2017-11-07 08:55:08 CET

2017-11-07 08:56:10 CET


Lithuanian English
Grigiskes - Interim information

Interim consolidated report of AB „Grigeo “ covering nine months of 2017 and expected result of 2017

During the nine months of 2017, the AB “Grigeo” Group (the Group) achieved the consolidated sales turnover of EUR 96.2 million. It is by 29% more than during the same period of 2016, when consolidated Group’s turnover was EUR 74.5 million.

At this moment the Group consisting of AB “Grigeo”, UAB „Grigeo Baltwood“, AB „Grigeo Klaipėda“, PAT „Mena Pak“ and UAB „Grigeo Recycling“.

During the same period in question, the AB “Grigeo” (the Company) sales amounted to EUR 52.2 million, which is by 26% more than in the same period last year – EUR 41.3 million.

During the reporting period, the Group earned EUR 6.2 million profit before taxes, which is by 68% more than in the same period last year.

During the nine months of 2017, the Company earned EUR 2.6 million profit before taxes.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of the Group and Company, if compared with the nine months of 2016, increased by 42% and 11%, respectively: during the nine months of 2017, EBITDA of the Group was EUR 17 million, of the Company EUR 7.9 million.

More information is provided in the interim consolidated report of AB “Grigeo” covering the nine months of 2017 with endorsement of the responsible persons (see attachments).

Taking into account the actual results of nine months, Group adjusted forecasts for the year 2017: sales of the Group will reach 127 EUR  Mio. - which is by 5% more than planed , profit before taxes will grow by 29% EUR  to 7.5 Mio. EUR, and EBITDA will grow to EUR 22 Mio. – 6% more than forecasted.

These forecasts are not audited.



Gintautas Pangonis

President of AB Grigeo Grigiškės

(+370-5) 243 58 01