,4 2,9 2,5  
Order book, EUR million     86 32 106  
Order intake, EUR million     52 28 162  
SHARE-RELATED DATA     30.6. 30.6. 31.12.  
      2017 2016 2016  
Earnings per share, (EPS), undiluted, EUR     0,71 0,51 1,60  
Earnings per share, (EPS), diluted, EUR     0,71 0,51 1,59  
Equity to share, EUR     7,75 7,06 8,13  
Dividend per series A share, EUR     - - 1,00  
Dividend per series K share, EUR     - - 1,00  
Dividend per profit, %     - - 62,3  
Effective dividend return, %     - - 6,0  
Price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio)     - - 10,41  
Development in share price (series A shares)            
Lowest share price for the period, EUR     16,84 12,06 12,06  
Highest share price for the period, EUR     24,15 15,30 17,98  
Average share price for the period, EUR     20,59 13,67 14,50  
Share price at the end of the period, EUR     22,92 13,10 16,70  
Market value of capital stock            
- Series K shares, EUR million*     22,7 13,0 16,6  
- Series A shares, EUR million     74,1 41,5 53,7  
Total, EUR million     96,8 54,5 70,2  
*Series K shares valued at the value of series A shares.              
Trading of the company's shares (series A shares)          
Trading of shares, pcs     383 187 504 948 987 608  
Trading of shares, EUR million     7,9 6,9 14,3  
Number of shares            
- Series K shares, ordinary shares (20 votes/share)     991 161 991 161 991 161  
- Series A shares (1 vote/share)     3 234 150 3 171 417 3 215 301  
Total     4 225 311 4 162 578 4 206 462  
Number of shares, weighted average, 1 000 pcs     4 215 4 136 4 167  
Number of shares, diluted, 1 000 pcs     4 232 4 161 4 210  
Number of shareholders     4 093 3 187 3 625  
DEVELOPMENT OF Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Rolling Rolling
QUARTERLY RESULTS 2016 2016 2017 2017 1.7.2016 1.7.2015
(EUR 1 000)        
          30.6.2017 30.6.2016
NET SALES 23 355 36 043 36 595 35 209 131 202 124 645
Change in inventories of finished goods            
and work in progress 67 -894 489 748 410 883
Other operating income 46 24 28 91 188 1 073
Materials and services -10 032 -17 041 -20 747 -19 405 -67 225 -67 715
Employee benefits expense -8 627 -9 882 -9 756 -10 347 -38 613 -35 389
Depreciation and amortization -605 -646 -618 -660 -2 529 -1 949
Impairment - - - - - -1 370
Other operating expenses -2 838 -3 313 -3 311 -4 223 -13 684 -12 581
Total operating expenses -22 103 -30 881 -34 432 -34 634 -122 050 -119 006
OPERATING PROFIT 1 364 4 292 2 681 1 413 9 750 7 595
% of net sales 5,8 11,9 7,3 4,0 7,4 6,1
Financial income -70 152 318 17 416 128
Financial expenses -134 -139 -105 -145 -524 -358
Financial expenses, net -204 13 212 -127 -107 -230
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 1 159 4 304 2 894 1 286 9 643 7 365
% of net sales 5,0 11,9 7,9 3,7 7,3 5,9
Income taxes -219 -689 -790 -396 -2 094 -1 386
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 940 3 615 2 104 890 7 549 5 979
% of net sales 4,0 10,0 5,7 2,5 5,8 4,8
Attributable to            
Equity holders of the Parent company 940 3 615 2 104 890 7 549 5 979
Earnings per share, EUR            
Undiluted earnings per share 0,22 0,86 0,50 0,21 1,79 1,45
Diluted earnings per share 0,22 0,85 0,50 0,21 1,78 1,44
Shares, 1 000 pcs            
Adjusted average number of shares 4 192 4 191 4 205 4 225 4 215 4 136
Adjusted average number of shares            
diluted 4 201 4 235 4 249 4 242 4 232 4 161
  2016 2016 2017 2017 1.7.2016 1.7.2015
          30.6.2017 30.6.2016
Order intake during the period, EUR million 92 42 24 29 187 59
Order book at the end of the period, EUR million 102 106 93 86 86 32
20 LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS AT June 30, 2017     Total number % of total Total number % of voting
By number of shares Number of series K shares Number of series A shares of shares shares of votes rights
1. Sundholm Göran - 622 942 622 942 14,7 622 942 2,7
2. Mandatum Life Unit-Linked - 131 196 131 196 3,1 131 196 0,6
3. Laakkonen Mikko Kalervo - 119 919 119 919 2,8 119 919 0,5
4. Suominen Pekka 48 000 62 429 110 429 2,6 1 022 429 4,4
5. Siivonen Osku Pekka 50 640 53 539 104 179 2,5 1 066 339 4,6
6. Kirmo Kaisa Marketta 55 680 48 341 104 021 2,5 1 161 941 5,0
7. Suominen Tiina Sini-Maria 48 000 53 356 101 356 2,4 1 013 356 4,4
8. Keskiaho Kaija Leena 33 600 51 116 84 716 2,0 723 116 3,1
9. Mustakallio Mika Tapani 56 980 26 270 83 250 2,0 1 165 870 5,1
10. Särkijärvi Anna Riitta 60 480 22 009 82 489 2,0 1 231 609 5,3
11. Mustakallio Kari Pauli 60 480 500 60 980 1,4 1 210 100 5,2
12. Mustakallio Marja Helena 46 740 12 547 59 287 1,4 947 347 4,1
13. Särkijärvi Timo Juha 12 000 43 256 55 256 1,3 283 256 1,2
14. Särkijärvi-Martinez Anu Riitta 12 000 43 256 55 256 1,3 283 256 1,2
15. Suominen Jukka Matias 24 960 27 964 52 924 1,3 527 164 2,3
16. Keskinäinen työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Varma - 51 950 51 950 1,2 51 950 0,2
17. Relander Pär-Gustaf - 51 000 51 000 1,2 51 000 0,2
18. Suominen Jussi 48 000 - 48 000 1,1 960 000 4,2
19. Mustakallio Ulla Sinikka 47 740 - 47 740 1,1 954 800 4,1
20. Keskiaho Ilta Marjaana 24 780 19 094 43 874 1,0 514 694 2,2
TOTAL 630 080 1 440 684 2 070 764 49,0 14 042 284 60,9
      Total number % of total Total number % of voting
By number of votes Number of series K shares Number of series A shares of shares shares of votes rights
1. Särkijärvi Anna Riitta 60 480 22 009 82 489 2,0 1 231 609 5,3
2. Mustakallio Kari Pauli 60 480 500 60 980 1,4 1 210 100 5,2
3. Mustakallio Mika Tapani 56 980 26 270 83 250 2,0 1 165 870 5,1
4. Kirmo Kaisa Marketta 55 680 48 341 104 021 2,5 1 161 941 5,0
5. Siivonen Osku Pekka 50 640 53 539 104 179 2,5 1 066 339 4,6
6. Suominen Pekka 48 000 62 429 110 429 2,6 1 022 429 4,4
7. Suominen Tiina Sini-Maria 48 000 53 356 101 356 2,4 1 013 356 4,4
8. Suominen Jussi  48 000 - 48 000 1,1 960 000 4,2
9. Mustakallio Ulla Sinikka 47 740 - 47 740 1,1 954 800 4,1
10. Mustakallio Marja Helena 46 740 12 547 59 287 1,4 947 347 4,1
11. Mustakallio Risto Knut kuolinpesä 42 240 - 42 240 1,0 844 800 3,7
12. Keskiaho Kaija Leena 33 600 51 116 84 716 2,0 723 116 3,1
13. Sundholm Göran  - 622 942 622 942 14,7 622 942 2,7
14. Keskiaho Vesa Heikki 29 680 - 29 680 0,7 593 600 2,6
15. Keskiaho Juha-Pekka 27 880 5 816 33 696 0,8 563 416 2,4
16. Kirmo Lasse  27 645 2 967 30 612 0,7 555 867 2,4
17. Suominen Jukka Matias 24 960 27 964 52 924 1,3 527 164 2,3
18. Keskiaho Ilta Marjaana 24 780 19 094 43 874 1,0 514 694 2,2
19. Kultanen Leea Annikka 21 595 8 031 29 626 0,7 439 931 1,9
20. Molander Sole 20 160 - 20 160 0,5 403 200 1,7
TOTAL 775 280 1 016 921 1 792 201 42,4 16 522 521 71,7


  Number of series K shares Number of series A shares Total number of shares % of total shares Total number of votes % of total voting rights
Management's holding at June 30, 2017            
The Board of Directors, The Group's President and CEO and Executive Board* 122 970 127 003 249 973 5,9 2 586 403 11,2
TOTAL 122 970 127 003 249 973 5,9 2 586 403 11,2
*The figures include the holdings of their own, minor children and control entities.          
Nominee-registered shares at June 30, 2017     - 115 037 115 037 2,7 115 037 0,5


Board of Directors

A briefing will be organized for analysts, investors and the media on August 1, 2017 at 2 p.m. at Scandic Simonkenttä Hotel, Mansku cabinet, Simonkatu 9, Helsinki. The half-year report will be presented by Mr. Tapani Kiiski, President and CEO, and Ms. Arja Hakala, CFO.

Raute Corporation’s interim report January 1–September 30, 2017 will be published on Tuesday, October 31, 2017.

Mr. Tapani Kiiski, President and CEO, Raute Corporation, tel. +358 3 829 3500, mobile phone +358 400 814 148
Ms. Arja Hakala, CFO, Raute Corporation, tel. +358 3 829 3293, mobile phone +358 400 710 387

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, main media, www.raute.com


Raute is a technology and service company that operates worldwide. Raute’s customers are companies operating in the wood products industry that manufacture veneer, plywood, LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber) and sawn timber. Its technology offering covers the entire production process for veneer, plywood and LVL and special measurement equipment for sawn timber. As a supplier of mill-scale projects, Raute is a global market leader both in the plywood and LVL industries. Additionally, Raute’s full-service concept includes technology services ranging from spare parts deliveries to regular maintenance and equipment modernizations. Raute’s head office is located in the Nastola area of Lahti, Finland. The company’s other production plants are located in Kajaani, Finland, the Vancouver area of Canada, the Shanghai area of China and in Pullman, Washington, USA. Raute’s net sales in 2016 were EUR 113.1 million. The Group’s headcount at the end of 2016 was 643. More information about the company can be found at www.raute.com.