2008-04-10 14:23:57 CEST

2008-04-10 14:24:57 CEST


Vilkyskiu Pienine AB - Notification on material event

Sales of Vilkyškių pieninė AB in March 2008

In March 2008 consolidated sales of Vilkyškių pieninė AB amounted to LTL 7.61
million or 10.4 percent lower compared with March 2007. Sales of the company
during the period of 12 current months (from April 2007 till March 2008)
amounted to LTL 132.1 million or 2.3 percent lower compared with the comparable
period of the previous year. 

“In March 2007 Vilkyškių pieninė AB was launching an automated pasteurization
system in the separation workshop, and therefore the company has not produced
its production. During this period the results of sales did not reduce because
the company put on the market cheeses that had been produced earlier. 
Moreover, the company sold raw mild, which had to be used for production, and
as a result the sales even increased by LTL 1.7 million in March 2007. If we do
not take into account this income, the sales were increasing almost by 12
percent in March 2008”.  - told Gintaras Bertašius, Director General of
Vilkyškių pieninė AB. 

Vilija Milaševičiutė 
Economist - analyst of Vilkyškių pieninė AB
Tel.: 8 441 55 102