2014-11-13 08:00:00 CET

2014-11-13 08:00:03 CET


Viking Line - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Mariehamn, 2014-11-13 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Viking Line Abp            INTERIM REPORT            13.11.2014, 9.00 A.M.


Consolidated sales of the Viking Line Group during the period January 1 -
September 30, 2014 decreased by 4.4 per cent to 401.1 million euros compared to
the same period of 2013 (EUR 419.7 M). Operating income amounted to EUR 9.5 M
(32.7 including and 9.9 excluding the capital gain from the sale of the
Isabella). Net financial items totalled EUR -6.3 M (-5.1). Consolidated income
before taxes amounted to EUR 3.2 M (27.6) Income after taxes totalled EUR 2.5 M
(20.7 including and 3.5 excluding the capital gain from the sale of the

Competition in Viking Line's service area implies continued pressure on both
prices and volume. The economic downturn in Finland is another uncertainty
factor. In recent months, however, lower bunker prices have had a positive
effect on operations and the Board of Directors is still of the opinion that
operating income will improve in 2014 compared to operating income in 2013,
excluding the capital gain from the sale of the Isabella. 


Consolidated sales of the Viking Line Group during the period January 1 -
September 30, 2014 decreased by 4.4 per cent to 401.1 million euros compared to
the same period of 2013 (EUR 419.7 M). Operating income amounted to EUR 9.5 M
(32.7 including and 9.9 excluding the capital gain from the sale of the
Isabella). Net financial items totalled EUR -6.3 M (-5.1). Consolidated income
before taxes amounted to EUR 3.2 M (27.6) Income after taxes totalled EUR 2.5 M
(20.7 including and 3.5 excluding the capital gain from the sale of the

Passenger-related revenue decreased by 5.4 per cent to EUR 368.5 M (389.5),
while cargo revenue increased by 8.9 per cent to EUR 29.6 M (27.1). Net sales
revenue decreased by 5.1 per cent to EUR 289.2 M (304.8). The Group's operating
expenses decreased by 4.6 per cent to EUR 255.6 M (267.9). 

Consolidated sales during the third quarter, July 1 - September 30, 2014,
decreased by 2.6 per cent to EUR 160.1 M compared to the same quarter of 2013
(164.4). Operating income in the third quarter amounted to EUR 22.0 M (26.6)
and income after taxes totalled EUR 16.7 M (18.9). 

The decrease in consolidated sales is primarily explained by the prevailing
pressure on prices in today's tough competitive situation, combined with
falling volume early in 2014 and an economic downturn in Finland that affects
the pattern of consumption. Overall, this has had a negative impact on net
sales revenue per passenger. 

The Group's bunker (vessel fuel) expenses decreased during the period by EUR
2.5 M, equivalent to 5.4 per cent. The decrease is explained by lower average
bunker prices and the Group's continued efforts to optimize the bunker
consumption of its vessels. 

The Board of Directors also believes that the Group's action programme aimed at
improving operational efficiency is continuing to have a positive impact on
operating expenses. Combined with ongoing measures to boost sales, this is
expected to improve earnings from day-to-day operations in the future. 


The Viking Line Group provides passenger and cargo carrier services using seven
vessels on the northern Baltic Sea. The Group's vessels served the same routes
as during 2013. During the period June 12 - September 2, 2014 the Gabriella and
the Mariella served the Helsinki (Finland)-Tallinn (Estonia) route, while
continuing to sail on their regular Helsinki-Mariehamn (Åland Islands,
Finland)-Stockholm (Sweden) route. 

The number of passengers on Viking Line's vessels during the report period
increased by 91,003 to 5,089,760 (4,998,757). During the report period, Viking
Line reduced its market share on the Turku (Finland)-Mariehamn/Långnäs (Åland
Islands, Finland)-Stockholm route by 1.4 percentage points to 56.9 per cent. On
the Helsinki-Mariehamn-Stockholm route, market share increased by 0.8
percentage points to 46.1 per cent. In cruise services between Stockholm and
Mariehamn, market share decreased by 0.1 percentage points to 53.9 per cent. On
the Helsinki-Tallinn route, market share increased by 2.0 percentage points to
25.0 per cent. On the short route across the Sea of Åland between Mariehamn and
Kapellskär (Sweden), market share increased by 2.2 percentage points to 43.7
per cent. This gave the Group a total market share in its service area of 35.0
per cent (34.5). 

Viking Line's cargo volume was 96,554 cargo units (88,819). Viking Line
achieved a cargo market share of 21.8 per cent (20.7). 


The Group's investments amounted to EUR 6.3 M (169.5).

On September 30, 2014 the Group's non-current interest-bearing liabilities
amounted to EUR 201.8 M (225.5). The equity/assets ratio was 36.1 per cent,
compared to 33.8 per cent a year earlier. 

At the end of September 2014, the Group's cash and cash equivalents amounted to
EUR 81.9 M (88.9). Net cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 12.3
M (19.9). 


This Interim Report was prepared in compliance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and was drawn up as a summary of the financial
statements for the period in compliance with IAS 34. Estimates and judgments as
well as accounting principles and calculation methods are the same as in the
latest annual financial statements. Recognized income taxes are based on an
estimated average tax rate, which is expected to apply throughout the fiscal
year. This Interim Report is unaudited. 


On January 16, 2014, the M/S Rosella was recorded in the Finnish ship register
and on January 22, 2014 the M/S Viking XPRS was recorded in the Estonian ship

The average number of Group employees was 2,848 (3,151), of whom 2,114 (1,986)
worked for the parent company. Land-based personnel totalled 664 (708) and
shipboard personnel totalled 2,184 (2,443). 

In addition to the Group's own employees, the Viking XPRS was staffed by an
average of 237 people employed by a staffing company. The expenses for them are
recognized among “Other operating expenses”. 


Since the Year-end Report was published, no changes have occurred that affect
the Group's short-term assessment of the risks in its business operations.
Special risks during the immediate future are primarily related to bunker

Viking Line is continuing its efforts to adapt to the European Union's sulphur
directive, which goes into effect on January 1, 2015, and is in the final stage
of negotiations with various bunker suppliers. 


Consent has been received from the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority to
re-organize Redarnas Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag (Finnish business identity
code 0145065-2), “RÖF” − an Åland-based shipowners' mutual insurance company
and parent company of the Alandia Insurance Group − into a limited liability
insurance company and to merge RÖF with its wholly owned insurance subsidiary
Försäkringsaktiebolaget Alandia (0205048-2), “Alandia”, with RÖF as the
acquiring company and Alandia as the acquired company. The process will be
completed in such a way that both the change in the legal form of RÖF and the
merger are registered in the Finnish Trade Register as of December 31, 2014.
Distribution of shares will be carried out as of the same date. 

According to preliminary calculations, Viking Line Abp's ownership share in the
merged company will amount to slightly more than 20 per cent. According to our
preliminary assessment, Viking Line Abp will not have significant influence on
the company. When the change in the legal form of the company is registered,
Viking Line Abp's shares in the merged company will be appraised at fair value. 

Preliminary appraisals of the net asset value of the merged company that have
been conducted by outside appraisers give a total value of EUR 140 M based on
the financial statements as of December 31, 2013. 

Nonrecurring income equivalent to Viking Line Abp's holding in the merged
company will be recognized as a financial income item in the consolidated
statement of comprehensive income, and the shares will be reported under
“Investments available for sale” in the consolidated balance sheet. The final
income item will depend on an appraisal as of December 31, 2014. During future
accounting periods, changes in the fair value of these shares will be reported
via the statement of total comprehensive income against the fair value reserve
under equity. 

For further information on Alandia Insurance, please see www.alandia.com.


Competition in Viking Line's service area implies continued pressure on both
prices and volume. The economic downturn in Finland is another uncertainty
factor. In recent months, however, lower bunker prices have had a positive
effect on operations and the Board of Directors is still of the opinion that
operating income will improve in 2014 compared to operating income in 2013,
excluding the capital gain from the sale of the Isabella. 

                                   Jul 1,    Jul 1,    Jan 1,   Jan 1,    Jan 1,
                                    2014-     2013-     2014-    2013-     2013-
EUR M                             Sep 30,   Sep 30,   Sep 30,  Sep 30,   Dec 31,
                                     2014      2013      2014     2013      2013
SALES                               160.1     164.4     401.1    419.7     549.4
Other operating revenue               0.1       0.2       0.5     23.2      23.5
Goods and services                   44.3      43.4     111.8    114.9     150.6
Salary and other employment          30.1      31.9      91.9     98.5     130.1
 benefit expenses                                                               
Depreciation and impairment           8.0       8.8      24.6     27.4      35.7
Other operating expenses             55.8      53.8     163.7    169.4     221.9
                                    138.1     137.9     392.0    410.2     538.2
OPERATING INCOME                     22.0      26.6       9.5     32.7      34.7
Financial income                      0.7       0.3       0.9      0.9       1.2
Financial expenses                   -2.0      -2.0      -7.2     -6.0      -8.3
INCOME BEFORE TAXES                  20.7      25.0       3.2     27.6      27.7
Income taxes                         -4.0      -6.1      -0.7     -6.9      -0.2
INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                16.7      18.9       2.5     20.7      27.5
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Items that may be transferred                                                   
 to the income statement                                                        
Translation differences               0.0      -0.1      -0.5     -0.3      -0.4
Investments available for sale          -         -         -        -       0.0
                                      0.0      -0.1      -0.5     -0.3      -0.4
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR       16.7      18.8       2.0     20.4      27.1
 THE PERIOD                                                                     
Income attributable to:                                                         
Parent company shareholders          16.7      18.9       2.5     20.7      27.5
Total comprehensive income                                                      
 attributable to:                                                               
Parent company shareholders          16.7      18.8       2.0     20.4      27.1
Earnings per share before and        1.55      1.75      0.23     1.92      2.54
 after dilution, EUR                                                            
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR M                            Sep 30,   Sep 30,   Dec 31,                    
                                  2014      2013      2013                      
Non-current assets                                                              
Intangible assets                     0.7       0.9       0.8                   
Land                                  1.1       1.1       1.1                   
Buildings and structures             11.1      11.8      11.7                   
Renovation costs for rented           0.6       0.5       0.7                   
Vessels                             346.9     370.5     365.2                   
Machinery and equipment               7.1       8.3       8.0                   
Investments available for sale        0.0       0.0       0.0                   
Receivables                           0.5       0.7       0.5                   
Total non-current assets            368.0     393.6     388.1                   
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                          16.3      15.3      15.0                   
Income tax assets                     1.3       0.5       0.2                   
Trade and other receivables          47.2      40.7      31.0                   
Cash and cash equivalents            81.9      88.9      96.1                   
Total current assets                146.7     145.4     142.2                   
TOTAL ASSETS                        514.7     539.0     530.3                   
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Share capital                         1.8       1.8       1.8                   
Reserves                              0.0       0.0       0.0                   
Translation differences              -0.4      -0.2      -0.3                   
Retained earnings                   184.2     180.8     187.5                   
Equity attributable to parent       185.6     182.4     189.0                   
 company shareholders                                                           
Total equity                        185.6     182.4     189.0                   
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities             29.7      29.7      29.7                   
Non-current interest-bearing        201.8     225.5     221.2                   
Total non-current liabilities       231.5     255.2     250.8                   
Current liabilities                                                    
Current interest-bearing             19.3      19.4      15.1                   
Income tax liabilities                1.7       7.0         -                   
Trade and other payables             76.6      75.1      75.4                   
Total current liabilities            97.6     101.5      90.4                   
Total liabilities                   329.1     356.6     341.3                   
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES        514.7     539.0     530.3                   
CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
                                   Jan 1,    Jan 1,    Jan 1,                   
                                    2014-     2013-     2013-                   
EUR M                             Sep 30,   Sep 30,   Dec 31,                   
                                     2014      2013      2013                   
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Income for the period                 2.5      20.7      27.5                   
Depreciation and impairment          24.6      27.4      35.7                   
Capital gains from non-current       -0.2     -22.8     -22.8                   
Other items not included in           1.1      -0.3      -0.4                   
 cash flow                                                                      
Interest expenses and other           5.0       5.3       7.1                   
 financial expenses                                                             
Interest income and other            -0.1      -0.1      -0.1                   
 financial income                                                               
Dividend income                       0.0       0.0       0.0                   
Income taxes                          0.7       6.9       0.2                   
Change in working capital                                                       
Change in trade and other           -16.2     -11.6      -1.9                   
Change in inventories                -1.3      -0.1       0.3                   
Change in trade and other             2.7      -3.0      -4.1                   
Interest paid                        -5.9      -3.5      -3.7                   
Financial expenses paid              -0.6      -0.6      -0.8                   
Interest received                     0.0       0.0       0.1                   
Financial income received             0.0       0.0       0.1                   
Taxes paid                           -0.1       1.5       1.4                   
NET CASH FLOW FROM                                                              
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                 12.3      19.9      38.4                   
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Investments in vessels               -5.4    -166.7    -168.6                   
Investments in other intangible      -0.9      -2.8      -3.7                   
 and tangible assets                                                            
Divestments of vessels                  -      29.9      29.9                   
Divestments of other intangible       0.3       0.2       0.2                   
 and tangible assets                                                            
Payments received for                   -       0.0       0.2                   
 non-current receivables                                                        
Dividends received                    0.0       0.0       0.0                   
NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING         -6.0    -139.3    -142.0                   
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Increase in non-current                 -     179.1     179.1                   
Amortization of non-current         -15.1     -16.0     -24.6                   
Dividends paid                       -5.4         -         -                   
NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING        -20.5     163.1     154.4                   
CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH             -14.2      43.6      50.8                   
Cash and cash equivalents at         96.1      45.3      45.3                   
 beginning of period                                                            
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT         81.9      88.9      96.1                   
 END OF PERIOD                                                                  

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CONSOLIDATED EQUITY                                     
                                    Equity attributable to parent               
                                     company shareholders                       
                                     Share           Translatio  Retaine   Total
                                                              n        d        
EUR M                               capita  Reserve  difference  earning  equity
                                         l        s           s        s        
Equity, Jan 1, 2014                    1.8      0.0        -0.3    187.5   189.0
Income for the period                                                2.5     2.5
Translation differences                         0.0        -0.2     -0.3    -0.5
Total comprehensive income for the       -      0.0        -0.2      2.2     2.0
Dividend to shareholders                                            -5.4    -5.4
Equity, Sep 30, 2014                   1.8      0.0        -0.4    184.2   185.6
Equity, Jan 1, 2013                    1.8      0.0         0.1    160.0   162.0
Income for the period                                               20.7    20.7
Translation differences                         0.0        -0.3      0.0    -0.3
Total comprehensive income for the       -      0.0        -0.3     20.7    20.4
Equity, Sep 30, 2013                   1.8      0.0        -0.2    180.8   182.4

                                                       2014   2014   2014   2013
EUR M                                                    Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4
SALES                                                 160.1  137.5  103.4  129.7
Other operating revenue                                 0.1    0.3    0.1    0.3
Goods and services                                     44.3   39.1   28.4   35.7
Salary and other employment benefit expenses           30.1   30.3   31.6   31.5
Depreciation and impairment losses                      8.0    8.0    8.5    8.3
Other operating expenses                               55.8   55.8   52.1   52.5
                                                      138.1  133.3  120.6  128.1
OPERATING INCOME                                       22.0    4.5  -17.1    2.0
Financial income                                        0.7    0.1    0.1    0.3
Financial expenses                                     -2.0   -3.1   -2.2   -2.2
INCOME BEFORE TAXES                                    20.7    1.6  -19.1    0.1
Income taxes                                           -4.0   -0.2    3.5    6.7
INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                                  16.7    1.4  -15.6    6.7
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Items that may be transferred to the income                                     
Translation differences                                 0.0   -0.4   -0.1    0.0
Investments available for sale                            -      -      -    0.0
                                                        0.0   -0.4   -0.1    0.0
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD              16.7    1.0  -15.8    6.7
Income attributable to:                                                         
Parent company shareholders                            16.7    1.4  -15.6    6.7
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                                     
Parent company shareholders                            16.7    1.0  -15.8    6.7
Earnings per share before and after dilution, EUR      1.55   0.13  -1.45   0.62

SEGMENT INFORMATION, VIKING LINE GROUP                                       
                                     Jan 1, 2014-  Jan 1, 2013-  Jan 1, 2013-
OPERATING SEGMENTS, EUR M            Sep 30, 2014  Sep 30, 2013  Dec 31, 2013
Vessels                                     397.4         416.0         544.7
Unallocated                                   3.8           3.9           4.9
Total, operating segments                   401.2         419.9         549.6
Eliminations                                 -0.2          -0.2          -0.2
Total sales of the Group                    401.1         419.7         549.4
Operating income                                                             
Vessels                                      43.5          66.3          81.2
Unallocated                                 -34.0         -33.6         -46.4
Total operating income of the Group           9.5          32.7          34.7

PLEDGED ASSETS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                       
EUR M                                              Sep 30,    Sep 30,    Dec 31,
                                                      2014       2013       2013
Contingent liabilities                               221.4      246.2      236.9
Assets pledged for own debt                          315.7      316.2      315.7
FINANCIAL RATIOS AND STATISTICS                                                 
                                                    Jan 1,     Jan 1,     Jan 1,
                                                     2014-      2013-      2013-                                                Sep 30,    Sep 30,    Dec 31,
                                                      2014       2013       2013
Equity per share, EUR                                17.19      16.88      17.50
Equity/assets ratio                                 36.1 %     33.8 %     35.6 %
Investments, EUR M                                     6.3      169.5      172.3
- as % of sales                                      1.6 %     40.4 %     31.4 %
Passengers                                       5,089,760  4,998,757  6,533,650
Cargo units                                         96,554     88,819    119,704
Average number of employees, full time               2,848      3,151      3,104
Earnings per share = (Income before taxes - income taxes +/- non-controlling    
 interests) / Average number of shares                                          
Equity per share = Equity attributable to parent company shareholders / Number  
 of shares on balance sheet date                                                
Equity/assets ratio, % = (Equity including non-controlling interests) / (Total  
 assets - advances received)                                                    
When rounding off items to the nearest EUR                                      
 1,000,000, rounding-off differences of EUR +/-                                 
 0.1 M may occur.                                                               

The Year-end Report for the financial year 2014 will be published on February
12, 2015. 

Mariehamn, Åland, November 12, 2014

The Board of Directors

Jan Hanses
President and CEO

         CEO Jan Hanses, jan.hanses@vikingline.com, +358-(0)18-27000