2017-02-17 08:00:02 CET

2017-02-17 08:00:02 CET


Finnish English
Ramirent - Financial Statement Release

Ramirent Plc’s Financial Statements Bulletin for January-December 2016: Growth and profit improvement in the fourth quarter, full-year result impacted by one-offs

Vantaa, Finland, 2017-02-17 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Ramirent Plc          Stock Exchange Release           17 February 2017 at 9:00
am EET 

This stock exchange release is a summary of Ramirent Plc’s Financial Statements
Bulletin 2016. The complete report is attached to this release in pdf format
and is also available on Ramirent’s website at www.ramirent.com. 

Note! Figures in brackets, unless otherwise indicated, refer to the
corresponding period a year earlier. 


• Net sales EUR 180.5 (170.5) million, up by 5.9% or 7.3% at comparable
exchange rates 

• Comparable EBITA EUR 21.1 (16.8) million or 11.7% (9.9%) of net sales

• Reported EBITA EUR 21.2 (16.8) million or 11.7% (9.9%) of net sales

• Gross capital expenditure EUR 47.0 (42.0) million

• Cash flow after investments EUR 11.1 (5.3) million


• Net sales EUR 665.2 (635.6) million, up by 4.6% or 6.1% at comparable
exchange rates 

• Comparable EBITA EUR 68.1 (63.4) million or 10.2% (10.0%) of net sales

• One-offs incl. asset write-downs and reorganization costs EUR -20.6 million

• Reported EBITA EUR 59.2 (66.8) million or 8.9% (10.5%) of net sales

• Gross capital expenditure EUR 190.8 (139.2) million

• Cash flow after investments EUR −20.7 (−6.3) million

• The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of EUR 0.40 (0.40) per share, paid
in two installments 


In 2017, Ramirent’s comparable EBITA is expected to increase from the level in

KEY FIGURES (MEUR and %)        10−12/1  10−12/1  CHANGE  1−12/1  1−12/1  CHANGE
                                      6        5               6       5        
Net sales                         180.5    170.5    5.9%   665.2   635.6    4.6%
EBITDA                             47.9     43.7    9.5%   169.0   168.1    0.6%
% of net sales                    26.5%    25.7%           25.4%   26.4%        
Comparable EBITA                   21.1     16.8   25.5%    68.1    63.4    7.4%
% of net sales                    11.7%     9.9%           10.2%   10.0%        
Reported EBITA                     21.2     16.8   26.1%    59.2    66.8  −11.3%
% of net sales                    11.7%     9.9%            8.9%   10.5%        
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR      0.12     0.11    9.4%    0.20    0.36  −43.4%
Gross capital expenditure          47.0     42.0   11.9%   190.8   139.2   37.1%
Cash flow after investments        11.1      5.3  108.4%   −20.7    −6.3     n/a
Capital employed at the end of                             645.0   600.5    7.4%
Comparable ROCE %                                           9.3%    9.4%        
Reported ROCE %                                             6.2%   10.0%        
Comparable ROE %                                           12.1%   10.9%        
Reported ROE %                                              7.2%   12.1%        
Net debt                                                   345.8   280.9   23.1%
Net debt to EBITDA ratio                                    2.0x    1.7x   22.4%
Personnel (FTE)                                            2,686   2,654    1.2%

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued new guidelines
regarding alternative performance measures which were to be implemented at the
latest in the second quarter of 2016. Due to the new guidelines, Ramirent’s
performance measure “EBITA excluding non-recurring items” was replaced with
“comparable EBITA” as of the first quarter of 2016. The content of adjustments
equals items previously disclosed as non-recurring items including incomes and
expenses arising activities that amend Ramirent’s business operations or are
incurred outside its normal course of business such as restructuring costs,
impairments, significant write-downs of assets and significant gains or losses
on sale of assets and businesses. Comparable EBITA is disclosed to improve
comparability between reporting periods. 


“For the full year of 2016, our sales grew at comparable exchange rates by 6.1%
and comparable EBITA improved to EUR 68.1 (63.4) million or 10.2% (10.0%) of
net sales. However, our full-year result was impacted by one-off asset
write-downs and reorganization costs related to profitability improvement
actions announced in October 2016. Full-year reported EBITA therefore decreased
to EUR 59.2 (66.8) million or 8.9% (10.5%) of net sales. We are not pleased
with our financial performance in 2016 and thus we are focused on achieving
sustainable profit improvement in 2017. 

In the fourth quarter, thanks to overall good market and weather conditions,
net sales grew at comparable exchange rates by 7.3%. This together with an
improved sales mix increased comparable EBITA by 25.5% to EUR 21.1 (16.8)
million, representing 11.7% (9.9%) of net sales. Our sales grew in all markets
except for Denmark and we were pleased to see that we achieved a good sales mix
in most of our segments during the quarter. Sales growth was fastest in Finland
supported by a strong market, but profitability improved only slightly due to
higher costs and a higher share of service sales. In Sweden, profitability
improved driven by net sales growth, stabilizing costs and a higher share of
General Rental in the sales mix. In Norway, overall market demand for General
Rental was fair and we managed to stabilize our Temporary Space business. In
Denmark, the improving trend in profitability also continued. In Europe
Central, the previously announced reorganization actions started to improve
profitability already during the quarter. In Baltics, demand was stable and a
good level of profitability was maintained. 

In the quarter, we also strengthened our Executive Management Team with the
appointment of a new EVP of Human Resources and we launched a new long-term
Incentive Plan for company key employees to maximally support the company’s
short-term key priority of delivering improved EBITA in 2017. 

Looking ahead to 2017, we expect our business environment to remain largely
favorable and will concentrate on delivering improved profitability. Our focus
in 2017 lies on turning around non-performing units, improving the sales mix,
increasing cost efficiency, fleet productivity and developing pricing. We have
a lot of work ahead of us to improve our performance and I would like to thank
the employees of Ramirent for their engagement and contribution during a
challenging 2016. 

With our strong market positions and financial strength there are plenty of
possibilities to develop our business in the long-term. Rental is a
future-proof business and we continue to be well positioned to benefit from the
trends of outsourcing non-core activities, resource efficiency and increasing
demand for productivity in construction. A comprehensive strategy update will
be completed during 2017.” 


Ramirent’s market outlook is based on the available forecasts disclosed by
local construction and industry associations in its operating countries. 
In 2017, Nordic equipment rental market is expected to grow by approximately
2%. In Finland, market conditions are expected to remain favorable supported by
growing new residential construction and large non-residential construction
projects. In Sweden, high activity in the construction sector is expected to
drive demand for rental and related services throughout the country. The Danish
and Norwegian equipment rental markets are estimated to remain fairly stable or
grow slightly. In the Baltics, the market situation remains mixed, with
challenging market conditions in Latvia, while activity is expected to improve
in Estonia and Lithuania. In Fortrent markets, in Russia and Ukraine, countries
are in the early stages of an economic recovery which is likely to start
supporting construction and equipment rental. In Poland and Slovakia, the
equipment rental markets are supported by new project start-ups both in the
construction and industrial sector. Market outlook is more subdued in the Czech
Republic due to low activity in the construction market. 


The parent company’s distributable equity on December 31, 2016 amounted to EUR
270,801,022.76 of which the net result from the financial year 2016 is EUR -545

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting 2017 that a
dividend of EUR 0.40 (0.40) per share be paid based on the adopted balance
sheet for the financial year ended on December 31, 2016. The proposed dividend
will be paid to shareholders registered in Ramirent’s shareholder register
maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd on the record date for dividend payment.
The dividend is proposed to be paid in two equal installments of EUR 0.20 per
share, the first with record date March 20, 2017 and the second with record
date September 18, 2017. If the Meeting decides as proposed, the first
installment is expected to be paid on April 4, 2017 for shareholders whose
shares are registered in Euroclear Finland Ltd and on April 5, 2017 for
shareholders whose shares are registered in Euroclear Sweden AB. The second
installment is expected to be paid on October 3, 2017 and respectively, on
October 4, 2017. The Board of Directors is authorized to set a new dividend
record date and payment date for the second installment of the dividend, in
case the rules and regulations of the Finnish book-entry system would be
changed, or otherwise so require, prior to the payment of the second
installment. The proposed dividend represents a 195% (111%) payout ratio for
2016 which is above Ramirent’s long-term financial target to payout at least
40% of net profit in dividend. The proposed dividend is not reflected in the
year 2016 financial statements. The dividends paid in 2016 were EUR 0.40 per
share totaling EUR 43,099,725.60. 


A briefing for investment analysts and the press will be arranged 17 February,
2017 at 11:00 a.m. Finnish time at Klaus K, Bulevardi 2-4, Helsinki, (Studio


You can participate in the analyst briefing on Friday 17 February 2016 at 11:00
a.m. Finnish time (EET) through a live webcast at www.ramirent.com and
conference call. Dial-in number for conference call: +358 9 8171 0495 (FI), +46
8 5664 2702 (SE), +44 203 194 0552 (UK) and +1 855 716 1597 (US). 


Ramirent observes a silent period during 30 days prior to the publication of
annual and interim financial results. 

Financial Statements 2016
17 February 2017

Annual General Meeting
16 March 2017

Interim report January–March 2017
9 May 2017

Half Year Financial Report 2017
2 August 2017

Interim report January–September 2017
8 November 2017

The financial information in this stock exchange release has not been audited.

Group President and CEO Tapio Kolunsarka, tel. +358 20 750 3630,
CFO Pierre Brorsson, tel. +46 8 624 9541, pierre.brorsson@ramirent.com
SVP, Marketing, Communications and IR Franciska Janzon, tel. +358 20 750 2859,

Ramirentis a leading equipment rental group combining the best equipment,
services and know-how into rental solutions that simplify customer’s business.
Ramirent serves a broad range of customer sectors including construction,
industry, services, the public sector and households. Ramirent has operations
in the Nordic countries and in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2016, Ramirent
Group sales totaled EUR 665 million. The Group has 2,686 employees in 290
customer centres in 10 countries. Ramirent is listed on the NASDAQ Helsinki
(RMR1V). Ramirent – More than machines®. 

NASDAQ Helsinki
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