2010-07-07 08:00:00 CEST

2010-07-07 08:00:05 CEST


Suomi Englanti
Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement


FINNAIR PLC   STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   7 July 2010 AT 09:00                     

In June, Finnair's Asian traffic grew by 26 percent compared with the previous  
summer's figures. The growth of all scheduled traffic was 12 percent.           
”The demand for Asian traffic is growing noticeably. We are increasing our      
capacity to destinations in Asia. Next summer, we will open a new non-stop route
to Singapore”, says Finnair's President & CEO Mika Vehviläinen.                 
Including leisure flights, the growth in Finnair's total revenue passenger      
kilometres was eight percent compared to June last year. Leisure traffic        
decreased by nine percent compared with last June. In June, the passenger load  
factor covering all Finnair flights was 77 percent, which is approximately three
percentage points better than last year.                                        
The unit revenue of Finnair's scheduled flights per passenger kilometre         
increased by six percent in the second quarter compared with the previous year, 
whereas during the first half of the year the unit revenue decreased by one     
percent. One significant factor is that the demand for business class has       
increased by almost 40 percent. On Asian flights, the number of passengers in   
business class increased by over 50 percent.                                    
“In addition to the growth in the overall demand, particularly corporate travel 
has increased no matter the travel class. The demand comes, above all, from     
European and Asian markets outside Finland. The change in passenger structure   
during the year has improved the unit revenue significantly. The price level is 
however clearly below 2008”.                                                    
The total number of passengers on Finnair flights during the beginning of the   
year was 3.5 million. Out of this number, 450,000 passengers travelled on       
leisure flights. The number of passengers on scheduled flights was on last      
year's level.                                                                   
The amount of cargo and post carried in June was 54 percent higher compared with
June last year. This significant increase is mainly due to the cargo flights    
from Helsinki to Hong Kong and Seoul that began in May. Also the amount of cargo
carried on scheduled flights increased by over 30 percent.                      
In June, 87.3 percent of all Finnair flights were on schedule, which is 1.7     
percent less than in June last year. The percent of punctual scheduled flights  
was 88.7 percent. This is a decrease of 1.8 percent compared with the situation 
in June last year.                                                              

FINNAIR'S TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE June 2010                                         

|                                  |     June | %-CHANG | January-Ju | %-CHANG |
|                                  |     2010 |       E |      ne 10 |       E |
| TOTAL TRAFFIC                    |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    649,0 |     1,1 |    3 519,1 |    -5,4 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |  2 168,3 |     3,4 |   12 469,6 |    -8,1 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |  1 674,0 |     7,9 |    9 587,7 |    -4,1 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     77,2 |   3,2 p |       76,9 |   3,2 p |
| Cargo tonnes total               | 11 127,7 |    54,0 |   54 534,2 |    33,9 |
| Available tonne kilometres mill  |    331,5 |     4,5 |    1 828,9 |   -10,2 |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill    |    217,9 |    20,7 |    1 185,9 |     5,6 |
| Overall load factor %            |     65,7 |   8,8 p |       64,8 |   9,7 p |
| SCHEDULED TOTAL                  |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    561,1 |     3,0 |    3 073,0 |    -0,9 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |  1 861,8 |     6,0 |   10 288,8 |    -1,0 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |  1 407,7 |    11,7 |    7 648,4 |     5,5 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     75,6 |   3,8 p |       74,3 |   4,6 p |
| EUROPE                           |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    346,9 |    -0,9 |    1 730,2 |    -1,3 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |    681,3 |     1,7 |    3 584,8 |    -5,7 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    480,6 |    -0,1 |    2 389,1 |    -1,9 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     70,5 |  -1,2 p |       66,6 |   2,6 p |
| NORTH ATLANTIC                   |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |     15,2 |   -11,9 |       71,1 |    -1,6 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |    117,3 |   -11,5 |      602,8 |     0,2 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    100,2 |   -12,0 |      469,5 |    -1,6 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     85,4 |  -0,5 p |       77,9 |  -1,5 p |
| ASIA                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    107,1 |    26,7 |      606,0 |    11,8 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |    983,8 |    12,1 |    5 487,1 |     3,5 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    781,9 |    26,1 |    4 425,0 |    12,7 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     79,5 |   8,8 p |       80,6 |   6,6 p |
| DOMESTIC                         |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |     92,0 |    -1,0 |      665,6 |    -9,4 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |     79,5 |     4,7 |      614,0 |   -11,1 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |     45,1 |    -1,8 |      364,9 |   -10,4 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     56,7 |  -3,7 p |       59,4 |   0,5 p |
| LEISURE TRAFFIC                  |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |     87,8 |    -9,6 |      446,2 |   -27,9 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |    306,5 |   -10,4 |    2 180,8 |   -31,3 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    266,3 |    -8,6 |    1 939,3 |   -29,5 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     86,9 |   1,7 p |       88,9 |   2,3 p |
| CARGO TRAFFIC                    |          |         |            |         |
| Cargo scheduled traffic total    |  9 192,6 |    31,4 |   50 641,3 |    28,8 |
| tonnes                           |          |         |            |         |
| Europe tonnes                    |  2 013,3 |    33,8 |   10 053,0 |    12,8 |
| North Atlantic tonnes            |    667,1 |    41,6 |    4 058,5 |    38,5 |
| Asia tonnes                      |  6 312,2 |    31,2 |   35 395,3 |    35,7 |
| Domestic tonnes                  |    200,0 |    -3,9 |    1 134,5 |   -18,7 |
| Cargo leisure traffic tonnes     |     83,7 |   -16,8 |      808,8 |    31,9 |
| Cargo flights tonnes             |  1 851,5 |  1324,0 |    3 084,0 |   291,5 |
| Cargo tonnes total               | 11 127,7 |    54,0 |   54 534,2 |    33,9 |
| Available tonne kilometres* mill |     93,4 |    37,3 |      443,7 |     2,4 |
| Revenue tonne kilometres mill    |     67,9 |    63,8 |      326,9 |    43,5 |
| Cargo load factor* %             |     72,7 |  11,8 p |       73,7 |  21,1 p |
| - North-Atlantic cargo load      |     77,7 |  33,2 p |       87,6 |  29,8 p |
| factor* %                        |          |         |            |         |
| - Asia cargo load factor* %      |     87,6 |  16,4 p |       87,5 |  24,8 p |

- * = Operational calculatory capacity                                          
- Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the     
previous year (p = percentage points)                                           
- Available seat kilometres, ASK: Total number of seats available, multiplied by
the number of kilometres flown                                                  
- Revenue passenger kilometres, RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried,      
multiplied by kilometres flown                                                  
- Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat
- Available tonne kilometres, ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of 
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown                      
- Revenue tonne kilometres, RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers,   
cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown                                  
- Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne     

Next release on traffic statistics will be released on 5 August 2010.           

Finnair Plc                                                                     
7 July 2010                                                                     

Additional information:                                                         
Mr. Petteri Kostermaa. VP Traffic Planning, tel. +358 9 818 8504                
Ms. Marika Moring, Business Controller, Finnair Cargo, tel. +358 9 818 3923