2011-04-20 13:00:00 CEST

2011-04-20 13:00:16 CEST


Tieto Oyj - Company Announcement

Tieto's comparison figures for 2010 based on the new business structure

Tieto Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 20 April 2011, 2.00 pm EET

Tieto's new business structure and operating model took effect at the beginning
of 2011. The new structure is based on market units and business lines. In line
with the new operating model, renewed internal reporting and the IFRS
requirements, Tieto has changed its financial reporting at the beginning of
2011. The market units will be the main operating segments covering Finland and
the Baltic countries, Scandinavia, Central Europe & Russia and Global Accounts.
Reportable segments are defined based on IFRS8, 'Operating Segments'. On these
segments, Tieto will disclose a range of quarterly figures as required by the

In addition to market unit reporting, Tieto will disclose the net sales by
business lines, which are Industry Solutions, Enterprise Solutions, Managed
services & transformation and Product Engineering Solutions. Tieto will also
disclose net sales by customer sector. The standard IFRS8, 'Operating Segments'
requires a "management approach", under which segment information is presented
on the same basis as it is used for internal reporting purposes. 

The first interim report for 2011 to be published on 28 April 2011 will be
prepared in accordance with the new reporting structure. Tieto's financial
reporting for 2010 has been adjusted for the changes. The tables below are also
available in excel format at www.tieto.com/Investors. 

Net sales by market unit, EUR million                                
                                       2010  2010  2010   2010   2010
                                        1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Finland and the Baltic countries        185   188   168    202    742
Scandinavia                             111   118   105    134    468
Central Europe & Russia                  31    32    30     33    126
Global Accounts                         172   175   159    186    692
Group elimination                       -77   -82   -75    -82   -315
Group total                             423   431   387    472  1 714

Net sales by country, EUR million                                
                                   2010  2010  2010   2010   2010
                                    1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Finland                             205   210   184    227    826
Sweden                              113   120   107    139    479
Other                               106   102    96    107    410
Group total                         423   431   387    472  1 714
Net sales by business line, EUR million                                
                                         2010  2010  2010   2010   2010
                                          1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Industry Solutions                        130   134   119    155    537
Enterprise Solutions                       47    45    41     50    182
Managed services and transformation       159   168   151    179    657
Product Engineering Solutions              87    85    77     91    339
Group total                               423   431   387    472  1 714

Net sales by customer sector, EUR million                                
                                           2010  2010  2010   2010   2010
                                            1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Telecom                                     142   146   131    150    571
Financial Services                           88    90    82     97    358
Other industries                            193   194   173    225    785
Group total                                 423   431   387    472  1 714

Operating profit (EBIT) by market unit,                                         
 EUR million                                                                    
                                             2010    2010   2010    2010    2010
                                              1-3     4-6    7-9   10-12    1-12
Finland and the Baltic countries             15.5    14.6   16.4    16.0    62.5
Scandinavia                                   3.9     5.5    4.9     7.2    21.6
Central Europe & Russia                     - 2.0   - 4.2  - 3.9  - 14.2  - 24.3
Global Accounts                              12.2    17.8   17.7    12.3    60.0
Steering Functions and Group Management    - 10.8  - 14.2  - 7.4  - 14.9  - 47.4
Operating profit (EBIT)                      18.9    19.5   27.7     6.4    72.4

Operating margin (EBIT) market unit, %                                  
                                        2010   2010   2010   2010   2010
                                         1-3    4-6    7-9  10-12   1-12
Finland and the Baltic countries         8.4    7.8    9.8    8.0    8.4
Scandinavia                              3.5    4.7    4.7    5.4    4.6
Central Europe & Russia                 -6.5  -13.3  -12.8  -42.8  -19.3
Global Accounts                          7.1   10.2   11.1    6.6    8.7
Operating margin (EBIT)                  4.5    4.5    7.2    1.4    4.2

Capital expenditure by market unit, EUR million

                                         2010  2010  2010   2010  2010
                                          1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12  1-12
Finland and the Baltic countries         14.8  13.0  17.3   19.9  65.1
Scandinavia                               5.1   7.7   3.9    5.1  21.7
Central Europe & Russia                   0.2   2.2   1.0    0.8   4.3
Global Accounts                           1.0   1.8   0.9    1.1   4.7
Steering Functions and Group Management   0.5   0.4   0.5    2.3   3.8
Group total                              21.6  25.0  23.6   29.2  99.5

Non-current assets by country, EUR million

                               2010           2010           2010           2010
                             31 Mar         30 Jun         30 Sep         31 Dec
Finland                        93.1           94.8           99.0          106.6
Sweden                         30.7           35.7           37.2           38.9
Other                          26.1           29.2           28.0           27.2
Total assets                  149.8          159.6          164.2          172.7
Goodwill is allocated to the Cash Generating Units, which include several       
 countries and therefore goodwill is not included in the country specific       
 non-current assets shown above.                                                

Depreciation by market unit, EUR million                               
                                          2010  2010  2010   2010  2010
                                           1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12  1-12
Finland and the Baltic countries          10.6  11.0  11.2   11.9  44.7
Scandinavia                                2.3   2.6   2.8    2.9  10.6
Central Europe & Russia                    0.4   0.5   0.6    1.1   2.6
Global Accounts                            0.8   0.8   0.9    0.8   3.3
Steering Functions and Group Management    0.4   0.4   0.6    0.7   2.1
Group total                               14.5  15.2  16.0   17.5  63.3

Amortization on allocated intangible assets from                                
 acquisitions, EUR million                                                      
                                                   2010  2010  2010   2010  2010
                                                    1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12  1-12
Finland and the Baltic countries                    0.1   0.1   0.1    0.1   0.4
Scandinavia                                         0.3   0.3   0.3    0.3   1.2
Central Europe & Russia                             0.3   0.4   0.3    0.3   1.4
Global Accounts                                     1.1   1.2   1.2    1.1   4.6
Steering Functions and Group Management             0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0
Group total                                         1.8   2.0   1.9    1.9   7.6

Impairment losses, EUR million                                        
                                         2010  2010  2010   2010  2010
                                          1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12  1-12
Finland and the Baltic countries          0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0
Scandinavia                               0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0
Central Europe & Russia                   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0
Global Accounts                           6.6   1.0   0.0    0.0   7.6
Steering Functions and Group Management   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0
Group total                               6.6   1.0   0.0    0.0   7.6

For further information, please contact:

Seppo Haapalainen, CFO, tel. +358 2072 63500

Reeta Kaukiainen, VP, Communications and Investor Relations, tel. +358 2072
68711, +358 50 522 0924, reeta.kaukiainen@tieto.com 


NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
Principal Media

Tieto is the leading IT service company in Northern Europe providing IT and
product engineering services. Our highly specialized IT solutions and services
complemented by a strong technology platform create tangible business benefits
for our local and global customers. As a trusted transformation partner, we are
close to our customers and understand their unique needs. With more than 17 000
experts, we aim to become a leading service integrator creating the best
service experience in IT. www.tieto.com