2007-02-21 12:09:07 CET

2007-02-21 12:09:07 CET


Finnish English
Larox Oyj - Company Announcement

Licence right to use HOESCH horizontal filter presses trademark

LAROX CORPORATION COMPANY RELEASE                                               

Larox Group parent company Larox Corporation and its German subsidiary Larox    
GmbH have granted a Malesian Pan-Merchant Industries (PMI) a licence right to   
use HOESCH horizontal filter presses trademark. The licence right includes      
filter presses and chamber filter presses which fulfil Larox’s design and       
manufacturing quality requirements and which PMI will manufacture. Licence right
is worldwide but limited to palm fruit and oil refining applications and edible 
oil applications. Approx. 50% of world palm oil is produced in Malesia. The     
second biggest producer is Indonesia with a 40 % share and the rest of producers
with approx. a 10 % share.                                                      

“The current filter demand within industry utilizing palm fruit is very healthy 
for instance because palm oil is refined to biodiesel. With the signed agreement
the parties aim at utilizing the well-known Hoesch trademark in the palm oil    
industry and offering filters to their clients at a more competitive price than 
before”, says Mr Toivo Matti Karppanen, President & CEO of Larox Corporation.   
PMI is a Malesian family company, which manufactures filter presses and chamber 
filter presses and works in contract manufacturing. Larox has cooperated with   
PMI related to palm fruit and its oil refining applications for over twenty     
years. PMI has offices in Malesia and Indonesia.                                

Palm oil is, in addition to soya oil, one of the widest used vegetable oils.    
Palm oil (from fruit) and palm kernel oil (from seeds) are produced from palm   
fruit. Other important plants used in vegetable oil production are olive tree,  
maize, rape and different nut plants such as peanut. Vegetable oil is among     
other things used in cooking, soap manufacturing industry and dissolvent in     
paints and increasingly as fuel(biodiesel).                                     

Lappeenranta on 21 February 2007                                                
for Larox Corporation                                                           

Toivo Matti Karppanen                                                           
President & CEO                                                                 

For more information:                                                           

Tel +358-5-668811                                                               
Email: topi.karppanen@larox.com                                                 

Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchange                                           
Central Media, www.larox.com