2011-01-31 15:47:48 CET

2011-01-31 15:48:41 CET


Lithuanian English
ALT investicijos AB - Notification on material event

Regarding the request submitted by the Privatisation Agency of the Republic of Serbia regarding the award of fines

Alytus, Republic of Lithuania., 2011-01-31 15:47 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

AB “ALT investicijos”, code 149519891, registered office at Miškininkų str. 17,
LT-62200, Alytus, Republic of Lithuania. 

On 7 December 2010 AB ALT investicijos had informed that on the same day it has
received from the Serbian Arbitration the notice that the Privatisation Agency
of the Republic of Serbia, as the claimant, submitted a Request for Arbitration
to the Serbian Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration for awarding of the fine in
the amount of EUR 68 347 168 from AB ALT investicijos and United Nordic
Beverages AB in relation to the alleged violation of the 24 July 2007 the
agreement on purchase and sale of the shares in the public company Beogradska
industrija piva (BIP). 

By this notice AB ALT investicijos informs that on 28 January 2011 it has
submitted to the Serbian Arbitration its Answer to the Request for Arbitration
by the Privatisation Agency. By its answer, AB ALT Investicijos maintains that
it has not breached the agreement, and that all the claims by the Privatisation
agency should be dismissed in full. 

         General Director Vytautas Junevičius, tel. (8 315) 57243