2009-03-11 09:05:08 CET

2009-03-11 09:06:01 CET


Finnish English
Ixonos - Company Announcement


IXONOS PLC	STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE  11 MARCH, 2009                               

IXONOS SHARPENS ITS STRATEGY                                                    

Ixonos sharpens its strategy and focuses its business operations. The company   
aims at continuing its profitable growth, increasing shareholder value and      
creating a framework for meaningful work and a good working community. Ixonos'  
major strengths are the high quality of services, superior service attitude, and
innovativeness as well as top expertise in device-independent solutions for     
mobile communications, social media and digital services.    
Following its specified strategy Ixonos' business operations are focused on     
developing software for products and services which utilize the potential of new
mobile and Internet technologies. Ixonos provides its customers superior value  
solutions for developing products and services which inspire the digital        
experience, regardless of place and time. Ixonos strives to be the strategic    
partner for leading service and product innovators, and help them benefit from  
new business opportunities and the high productivity produced by digitality. The
company's  services range from concept design, consulting and project management
to software production, hosting and maintenance.                                

According to its sharpened strategy Ixonos aims at developing business models   
that enable both profitable growth and the price flexibility required by the    
competitive situation at any time. Most important development areas are         
innovation and solution capability, quality and cost efficiency, as well as the 
continuous development of a customer-oriented service attitude.                 

Innovation and solution capability                                              

To improve its competitiveness, Ixonos endeavours to innovate new, more         
effective service and solution models, and operational processes that support   
international activities. The continuous improvement of practices is focused    
both on quality and productivity of internal production processes, and on       
collaboration models used in customer operations. The company's customer        
specific solutions utilize open-source technology platforms and components, as  
well as products and services from selected partners.                           

Quality and cost efficiency                                                     

Ixonos aims to offer its customer organizations superior value service models   
and solutions. It invests in developing the quality of services, the competence 
of personnel, the operational processes, as well as in the internationalization 
of all its operations. Based on the customer-centric approach, the company is   
setting up international project offices at locations of its most important     
customers. In response to the increasing capacity and cost challenges in        
software development and testing, Ixonos establishes software production service
centres in Eastern Europe and in Asia.                                          

Service attitude                                                                

As a services company Ixonos strives to operate unconditionally customer        
oriented, and to create a corporate culture which supports and maintains        
superior service attitude. Ixonos' customer satisfaction, which is among the    
highest in its industry, is based not only on technical competence and the high 
quality of its services, but also on the ambition to offer its clients global   
coverage, its personnel's commitment to the company's vision, and on vision- and
value-based leadership.                                                         

New business segments                                                           

Following the sharpened strategy the company's business operations have been    
organized into three business segments: Mobile Terminals & Software, Media &
Communities and Business Solutions.                                             

Mobile Terminals & Software                                                     

As the software platforms of mobile phones and smartphones become open, new     
applications and services continuously turn up for download. Technological      
development opens up the mobile device and service markets to new players. Also 
traditional phone manufacturers search for innovations in order to stand out,   
add value to their devices, and to develop new business opportunities.          

Ixonos' customers are the world's leading smartphone manufacturers, mobile      
technology suppliers and progressive telecommunication companies. Together with 
its corporate clients, Ixonos creates high-quality mobile devices and solutions 
which people use to connect to global Internet services. The company also       
develops mobile devices that are customized for the innovative services of its  

Ixonos is one of the world's leading developers and integrators of smartphone   
software. Its expertise covers the most significant mobile platforms on the     
market. The company's state-of-the-art competence and long experience enable it 
to build innovative products comprehensively, from operating systems to the     
device's user interface.                                                        

Ixonos is a visionary partner to its customers, from new product innovation all
the way to software production and maintenance. Its understanding of consumer
needs, as well as its technological competence and flexible ways of action,
ensure the quality and cost-efficiency of its solutions. 

Media & Communities                                                             

Smartphone penetration is increasing dramatically, and consumers are able to    
increase and diversify their phone-based use of Internet services. Ixonos'      
clientele consists of companies operating on the international market and       
seeking new business opportunities through Internet services aimed at consumers 
and partners.                                                                   

Together with its corporate clients, Ixonos develops device-independent,        
Internet-based services for media, entertainment and information delivery as    
well as for social networking. In association with its customers, Ixonos creates
a world in which communication, caring, sharing and transacting is not only     
flexible and efficient, but also easy and fun.                                  

Ixonos' customers redefine their position in the value chain that extends from  
services to devices. Ixonos strengthens the competitiveness of terminal device  
manufacturers in their roles as providers of Internet services. It helps        
Internet players improve the exposure, and increase the mobile use, of their    
media and community services. Ixonos supports growth companies as they challenge
the traditional players in their field.              

Ixonos' top class competence and its focused service development provides for   
innovative solutions running the gamut from services to devices. Ixonos wants to
create products and services that offer superior user experiences regardless of 
time, place and device.                                                         

Business Solutions                                                              

Ixonos helps its customers—in the private as well as the public sector—develop  
their operations by creating new solutions for digital business and services.   
Through solutions that apply Internet and mobile technologies and concepts, the 
company's customers boost their operations and capitalize on new business       
Ixonos comprehensively supports the business operations of its customers,       
throughout the life span of software and system solutions. It produces          
business-supportive information systems and software for the financial sector,  
the manufacturing industry, and public administration organizations. Ixonos     
plans and manages the business and information system projects of, among others,
its telecommunications operator customers, attending to the interests of its    
customers. It also delivers technology-independent architecture solutions and   
consulting services.                                                            

Regarding ICT projects, Ixonos focuses on solutions for e‑workspaces, digital   
services and for document management, as well as on integration solutions.      
Through the company's efficient solutions, Ixonos' customers achieve, among     
others, cost savings as well as significant improvements in both external and   
internal customer satisfaction.                                                 

Ixonos' long experience in business processes, in technology architectures, and 
in managing projects of up to hundreds of man-years enables successful planning 
and management of software and system projects.                                 

IXONOS PLC                                                                      
Kari Happonen                                                                   
President and CEO                                                               

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                                          
Kari Happonen, phone +358 424 2231, mobile +358 400 700 761,                    

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
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