2013-04-23 10:00:01 CEST

2013-04-23 10:00:15 CEST


Finnish English
Fingrid Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Fingrid Group's Interim Report 1 January - 31 March 2013

Helsinki, Finland, 2013-04-23 10:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fingrid Oyj
Interim Report 23.4.2013 at 11.00 EET 

January - March 2013: Improved profit for the financial period

  -- The Group's revenue between January and March 2013 was 171 million euros
     (170 million euros during the corresponding period in 2012).
  -- Operating profit for the first quarter of the year was 79 million euros (54
  -- The Group's net profit for the financial period was 55 million euros (38
  -- The cash flow from the operations of the Group deducted by capital
     expenditure was 38 million euros (57 million).
  -- The interest-bearing borrowings totalled 992.5 million euros (970 million).
  -- Capital expenditure totalled 34 million euros (19 million).
  -- The equity ratio was 29.3% (26.4%).
  -- Earnings per share totalled 16,550 euros (11,372 euros).

KEY FIGURES                               Jan-Mar1  Jan-Mar1  change  Jan-Dec201
                                                 3         2     %             2
Revenue                               M€     170.6     169.6   0.6         522.1
Capital expenditure, gross            M€      34.4      19.1   79.9        139.0
- of revenue                          %       20.2      11.3                26.6
Research and development expenses     M€       0.4       0.3   34.3          1.5
- of revenue                          %        0.2       0.2                 0.3
Personnel, average                             268       265   1.1           269
Personnel, at the end of period                276       269   2.6           275
Salaries and bonuses, total           M€      4.57      4.42   3.4         18.21
Operating profit                      M€      79.1      54.2   45.9         94.6
- of revenue                          %       46.4      32.0                18.1
Profit before taxes                   M€      72.8      50.0   45.6         88.3
- of revenue                          %       42.7      29.5                16.9
Profit for the financial period       M€      55.0      37.8   45.5         67.0
Comprehensive income for the          M€      50.3      40.0   25.6         73.2
 financial period                                                               
Return on investment (ROI)            %                                      5.6
Return on equity (ROE)                %                                     12.4
Equity ratio                          %       29.3      26.4                27.3
Interest-bearing net borrowings       M€     992.5     969.9   2.3        1030.3
Net gearing ratio                     %      160.1     180.8               180.8
Earnings per share                    €   16 550.4  11 372.2   45.5     20 159.2
Dividend/ series A shares             €                                2 018.26*
Dividend/ series B shares             €                                2 018.26*
Equity per share                      €    186 478   161 368   15.6      171 365
Dividend payout ratio, A shares       %                                    10.0*
Dividend payout ratio, B shares       %                                    10.0*
Number of shares at 31 Dec                                                      
- Series A shares                    pcs     2 078     2 078     0         2 078
- Series B shares                    pcs     1 247     1 247     0         1 247
Total                                pcs     3 325     3 325     0         3 325

* The Board of Directors' proposal to the Annual General Meeting

Says Jukka Ruusunen, President and CEO of Fingrid, about the interim report:"Electricity consumption at last year's level""Despite the prolonged winter, electricity consumption for the first quarter of
the year remained at the same level where it was a year ago. The first
quarter's operating profit was enhanced by the grid tariff increases
implemented at the beginning of the year, and by the decrease in loss energy
expenses in comparison with last year. The congestion income related to the
area price difference between Finland and Sweden decreased from last year, as
the transmission capacity from Sweden has been able to fulfil the market needs

Fingrid Group's interim report 1 January - 31 March 2013

Accounting principles

Fingrid's interim report has been drawn up in accordance with standard IAS 34,
Interim Financial Reporting. In this interim report, Fingrid has followed the
same principles as in the annual financial statements for 2012. 

Financial result

The Group's revenue for the first quarter of the year was 171 million euros
(170 million euros during the corresponding period in 2012). Other operating
income was 1 million euros (0.5 million euros). 

The grid service income rose to 116 million euros (99 million euros) as a
result of the tariff increase of 15 per cent carried out at the beginning of
the year. Electricity consumption remained at the previous year's level and was
24,6 TWh (24,6 TWh). The sales of imbalance power were 40 million euros (46
million euros). Cross-border transmission income on the connection between
Finland and Russia remained at the previous year's level. Fingrid's congestion
income between Finland and Sweden was 1 million euros (8 million euros). 

The purchases of imbalance power were 32 million euros (42 million euros). Loss
energy costs decreased to 15 million euros (18 million euros) due to a lower
loss energy purchase price and a decrease in loss energy purchases. At the end
of March, 99 per cent of Fingrid's projected loss energy procurement for the
remaining part of 2013 had been hedged at an average price of 47.2 euros per
megawatt hour. 

The costs of reserves, which safeguard the system security of the power system,
increased by 6 million euros during the review period due to the increased
market prices of reserves and the additional reserve purchases made to improve
frequency quality. Depreciations totalled 19 million euros (19 million euros).
The maintenance management costs totalled 4 million euros (3 million euros),
and the increase was mainly due to the costs incurred from the initiated repair
of the Fenno-Skan 1 interconnection. Personnel costs increased slightly from
the previous year. 

Revenue and other operating income (million €)  Jan-Mar 13  Jan-Mar 12  change %
Grid service revenue                                   116          99      16.9
Sales of imblance power                                 40          46     -13.7
ITC income                                               3           5     -38.7
Cross-border transmission                                5           5      -1.8
Finland-Estonia congestion income*                       1           1     -58.2
Peak load capacity**                                     5           5      -0.1
Finland-Sweden congestion income                         1           8     -91.2
Other revenue                                            1           1      25.8
Other operating income                                   1           1      81.2
Revenue and other income total                         172         170       0.9

Costs (million €)                                       Jan-Mar  Jan-Mar  change
                                                         13       12           %
Purchase of imbalance power                                  32       42   -24.0
Purchase of loss energy                                      15       18   -17.2
Depreciation                                                 19       19     4.5
Estlink grid rents*                                           1        1   -54.0
Reserves                                                     12        6    87.0
Personnel                                                     6        5     4.1
Peak load capacity**                                          5        5    -0.7
Maintenance management                                        4        3    40.0
ITC charges                                                   3        3   -21.9
Other costs                                                   8        6    31.1
Costs total                                                 103      108    -4.5
Operating profit excluding the change in the fair            69       62    10.2
 value of commodity derivatives                                                 
Operating profit of the Group                                79       54    45.9

*Fingrid's income from the congestion income between Finland and Estonia was
0.5 million euros. The costs (grid rents between Finland and Estonia) were 0.5
million euros, which was paid to the owners of the transmission connection. The
difference of 0.0 million euros received by Fingrid was created during
disturbances on the Estlink connection (no disturbance occurred between January
and March 2013). 
** The peak load capacity income and costs are related to the securing of the
sufficiency of electricity during peak consumption hours within the framework
of the Finnish Peak Load Capacity Act. 

The operating profit of the Group was 79 million euros (54 million euros),
which contains 11 million euros (-8 million euros) of changes in the fair value
of commodity derivatives. The profit before taxes was 73 million euros (50
million euros). The profit for the financial period was 55 million euros (38
million euros) and the consolidated total comprehensive income was 50 million
euros (40 million euros). The cash flow from the operations of the Group
deducted by capital expenditure was 38 million euros positive (57 million
euros). The equity ratio of the Group was 29.3 per cent (26.4 per cent) at the
end of the review period. 

The Group's profit for financial period is characterised by seasonal
fluctuations, which is why the profit for the financial year cannot be directly
estimated on the basis of the three-month profit for the financial period. 

Capital expenditure

During the first quarter of the year, Fingrid made significant decisions about
investments in substations. A new 110-kilovolt substation will be built in
Naantalinsalmi to replace the existing 110-kilovolt switchgear at the Naantali
power plant. The new substation will enable the connection of Kraftnät Åland's
high-voltage direct current submarine cable between the Åland Islands and
mainland Finland to the Finnish grid. The total costs of this project are
approximately 8.8 million euros. 

The improvement of the Petäjäskoski substation covers the renewal of the aged
and structurally impractical 220-kilovolt switchgear and the addition of
another 400/220-kilovolt transformer. The upgrade is carried out so as to
improve system security in the transmission system in Lapland. The total costs
of station renovation project are approximately 16 million euros. 

Fingrid's new reserve power plant was inaugurated in Forssa in late March. The
plant is the largest reserve power plant in Finland, used for securing the
functioning of the Finnish power system in disturbance situations. The plant
was completed on schedule in late 2012. Fingrid now has a total of 1,300
megawatts of fast disturbance reserve. 

The Group's gross capital expenditure between January and March was 34.4
million euros (19.1 million euros during the corresponding period in 2012). 

Power system

From the beginning of 2013 to the end of March, 24.6 terawatt hours of
electricity was consumed in Finland (24.6 TWh in the corresponding period in
2012). A total of 17.6 TWh (17.5 TWh) of electricity was transmitted in
Fingrids grid during the same period, representing 72 per cent of the
electricity consumption in Finland. 

The electricity import and production capacity was well sufficient to cover the
peak consumption of the winter. According to Fingrid's operation control
measurements, the peak electricity consumption in the winter of 2013 was 14,043
megawatts. The highest electricity generation volume in Finland in the early
part of 2013 was approx. 12,000 megawatts, and power plants worked without
significant disturbance during the period ofcold weather. It was not necessary
to take into use any of the nation-wide peak load capacity of 600 megawatts. 

Electricity transmissions between Finland and Sweden consisted mainly of
imports to Finland. The failure in the Fenno-Skan 1 interconnection limited the
import capacity during the review period. The interconnection was out of
operation for the duration of January due to repair work and the commissioning
tests of the new automation system. On February 12, the Fenno-Skan 1
interconnection was hit by a cable failure. 

The repair of the interconnection was completed in April. Between January and
March, 2.3 TWh of electricity were imported from Sweden to Finland (3.1 TWh),
and 0.3 TWh (0.1 TWh) were exported from Finland to Sweden. 

There were no significant electricity transmission restrictions in the
transmission capacity on the Russian or Estonian borders between January and
March. The volume of imports from Russia, on average, has been approximately
half of the available capacity, and it has varied as determined by the market
situation. The prevailing direction of transmissions on the Estlink connection
varied, depending on the market situation. Electricity imports from Russia from
January to March were 1.8 TWh (2.0 TWh) and from Estonia 0.2 TWh (0.1 TWh).
Exports to Estonia were 0.3 TWh (0.4 TWh). 

In order to restore the deteriorated frequency quality in the Nordic countries,
the Nordic grid companies have started the test use of a new reserve type, the
Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve. During the test period, a total of 100
MW of this reserve will be maintained, and Fingrid's share is 23 MW. 

Power system operation                     Jan-Mar 13  Jan-Mar 12
Eelectricity consumption in Finland TWh          24.6        24.6
Fingrid's transmission volume TWh                17.6        17.5
Fingrid's loss energy volume TWh                  0.3         0.3
Electricity transmissions Finland-Sweden                         
Exports to Sweden TWh                             0.3         0.1
Imports from Sweden TWh                           2.3         3.1
Electricity transmissions Finland-Estonia                        
Exports to Estonia TWh                            0.3         0.4
Imports from Estonia TWh                          0.2         0.1
electricity transmissions Finland-Russia                         
Imports from RussiaTWh                            1.8         2.0

Electricity market

The average price (system price) in Nord Pool spot market during the first
quarter of 2013 was 42 €/MWh (38€/MWh during the corresponding period in 2012)
and Finland's area price was 42€/MWh (43€/MWh). 

In the early part of 2013, the Swedish transmission lines' capacity has been
able to fulfil the market needs better than last year, despite the failure in
the Fenno-Skan 1 interconnection. Since the beginning of the year, Finland has
belonged to the same price area with Northern Sweden or the Stockholm area for
96 per cent of the time, whereas the corresponding rate for last year was 30
per cent. 

The normalisation of the water reservoir situation in the Nordic countries has
significantly helped the situation. In addition, due to the Fenno-Skan
interconnection failure, Fingrid again made the decision to postpone the outage
of the northern cross-border line connection to await a more suitable market

During the first quarter of 2013, Fingrid used 0.1 million euros for counter
trade (1.8 million euros in 2012). 

In March, the Finnish government introduced a new electricity market act
proposal to the parliament. The proposal concerns the grid in terms of
separating grid ownership and amending the definition of grid. According to the
proposed act, the goal of grid development is to maintain Finland's position as
one offer area in electricity trade. The grid owner's area of responsibility
covers the entire country, excluding the Åland Islands that have a separate
grid owner. 

The Northeast European market integration project stepped forward in February,
when the project parties set their goal at establishing the region's market
connection by the end of November. The project of grid companies and
electricity exchanges optimises transmission capacity management across more
than 20 borders between 13 countries. The final goal is to achieve an
all-European electricity market. 

Electricity market                                         Jan-Mar13  Jan-Mar12
Nord Pool system price, average €/MWh                          42.03      38.48
Area price Finland, average €/MWh                              42.10      42.71
Congestion income between Finland and Sweden million €*          1.4       15.4
Congestion hours between Finland and Sweden%*                    7.4       40.1
Congestion income between Finland and Estonia  million €*          1        2.5
Congestion hours between Finland and Estonia %*                 26.5       29.4

* The congestion income between Finland and Sweden as well as between Finland
and Estonia is divided between the relevant TSOs in equal proportions. The
income and costs of the transmission connections are presented in the tables
under Financial result. 


The financial position of the Group continued to be satisfactory. The net
financial costs of the Group were 7 million euros during the review period (4
million euros). The net financial costs excluding the changes in the fair value
of derivatives were 5 million euros (5 million euros). Financial assets
recognised at fair value in the income statement and cash and cash equivalents
amounted to 225 million euros (261 million euros) on 31 March 2013. Moreover,
the company has an undrawn revolving credit facility of 250 million euros. 

The interest-bearing borrowings totalled 1,218 million euros (1,231 million
euros), of which 1,056 million euros (826 million euros) were non-current and
161 million euros (405 million euros) were current. 

The counterparty risk involved in the derivative contracts relating to
financing was 80 million euros (65 million euros). 

On 16 January 2013, the international rating agency Standard & Poor's Rating
Services (S&P) revised Fingrid Oyj's outlook from negative to stable. Other
ratings remained unchanged. S&P affirmed Fingrid Oyj's long-term rating AA-,
short-term rating A-1+ and the long-term credit rating AA-. FitchRatings
published a report on Fingrid's credit ratings on 18 March 2013, and the
ratings remained unchanged. Fitch's rating for Fingrid Oyj's senior unsecured
debt is A+. The Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR)  is A and Short-term IDR
is F1. Fingrid Oyj's outlook is stable. 


The total personnel of the Fingrid Group averaged 268 (265) during the review


The consolidated figures in this Interim Report are unaudited.

Events after review period and outlook for the remaining part of the year

No substantial events or changes have occurred in Fingrid's operations or
financial standing after the end of the financial period. 

The company raised its tariffs by 15 per cent as of 1 Jan. 2013. The company
proceeds with the implementation of its long-term 1.7-billion euro investment
programme. Investments will be financed by increased external funding. 

Fingrid Group's profit before taxes without the changes in the fair value of
derivatives is expected to increase slightly from the previous year.The
uncertainty involved in electricity consumption, congestion income and in
cross-border income on the interconnections from Russia makes it difficult to
forecast the profit for the entire financial year. 

Annual General Meeting

Fingrid Oyj's Annual General Meeting shall take place on 27 May 2013 at 10 a.m.
in Helsinki. 

Board of Directors

Appendices: Tables for the interim report 1 January - 31 March 2013

Further information:

Jukka Ruusunen, President & CEO, tel. +358 (0)30 395 5140 or +358 (0)40 593 8428
Tom Pippingsköld, CFO, +358 (0)30 395 5157 or +358 (0)40 519 5041

Appendices: Tables for the interim report 1 January - 31 March 2013

Condensed consolidated statement of                 2013    2012  Change    2012
 comprehensive income, million euros              Jan-Ma  Jan-Ma          Jan-De
                                                       r       r               c
Revenue                                            170.6   169.6     1.0   522.1
Other operating income                              1.01     0.5     0.4     3.8
Depreciation and amortisation expense              -19.4   -18.5    -0.8   -75.7
Operating expenses                                 -73.1   -97.4    24.3  -355.6
Operating profit                                    79.1    54.2    24.9    94.6
Finance income and costs                            -6.6    -4.5    -2.1    -7.2
Portion of profit of associated companies            0.3     0.3     0.0     0.9
Profit before taxes                                 72.8    50.0    22.8    88.3
Income taxes                                       -17.8   -12.2    -5.6   -21.3
Profit for the period                               55.0    37.8    17.2    67.0
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Cash flow hedges                                    -4.3     3.4    -7.8     6.1
Translation reserve                                 -0.4    -1.2     0.8     0.1
Available-for-sale financial assets                  0.0                     0.0
Total comprehensive income for the year             50.3    40.0    10.3    73.2
Profit attributable to:                                                         
Equity holders of the company                       55.0    37.8    17.2    67.0
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                                     
Equity holders of  the company                      50.3    40.0    10.3    73.2
Earnings per share (euros)* belonging to the      16 550  11 372   5 178  20 159
 owners of the parent company, calculated from                                  
* no dilution effect                                                            

Condensed consolidated balance sheet, million     2013     2012  Change     2012
 euros                                          31 Mar   31 Mar           31 Dec
Non-current assets                                                              
Goodwill                                          87.9     87.9     0.0     87.9
Intangible assets                                 90.9     91.3    -0.4     91.1
Property, plant and equipment                  1 500.3  1 419.3    81.0  1 484.7
Investments                                        8.4      7.3     1.2      8.6
Derivatives                                       80.0     59.2    20.8     81.7
Receivables                                       21.4     21.1     0.3     21.7
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                        9.8      6.6     3.2     10.4
Derivatives                                        3.4     12.9    -9.5      3.9
Receivables                                       89.6     67.8    21.8     88.3
Financial assets recognised in income            221.9    253.8   -31.9    207.4
at fair value                                                                   
Cash and cash equivalents                          3.2      7.6    -4.4      6.4
Total assets                                   2 116.8  2 034.8    82.0  2 092.0
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Shareholders' equity belonging to the owners                                    
 of  the parent company                                                         
Shareholders' equity                             620.0    536.6    83.5    569.8
Non-current liabilities             
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities       1 056.2    825.9   230.4  1 032.2
Derivatives                                       30.8     37.4    -6.6     30.1
Other non-current liabilities                    169.8    153.6    16.2    154.4
Current liabilities                                                             
Current interest-bearing liabilities             161.3    405.4  -244.1    211.9
Derivatives                                        4.0      0.9     3.1     10.8
Trade and other payables                          74.6     75.1    -0.4     82.8
Total shareholders' equity and liabilities     2 116.8  2 034.8    82.0  2 092.0

Attributable to equity   Share      Share  Revalua-t  Transla-  Retained   Total
 holders of the parent  capita    premium        ion      tion  earnings  equity
 company                     l    account    reserve   reserve                  
Balance at 1 Jan 2012     55.9       55.9      -13.7       0.6     408.6   507.3
Comprehensive income                                                            
Profit or loss                                                      37.8    37.8
Other comprehensive                                                             
Cash flow hedges                                 3.4                         3.4
Translation reserve                                       -1.2              -1.2
Total other                                      3.4      -1.2               2.2
 comprehensive income                                                           
 adjusted by tax                                                                
Total comprehensive                              3.4      -1.2      37.8    40.0
Transactions with                                                               
Dividens relating to                                               -10,8   -10,8
Balance at 31 Mar 2012    55.9       55.9      -10.3      -0.7     435.6   536.6
Comprehensive income                                                            
Profit or loss                                                      29.2    29.2
Other comprehensive                                                             
Cash flow hedges                                 2.7                         2.7
Translation reserve                                        1.3               1.3
Items related to                                 0.0                         0.0
 long-term asset items                                                          
Total other                                      2.7       1.3               4.0
 comprehensive income                                                           
 adjusted by tax                                                                
Total comprehensive                              2.7       1.3      29.2    33.2
Balance at 1 Jan 2013     55.9       55.9      -7.57       0.6       465   569.8
Comprehensive income                                                            
Profit or loss                                                      55.0    55.0
Other comprehensive                                                             
Cash flow hedges                                -4.3                        -4.3
Translation reserve                                       -0.4              -0.4
Items related to                                 0.0                         0.0
 long-term asset items                                                          
Total other                                     -4.3      -0.4              -4.8
 comprehensive income                                                           
 adjusted by tax                                                                
Total comprehensive                             -4.3      -0.4      55.0    50.3
Balance at 31 Mar 2013    55.9       55.9      -11.9       0.2     519.9   620.0

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement, million       2013     2012     2012
 euros                                                 Jan-Mar  Jan-Mar  Jan-Mar
Cash flow from operating activities                                             
Profit for the financial year                             55.0     37.8     67.0
Adjustments                                               32.9     42.9    114.6
Changes in working capital                                -0.6     11.1     -3.7
Impact of changes in fair value of investments             0.0      0.0     -0.5
Interests paid                                            -1.9     -3.0    -21.8
Interests received                                         0.3      1.1      3.6
Taxes paid                                                -1.8     -0.5    -14.6
Net cash flow from operating activities                   83.9     89.2    144.6
Cash flow from investing activities                        
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                -44.9    -30.4   -142.7
Purchase of intangible assets                             -0.5     -2.4     -5.1
Purchase of other assets                                   0.0      0.0      0.0
Proceeds from other investments                            0.0      0.0      0.0
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment        0.0      0.0      0.6
Repayment of loans receivable                              0.0      0.0      0.0
Dividends received                                         0.0      0.0      1.3
Contributions received                                     0.0      0.0      0.0
Net cash flow from investing activities                  -45.4    -32.7   -145.9
Cash flow from financing activities                                             
Withdrawal of loans                                       38.4    207.5    643.5
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repayment of loans                                       -65.5   -199.8   -621.5
Dividends paid                                             0.0     -6.7    -10.8
Net cash flow from financing activities                  -27.2      1.1     11.3
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                   11.3     57.6     10.0
Cash and cash equivalents 1 Jan                          213.8    203.8    203.8
Cash and cash equivalents 31 Mar                         225.1    261.4    213.8

QUARTERLY FIGURES                                                               
                         Q1     Q4     Q3    Q2     Q1     Q4    Q3    Q2     Q1
                       2013   2012   2012  2012   2012   2011  2011  2011   2011
Turnover          Me  170.6  153.7  106.0  92.7  169.6  107.9  88.0  91.0  151.6
Operating profit  Me   79.1   38.5    7.1  -5.1   54.2   17.1  -4.3   2.0   41.7
Operating profit   %   46.4   25.0    6.7  -5.5   32.0   15.8  -4.8   2.2   27.5

                                     Jan-Mar  Jan-Mar
Capital expenditure in the grid         30.8     13.7
Substations                             20.9      8.3
Transmission lines                       9.9      5.3
Capital expenditure in gas turbines      0.7      3.9
Present gas turbine plants               0.0      1.2
New gas turbine plants                   0.7      2.8
Other capital expenditure                3.0      1.6
ICT                                      2.0      1.4
Others                                   1.0      0.2
Total capital expenditure               34.4     19.1

                                       2013     2012
                                    Jan-Mar  Jan-Mar
R&D expenditure                     0.4      0.3

DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS, MILLION EUROS                                           
                           31 Mar 2013                     31 Mar 2012          
Interes rate and    Fair    Fair     Net  Nomi-n    Fair    Fair     Net  Nomi-n
 currency         valuep  valuen    fair      al   value   value    fair      al
 derivatives         os.     eg.   value   value    pos.    neg.   value   value
Cross-currency        80      -7      73     409      77     -11      66     518
Forward                0               0       3               0       0       2
Interest rate         15      -8       7     391       6      -7      -1     346
Call options,          0               0     695       0               0     850
Total                 95     -15      80   1 498      83     -18      65   1 716
Electricity        Fair     Fair     Net  Volume    Fair    Fair     Net  Volume
 derivatives      valuep  valuen    fair     TWh   value  valuen    fair     TWh
                   os.       eg.   value            pos.     eg.   value        
Electricity            0     -19     -19    2.99             -26     -26    3.82
 designated as                                                                  
NASDAX      OMX                                                                 
Electricity            0      -4      -4    0,94               0       0    0.00
 contracts, not                                                                 
 designated as                                                                  
 NASDAX   OMX                                                                   
Total                  0     -23     -23    3.93             -26     -26    3.82

DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS, MILLION EUROS                                           
                                                         31 Dec 2012            
Interes rate and currency derivatives           Fair      Fair      Net  Nomi-na
                                               value     value     fair  l value
                                                pos.      neg.    value         
Cross-currency swaps                              79        -7       72      419
Forward contracts                                            0        0        3
Interest rate swaps                               15       -10        5      406
Call options, bought                               0                  0      810
Total                                             94       -16       77    1 637
Electricity derivatives                         Fair      Fair      Net   Volume
                                            valuepos     value     fair      TWh
                                                   .      neg.    value         
Electricity forward contracts, designated                  -17      -17     2.68
 as hedge accounting,                                                           
NASDAX      OMX Commodities                                                     
Electricity forward contracts, not                         -10      -10     1.20
 designated as hedge accounting, NASDAX                                         
 OMX Commodities                                                                
Total                                                      -27      -27     3.88

FAIR VALUE HIERARCHY, MILLION EUROS                           31 Mar 2013       
                                                       Level 1  Level 2  Level 3
Financial assets held at fair value                                             
Available-for-sale investments                               0        0         
Interest rate and currency                                           80         
Financial assets recognised at fair                         20      202         
Financial assets held at fair value total                   20      282         
Financial liabilities held at fair value                                        
Interest rate and currency derivatives
Electricity forward contracts, NASDAQ OMX Commodities      -23                  
Financial liabilities held at fair value total             -23                  

Fair value measurement of assets and liabilities are categorised in a
three-level hierarchy in the fair value presentation. The appropriate hierarchy
is based on the input data of the instrument. The level is determined on the
basis of the lowest level of input for the instrument in its entirety that is
significant to the fair value measurement. 

Level 1: inputs are publicly quoted in active markets.

Level 2: inputs are not publicly quoted and are observerable market parameters
either directly or indirectly. 

Level 3: inputs are unobserverable market parameters.

Commitments and contingencies, million     31 Mar 2013  31 Mar 2012  31 Dec 2012
Pledges / bank balances                              0            0            0
Rental liabilities                                  28           26           25
Commitment fee of revolving credit                   2            2            2
Total                                               30           28           27
Capital commitments                                224          240          217
Other financial liabilities                          2            2            2

Changes in property, plant and equipment,         31 Mar      31 Mar      31 Dec
 million euros                                      2013        2012        2012
Carrying amount at beginning of period             1 485       1 420       1 420
Increases                                             35          18         138
Decreases                                                                      0
Depreciation and amortisation expense                -19         -18         -73
Carrying amount at end of period                   1 500       1 419       1 485

Transactions with associated companies,           31 Mar      31 Mar      31 Dec
 million euros                                      2013        2012        2012
Sales                                                  2           2           7
Purchases                                             12          16          47
Receivables                                            1           2           2
Liabilities                                            0           0           0

Transactions with related parties,         31 Mar 2013  31 Mar 2012  31 Dec 2012
 million euros                                                                  
Purchases                                            0            0            0
Liabilities                                          0            0             
Other related parties                                                           
Sales                                               29           32           67
Purchases                                            6           17           42
Receivables                                          9            0            1
Liabilities                                          2            3            8

Accounting principles.
This interim report has been drawn up in accordance with standard IAS 34,
Interim Financial Reporting. In this interim report, Fingrid has followed the
same principles as in the annual financial statements for 2012. 

Segment reporting.
The entire business of the Fingrid Group is deemed to comprise transmission
system operation in Finland with system responsibility, only constituting a
single segment. There are no essential differences in the risks and
profitability of individual products and services. This is why segment
reporting in accordance with the IFRS 8 standard is not presented. 

Corporate rearrangements.
There have been no changes in the Group structure during the period reviewed.

Seasonal fluctuation.
The Group's operations are characterised by extensive seasonal fluctuations.

General clause. Certain statements in this release concern the future and are
based on the present views of management. Due to their nature, they contain
some risk and uncertainty and are subject to changes in economy and the
relevant business.
