2008-04-10 14:46:00 CEST

2008-04-10 14:46:58 CEST


Lithuanian English
Snaige AB - Acquisition or disposal of a block of shares

Notification about disposal of a block of shares


1.Snaige AB code 249664610, Pramonės str. 6, LT-62001 Alytus           
 (name, code, registered address, home office address, State of the issuer)   

2. [x] The reason for crossing the threshold: disposal                          
(specify the relevant reason)               

[x] Selling of shares                                                           
the trigger event (indicate the specific event)                 

3.  Hansa Eastern European Fund, code of management company 10194399, address   
Liivalaia 12, Tallinn, Estonia                                                  
(name of the person/ company having acquired/ disposed voting rights)      

4. _____________________________________________________________________________
         (name of shareholder if different from indicated by point 3)           

5. The date of transaction (specify) and                           01-04-2008 
    Date of which the threshold was crossed (specify if different) 04-04-2008 
6. Threshold that was crossed or reached (specify)     5 % 

7. Data provided                                                                

| Voting rights given by shares                                                |
| Class of | Number of       | The number of shares and voting rights held at  |
| shares,  | shares and      | the date of crossing the threshold              |
| ISIN     | votes held      |                                                 |
| code     | previous to the |                                                 |
|          | acquisition of  |                                                 |
|          | disposal of the |                                                 |
|          | block of        |                                                 |
|          | shares**        |                                                 |
|          | Number | Number | Number | Number of voting |  Number of voting   |
|          |   of   |   of   |   of   |  rights (units)  |     rights (%)      |
|          | shares | votes  | shares |                  |                     |
|          | (units | (units | (units |                  |                     |
|          |   )    |   )    |   )    |                  |                     |
|          |        |        | direct | direct | indirec | directl | indirectl |
|          |        |        |   ly   |   ly   |   tly   |    y    |     y     |
|   PVA    | 136599 | 5.73%  | 965999 | 965999 |    -    |  4.05%  |           |
| LT000010 |   9    |        |        |        |         |         |           |
|   9274   |        |        |        |        |         |         |           |
|          |        | Total  | 965999 | 965999 |    -    |  4.05%  |           |
|          |        |  (A)   |        |        |         |         |           |

| Data on the securities that subject to a formal agreement upon a request of  |
| the owner thereof grants the right to acquire in the future the shares       |
| already issued by the issuer                                                 |
| Name of      | Date of       | The data of   | The number of | The number of |
| securities   | expiry of the | conversion    | voting rights | voting rights |
|              | securities    | and (or) the  | held after    | held after    |
|              |               | exercise of   | the exercise  | the exercise  |
|              |               | the rights    | of the votes  | of the votes  |
|              |               | granted by    | granted by    | granted by    |
|              |               | the           | the           | the           |
|              |               | securities    | securities    | securities    |
|              |               |               | (units)       | (%)           |
|              |               | Total (B)     | -             | -             |

| Total number of voting rights (A+B)                                          |
|                         | Number of voting rights | Number of voting rights  |
|                         | (units)                 | (%)                      |
| Total                   |         965999          |          4.05%           |

   (the chain of controlled entities though which the voting rights and (or)    
  securities that subject to a formal agreement and upon an initiative of the   
 owner thereof grants the right to acquire the shares issued by the issuer are  
                             held (if applicable))                              

9. In case voted with proxy: The proxy ____________________________             
                                               (name and last name of the proxy)
is granted the right to vote at his own discretion in respect of                
                                                      number of votes (units, %)
expires on  ________________________ (date)                                     

10.* In case owners of convertible bonds wish to convert bonds to ordinary      
registered shares on 06-04-2009, the total number of shares issued would change,
therefore voting rights held might change in the future.                        

Jone Sceponaviciute                                                            
AB Bankas Hansabankas             
Head of Securities Department

Unofficial translation done at the VSE