2008-04-18 13:34:48 CEST

2008-04-18 13:35:44 CEST


Lithuanian English
Vilniaus Baldai AB - Notification on material event

Resolutions of the Management Board and Draft resolutions of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting

The Management Board of Vilniaus baldai AB  approved the Company‘s draft
resolutions of the Annual General Shareholders meeting  that will take place on
the 29th of April 

1. Consolidated annual report.                               
Draft Resolution:                                                               
1.1. To approve Company‘s consolidated annual report for 2007. 

2. Company's auditor's report.                                                  
Draft Resolution:                                                               
2.1. To approve Company‘s auditor‘s report. 

3. Approval of the Company's financial statements for 2007. 
Draft Resolution:                                                               
3.1. To approve Company's financial statements for 2007. 

4. Approval of the Company‘s consolidated financial statements for 2007.      
Draft Resolution:                                                               
4.1. To approve Company‘s consolidated financial statements for 2007.
5. Approval of the Company‘s profit (loss) distribution for 2007.      
Draft Resolution:                                                               
5. 1. To approve Company‘s profit distribution:

Undistributed retained earnings, brought forward	919 713 LTL, 
Net result for the current year	                  1 799 636  LTL, 
Distributable result                                   2 719 076 LTL,
Renewable reserve funds                                198 116 LTL,
Distributable earnings	                            2 917 192 LTL, 
Transfers to the obligatory reserves	                  199 750 LTL,
Transfers to other reserves	                               -
To be paid as dividends	                               -  
To be paid as annual payments (bonus) to board of                              
Undistributed retained earnings, carried forward	2 717 442 LTL,

6. Election of board of directors
Draft resolution:
6.1.	For board of directors elect candidates who got the most voices. 
Suggestion to elect present board members : Vytautas Bučas, Darius Šulnis,
Raimondas Rajeckas for next four years. 

Additional information:
Chief Financial Officer
Jelena Makmak
Phone No: +370 5 2525720