2010-05-07 08:00:00 CEST

2010-05-07 08:00:03 CEST


Finnish English
Wulff-Yhtiöt Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


WULFF-GROUP PLC                                                                 
STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 	May 7, 2010 at 9:00 A.M.                               

- Net sales for the first quarter increased strongly by 28.9 percentages up to
EUR 21.6 million from last year's comparable period (EUR 16.7 million). The
sales increase was due to the acquisition of Wulff Supplies Ab which operates
in Sweden, Norway and Denmark and since the end of July 2009 is part of Wulff 
- The integration of Wulff Supplies with Wulff Group has been managed with 
success. The Nordic cooperation and the synergies in purchases for example give 
the customers even more competitive products and services. In the first quarter 
of 2010, Wulff Supplies managed to both increase its market share and win new   
- In January-March 2010, the EBITDA was EUR 0.06 million which was lower than
in the comparable period last year (EUR 0.08 million).  
- The operating loss was EUR -0.16 million for the first quarter 2010 compared
to the operating loss of EUR -0.14 million last year. 

- Loss before taxes (EUR -0.04 million) was smaller than in the comparable
period last year (EUR -0.2 million). 

- Earnings per share was EUR -0.04 (EUR -0.05). 

NET SALES AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                                             

Net sales for the first quarter increased strongly by 28.9 percentages up to EUR
21.6 million from last year's comparable period (EUR 16.7 million). The sales   
increase was due to the acquisition of Wulff Supplies Ab which operates in      
Sweden, Norway and Denmark and since the end of July 2009 is part of Wulff      

Wulff Group's CEO Heikki Vienola: “The integration of Wulff Supplies with Wulff 
Group has been managed with success. The Nordic cooperation and the synergies in
purchases for example give the customers even more competitive products and     
services. Our net sales increased strongly which was especially fuelled by the  
acquisition of Wulff Supplies. In the first quarter of 2010, Wulff Supplies     
managed to both increase its market share and win new customers. Our sales      
growth is a clear sign of our customers' trust in our services and products and 
it also shows that we are an appreciated partner. Many of our solutions bring   
cost effectiveness to our customers' operations which is a well-appreciated     
benefit these days for most of our customers. All our group companies are       
focusing heavily on serving our customers even better and more comprehensive.   
There are positive signs of demand recovery and I believe we have good chances  
to achieve a better result than last year.”                                     

The Contract Customers Division is a comprehensive partner for customers in the 
field of office supplies, business and promotional gifts as well as fair and    
event marketing services. The segment's net sales (EUR 17.6 million) increased  
by EUR 6.0 million i.e. 52 percentages year-on-year (EUR 11.6 million) due to   
Wulff Supplies which has been consolidated since the beginning of August 2009   
and is part of the Contract Customer Division. The integration of Wulff Supplieswith Wulff Group has been managed with success. The Nordic cooperation and the  
synergies in purchases for example give the customers even more competitive     
products and services. In the first quarter of 2010, Wulff Supplies managed to  
both increase its market share and win new customers.                           

In November 2009, Wulff launched a webstore Wulffinkulma.fi which has Finland's 
largest office supply product range of nearly 4,000 products and is open for all
Finnish companies and organizations. Being the e-commerce pioneer in its        
industry, Wulff develops its online service constantly. Wulffinkulma.fi is a    
significant investment in the future operations. The webstore has already       
brought new customers which will support the Group's growth in the near future. 

The Direct Sales Division aims to improve its customers' daily operations with  
innovative products and the industry's most professional personal, local        
service. The net sales of the Direct Sales Division decreased from last year's  
comparable sales of EUR 5.4 million down to EUR 4.0 million this year. Part of  
the sales decrease is due to the divestment of former group companies Everyman  
Oy and Officeman Oy which were sold to the minority shareholders in September   
2009. The Group aims to recruit several new direct sales employees in the Nordic
and Baltic countries in 2010.                                                   

In January-March 2010, the EBITDA was EUR 0.06 million which was lower than in  
the comparable period last year (EUR 0.08 million). The EBITDA was 0.3          
percentage of net sales (0.5 percentages).                                      

The operating loss was EUR -0.16 million for the first quarter 2010 compared to 
the operating loss of EUR 0.14 million last year. The operating loss was 0.7    
percentage (-0.8 %) of the net sales. The financial performance of the Contract 
Customers Division was not as good as in the comparable period last year, and   
its operating profit was EUR 0.04 million in January-March 2010 (EUR 0.1        
million). Despite the sales decrease of the Direct Sales Division, the operating
loss in the comparable period (EUR -0.3 million) was turned up to an operating  
profit of EUR 0.1 million this year.                                            

The financial income and expenses totalled (net) EUR +0.1 million (EUR -0.1     
million) including dividend income of EUR 0.1 million, interest expenses of EUR 
0.1 million and other financial items (net) EUR +0.1 million.                   

Loss before taxes (EUR -0.04 million) was smaller than in the comparable period 
last year (EUR -0.2 million).                                                   

After deducting the minority shareholders' profit share, the net loss           
attributable to the equity holders of the parent company totalled EUR -0.2      
million compared to a net loss of EUR 0.3 million last year.                    

Earnings per share amounted to EUR -0.04 (EUR -0.05). Return on investment (ROI)
was +0.04 percentage (-0.5 %) and return on equity (ROE) was -0.5 percentage    
(-1.5 %).                                                                       

FINANCING, INVESTMENTS AND FINANCIAL POSITION                                   

In January-March 2010, the cash flow from operating activities totalled EUR +0.0
million compared to the negative operating cash flow of EUR -0.2 million a year 
ago. The Group aims to improve the working capital management and increase the  
cash flow from operating activities in 2010.                                    

In the first quarter, the cash flow used in investing activities amounted to EUR
-0.1 million including investments in intangible and tangible assets (EUR -0.2  
million) and proceeds from the sale of intangible and tangible assets (EUR +0.1 
million). In the comparable period, the investments in intangible and tangible  
assets (EUR -0.3 million) and the acquisitions of subsidiaries (EUR -0.1        
million) generated a cash flow used in investing activities of total EUR -0.4   

During the interim period, the cash flow used in financing activities totalled  
EUR -0.03 million (EUR -0.3 million) including short-term investments of EUR 0.2
million (EUR 0.1 million) and the dividends of EUR +0.1 million (EUR 0.0        
million) received from them. The group companies' minority shareholders were    
paid dividends of EUR 0.04 million in total (EUR 0.06 million) in January-March.
The cash flow used in financing activities was affected also by the withdrawals 
and repayments of long- and short-term loans for EUR +0.1 million (EUR -0.1     
million). Based on the Annual General Meeting's authorization in 2009, the      
acquisition of own shares continued also in January-March 2010 and a total of   
EUR 9 thousand (EUR 0.03 million) was spent for the repurchases.                

In general, the net decrease in cash and cash equivalents was EUR -0.2 million  
in January-March 2010 compared to a net decrease of EUR -0.9 million a year ago.

Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent company totalled EUR    
2,66 per share (EUR 2,79). Equity-to-assets ratio (44,0 %) increased from       
December 2009 (41,2 %) but was lower than in the comparable period last year    
(51,6 %) due to the acquisition of Wulff Supplies in the end of July 2009.      

DECISIONS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                         

Wulff-Group Plc's Annual General Meeting held on April 23, 2010 decided to pay a
dividend of EUR 0,05 per share and authorised the Board of Directors to decide  
on the repurchase of the company's own shares. The Annual General Meeting       
accepted also the Board's proposal concerning the authorisation to perform share

The Annual General Meeting adopted the financial statements for the financial   
year 2009 and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and CEO from     

Due to a change in the legislation, the Annual General Meeting decided to amend 
the Articles of Association in a way that the invitations to the General        
Meetings are delivered at least 21 days prior to the General Meeting, but not   
later than nine days before the General Meeting record date.                    

The previous Board members Ere (Erkki) Kariola, Ari Pikkarainen, Pentti         
Rantanen, Saku (Sakari) Ropponen and Heikki Vienola were re-elected and Andreas 
Tallberg was elected as a new member of the Board. The organising meeting of the
Board of Directors, held after the Annual General Meeting, decided that the new 
Chairman of the Board is Saku (Sakari) Ropponen.                                

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

Based on the authorization of the Annual General Meeting held on April 24, 2009,
the acquisition of own shares continued in January-March 2010. In the end of    
December 2009, the parent company held a total of 69 022 own shares after which 
2 807 own shares were repurchased and 5 000 own shares were allocated to the    
Group's key person as a part of the share-based incentive plan decided in 2008. 
During the interim period, the average price for the repurchased own shares was 
EUR 3.25 per share. In the end of March 2010, the Group held a total of 66 829  
own shares (24 956 as of March 31, 2009) representing 1.0 percentage (0.4 %) of 
the total number and voting rights of Wulff shares.                             

The Board of Directors decided to continue buying back a maximum of 300,000 own 
shares in accordance with the authorization granted by the Annual General       
Meeting held on April 23, 2010. The acquisition of the company's own shares     
shall start on May 10, 2010 at the earliest and will end by the next Annual     
General Meeting at the latest.                            

The shares will be acquired through public trading on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in a  
proportion other than that of current shareholder holdings. The shares will be  
acquired at the market price quoted at the time of the repurchase in accordance 
with the rules regarding the acquisition of company's owns shares. According to 
the authorisation, the treasury shares can be acquired to carry out acquisitions
or other business related arrangements, to improve the company's capital        
structure, to support the implementation of the company's incentive scheme or to
be cancelled or disposed of.                                                    

The Group does not have any option schemes currently in force.                  

The parent company's share capital (EUR 2.65 million) consists of 6 607 628     
shares with one vote each. There have not been any changes in share capital in  
2009 and 2010. There have been no disclosed notifications on changes in major   
holdings during 2009 and 2010.                                                  

Wulff Group Plc' share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in the Small Cap segment
under the Consumer Discretionary sector. The company's trading code is WUF1V. In
the end of March 2010, the share was valued at EUR 3.35 and the market          
capitalization of the outstanding shares totalled EUR 21.9 million.             


During the interim period, the Group's personnel totalled 366 (413) employees on
average. In the end of March 2010, the Group had 360 (413) employees of which 71
(85) persons were employed in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia and Lithuania.   

The majority, approximately 60 percentages of the Group's personnel works in    
sales operations and 40 percentages work in logistics and administration. Wulff 
employees equally both genders: in the end of March 2010, half of the employees 
were women and half were men.                                          

In order to increase the organic growth, the Group focuses on recruiting sales  
personnel in 2010. The Group continues the close cooperation with the employment
authorities and the educational institutions with an emphasis on developing the 
web-based recruitment methods in order to find new sales talents in a           
cost-efficient way. The general employment situation is expected to increase the
Group's possibilities to find new talented sales personnel. The Group aims to   
increase its personnel in all units still during 2010.                          

RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES IN THE NEAR FUTURE                                      

The economic downturn in the Nordic countries has clearly affected the demand   
for office supplies as the Group's corporate clients have fewer employees than  
prior to the economic slowdown and they are saving on their office supply       
consumption. The general uncertainty may continue in 2010 which will most likely
affect the ordering behaviour of some corporate clients also in the coming      
months. The improvement of the economic situation is expected to affect quickly 
the demand for office supplies.                                                 

The possibly ongoing economic slowdown impacts especially the demand for        
business and promotional gifts. Although the business gifts are seen            
increasingly as a part of the corporate communications as a whole and they are  
utilized also in the off-season, some cost savings may be sought after by       
decreasing the investments in the brand promotion. In the economic downturn, the
corporations also minimize attending fairs and decrease their event marketing   
activities. The improvement of the economic situation increases the demand for  
business and promotional gifts as well as fair and event marketing services     
slightly slower than it affects the demand for office supplies.                 

MARKET SITUATION AND OUTLOOK FOR 2010                                           

Along with the global economic downturn, also the markets for office supplies   
have decreased notably in the countries where the Group operates. In the Nordic 
countries last year, the markets for office supplies decreased some 10          
percentages and the markets for business and promotional gifts were impacted    
with a decrease of nearly a third. The Estonian markets for corporate           
promotional products went down to less than a half of the levels in the past.   
The markets are expected to remain the size as in 2009 or to grow slightly in   

Due to the acquisition of Strålfors Supplies Ab (Wulff Supplies since January 1,
2010) in the end of July 2009, the Group's position in the Nordic office supply 
markets strengthened and the Group became the most significant Nordic player in 
office supplies. The Group aims to being the front-runner and consolidator in   
its field. Its mission is to help corporate customers to succeed in their own   
business by providing them with leading-edge products and services              
cost-efficiently in a way best suitable to them.                                

In 2010, the Group expects to win new customers and gain growth with the help of
the Contract Customers Division's online service Wulffinkulma.fi launched in    
November 2009.                                                                  

Historically, Wulff-Group's business experiences seasonal change, and a         
significant share of the company's net sales and profit is generated in the     
fourth quarter. In 2010, the Group continues to take action for enhancing       
profitability. To boost the growth and development of sales operations, new     
sales personnel is recruited actively in all operating countries.               

The Group expects its net sales to grow remarkably from last year especially    
along with Wulff Supplies acquired in the end of July 2009. Wulff is also       
prepared to carry out new strategic acquisitions. In 2010, the group management 
believes to have good opportunities to reach a result better than in 2009.      

FINANCIAL REPORTING IN 2010                                                     

The Group will publish its next interim reports as follows:                     

Interim report for January 1 - June 30, 2010:	August 11, 2010 at 9:00 A.M.      
Interim report for January 1 - September 30, 2010: November 10, 2010 at 9:00


| INCOME STATEMENT                           |        I |        I |      I-IV |
| EUR 1000                                   |     2010 |     2009 |      2009 |
| Net sales                                  |   21 584 |   16 745 |    74 785 |
| Other operating income                     |      166 |       51 |       402 |
| Materials and services                     |  -13 529 |   -9 452 |   -45 445 |
| Employee benefit expenses                  |   -4 805 |   -4 251 |   -15 980 |
| Other operating expenses                   |   -3 355 |   -3 011 |   -12 515 |
| EBITDA                                     |       61 |       82 |     1 247 |
| Depreciation and amortization              |     -221 |     -220 |      -940 |
| Impairment                                 |        - |        - |      -460 |
| Operating profit/loss                      |     -160 |     -139 |      -154 |
| Financial income                           |      391 |       51 |       275 |
| Financial expenses                         |     -274 |     -129 |      -481 |
| Profit/Loss before taxes                   |      -43 |     -217 |      -360 |
| Income taxes                               |      -46 |      -78 |      -284 |
| Net profit/loss for the period             |      -89 |     -295 |      -644 |
| Attributable to:                           |          |          |           |
|    Equity holders of the parent company    |     -240 |     -311 |      -782 |
|    Minority interest                       |      151 |       16 |       138 |
| Earnings per share for profit attributable |          |          |           |
| to the equity holders of the parent        |          |          |           |
| company:                                   |          |          |           |
| Earnings per share, EUR (diluted =         |    -0,04 |    -0,05 |     -0,12 |
| non-diluted)                               |          |          |           |

| STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME          |        I |        I |      I-IV |
| EUR 1000                                   |     2010 |     2009 |      2009 |
| Net profit/loss for the period             |      -89 |     -295 |      -644 |
| Other comprehensive income, net of tax     |          |          |           |
| Change in translation differences          |      228 |      -40 |        39 |
| Fair value changes on available-for-sale   |      -19 |       14 |        -4 |
| investments                                |          |          |           |
| Total other comprehensive income           |      209 |      -26 |        35 |
| Total comprehensive income for the period  |      120 |     -321 |      -609 |
| Total comprehensive income attributable    |          |          |           |
| to:                                        |          |          |           |
|    Equity holders of the parent company    |      -77 |     -356 |      -797 |
|    Minority interest                       |      196 |       35 |       188 |

| STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION            | March 31 | March 31 |    Dec 31 |
| EUR 1000                                   |     2010 |     2009 |      2009 |
| ASSETS                                     |          |          |           |
| Non-current assets                         |          |          |           |
| Goodwill                                   |   10 804 |    8 356 |    10 658 |
| Other intangible assets                    |    1 220 |      620 |     1 257 |
| Property, plant and equipment              |    1 912 |    2 419 |     1 952 |
| Non-current financial assets               |          |          |           |
| Interest-bearing non-current financial     |       75 |        - |         - |
| assets                                     |          |          |           |
| Non-interest-bearing non-current financial |      348 |      360 |       337 |
| assets                                     |          |          |           |
| Deferred tax assets                        |    1 027 |      706 |     1 066 |
| Total non-current assets                   |   15 387 |   12 463 |    15 274 |
| Current assets                             |          |          |           |
| Inventories                                |   11 349 |   10 304 |    11 793 |
| Current receivables                        |          |          |           |
|    Interest-bearing current receivables    |        7 |        - |         - |
|   Non-interest-bearing current receivables |   13 006 |   11 495 |    13 246 |
| Financial assets recognised at fair value  |      198 |      230 |        58 |
| through profit and loss                    |          |          |           |
| Cash and cash equivalents                  |    5 180 |    3 719 |     5 337 |
| Total current assets                       |   29 740 |   25 750 |    30 434 |
|                                            |          |          |           |
| TOTAL ASSETS                               |   45 127 |   38 213 |    45 708 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                     |          |          |           |
| Equity                                     |          |          |           |
| Equity attributable to the equity holders  |          |          |           |
| of the parent company:                     |          |          |           |
|    Share capital                           |    2 650 |    2 650 |     2 650 |
|    Share premium fund                      |    7 662 |    7 662 |     7 662 |
|    Invested unrestricted equity fund       |      223 |      223 |       223 |
|    Retained earnings                       |    6 875 |    7 807 |     6 944 |
| Minority interest                          |    1 520 |    1 114 |     1 364 |
| Total equity                               |   18 930 |   19 456 |    18 843 |
| Non-current liabilities                    |          |          |           |
| Interest-bearing non-current liabilities   |    8 567 |    6 300 |     8 266 |
| Deferred tax liabilities                   |      179 |        - |       298 |
| Total non-current liabilities              |    8 746 |    6 300 |     8 564 |
| Current liabilities                        |          |          |           |
| Interest-bearing current liabilities       |    2 115 |    1 702 |     2 305 |
| Non-interest-bearing current liabilities   |   15 337 |   10 756 |    15 996 |
| Total current liabilities                  |   17 452 |   12 458 |    18 301 |
|                                            |          |          |           |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES               |   45 127 |   38 213 |    45 708 |

| STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW                     |        I |        I |      I-IV |
| EUR 1000                                   |     2010 |     2009 |      2009 |
| Cash flow from operating activities:       |          |          |           |
|    Cash received from sales                |   21 824 |   17 372 |    73 880 |
|  Cash received from other operating income |      138 |       25 |       320 |
|    Cash paid for operating expenses        |  -21 816 |  -17 584 |   -72 348 |
| Cash flow from operating activities before |      146 |     -187 |     1 852 |
| financial items and income taxes           |          |          |           |
|    Interest paid                           |      -81 |      -45 |      -408 |
|    Interest received                       |        6 |       25 |       151 |
|    Income taxes paid                       |      -69 |      -13 |      -125 |
| Cash flow from operating activities        |        2 |     -220 |     1 470 |
| Cash flow from investing activities:       |          |          |           |
| Investments in intangible and tangible     |     -187 |     -320 |      -810 |
| assets                                     |          |          |           |
| Proceeds from sales of intangible and      |       58 |       18 |       173 |
| tangible assets                            |          |          |           |
|   Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash |        0 |      -76 |    -2 293 |
|    Sale of subsidiaries, net of cash       |        0 |        0 |       426 |
|    Loans granted                           |        0 |        0 |         0 |
|   Repayments of loans receivable           |        0 |        0 |         0 |
| Cash flow from investing activities        |     -130 |     -378 |    -2 504 |
| Cash flow from financing activities:       |          |          |           |
|    Acquisition of own shares               |       -9 |      -33 |      -126 |
|    Dividends paid                          |      -40 |      -57 |      -422 |
|    Dividends received                      |      103 |        0 |         8 |
| Cash paid for (received from) short-term   |     -194 |     -141 |      -216 |
| investments (net)                          |          |          |           |
|  Withdrawals of long- and short-term loans |      610 |        0 |     3 494 |
|   Repayments of long- and short-term loans |     -500 |      -80 |      -995 |
| Cash flow from financing activities        |      -30 |     -311 |     1 743 |
|                                            |          |          |           |
| Change in cash and cash equivalents        |     -157 |     -909 |       709 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning |    5 337 |    4 628 |     4 628 |
| of the period                              |          |          |           |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end of    |    5 180 |    3 719 |     5 337 |
| the period                                 |          |          |           |

| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY  |        |        |        |        |        |
| EUR 1000         |  Equity attributable to equity holders  |        |        |
|                  |          of the parent company          |        |        |
|                  | Shar | Share |   Fund | Retain |  Total | Minori |  TOTAL |
|                  |    e | premi |    for |     ed |        |     ty |        |
|                  | capi |    um | invest | earnin |        | intere |        |
|                  |  tal |  fund |     ed |     gs |        |     st |        |
|                  |      |       | non-re |        |        |        |        |
|                  |      |       | strict |        |        |        |        |
|                  |      |       |     ed |        |        |        |        |
|                  |      |       | equity |        |        |        |        |
| Equity on Jan 1, |      | 7 662 |    223 |  8 196 | 18 731 |  1 137 | 19 868 |
| 2009             | 2650 |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Comprehensive    |      |       |        |   -356 |   -356 |     35 |   -321 |
| income *         |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Dividends paid   |      |       |        |        |      0 |    -58 |    -58 |
| Treasury share   |      |       |        |    -33 |    -33 |        |    -33 |
| acquisition      |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Equity on March  |      | 7 662 |    223 |  7 807 | 18 342 |  1 114 | 19 456 |
| 31, 2009         | 2650 |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Equity on Jan 1, |      | 7 662 |    223 |  8 196 | 18 731 |  1 137 | 19 868 |
| 2009             | 2650 |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Comprehensive    |      |       |        |   -797 |   -797 |    188 |   -609 |
| income *         |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Dividends paid   |      |       |        |   -329 |   -329 |    -93 |   -422 |
| Treasury share   |      |       |        |   -126 |   -126 |        |   -126 |
| acquisition      |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Divestment of    |      |       |        |        |      0 |   -258 |   -258 |
| subsidiaries     |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Changes in       |      |       |        |        |      0 |    389 |    389 |
| ownership        |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Equity on Dec    |      | 7 662 |    223 |  6 944 | 17 479 |  1 364 | 18 843 |
| 31, 2009         | 2650 |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Equity on Jan 1, |      | 7 662 |    223 |  6 944 | 17 479 |  1 364 | 18 843 |
| 2010             | 2650 |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Comprehensive    |      |       |        |    -77 |    -77 |    196 |    120 |
| income *         |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Dividends paid   |      |       |        |        |      0 |    -40 |    -40 |
| Treasury share   |      |       |        |     -9 |     -9 |        |     -9 |
| acquisition      |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Share-based      |      |       |        |     16 |     16 |        |     16 |
| payments         |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Equity on March  |      | 7 662 |    223 |  6 875 | 17 410 |  1 520 | 18 930 |
| 31, 2010         | 2650 |       |        |        |        |        |        |


| SEGMENT INFORMATION                        |        I |        I |      I-IV |
| EUR 1000                                   |     2010 |     2009 |      2009 |
| Net sales by operating segments            |          |          |           |
| Contract Customers Division                |   17 597 |   11 554 |    57 346 |
| Direct Sales Division                      |    4 042 |    5 436 |    17 985 |
| Group Services                             |      354 |      407 |       986 |
| Intragroup eliminations between segments   |     -409 |     -652 |    -1 531 |
| TOTAL NET SALES                            |   21 584 |   16 745 |    74 785 |
| Operating profit/loss by operating         |          |          |           |
| segments                                   |          |          |           |
| Contract Customers Division                |       39 |      144 |       658 |
| Direct Sales Division                      |      124 |     -259 |        28 |
| Group Services and non-allocated items     |     -323 |      -24 |      -840 |
| TOTAL OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS                |     -160 |     -139 |      -154 |

|                                               |       I |       I |     I-IV |
| KEY FIGURES                                   |    2010 |    2009 |     2009 |
| Net sales                                     |  21 584 |  16 745 |   74 785 |
|    Increase/Decrease in net sales, %          |  28,9 % | -12,6 % |   -1,8 % |
| EBITDA                                        |      61 |      82 |    1 247 |
|    EBITDA margin, %                           |   0,3 % |   0,5 % |    1,7 % |
| Operating profit/loss                         |    -160 |    -139 |     -154 |
|    Operating profit/loss margin, %            |  -0,7 % |  -0,8 % |   -0,2 % |
| Profit/Loss before taxes                      |     -43 |    -217 |     -360 |
|    Profit/Loss before taxes margin, %         |  -0,2 % |  -1,3 % |   -0,5 % |
| Net profit/loss for the period attributable   |    -240 |    -311 |     -782 |
| to equity holders of the parent company       |         |         |          |
|    Net profit/loss for the period, %          |  -1,1 % |  -1,9 % |   -1,0 % |
| Earnings per share, EUR (diluted =            |   -0,04 |   -0,05 |    -0,12 |
| non-diluted)                                  |         |         |          |
| Return on equity (ROE), %                     |  -0,5 % |  -1,5 % |   -3,3 % |
| Return on investment (ROI), %                 |    0,04 |    -0,5 |      0,2 |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Equity-to-assets ratio at the end of period,  |  44,0 % |  51,6 % |   41,2 % |
| %                                             |         |         |          |
| Debt-to-equity ratio at the end of period, %  |  28,6 % |  22,0 % |   27,8 % |
| Equity per share at the end of period, EUR    |    2,66 |    2,79 |     2,67 |
| Investments in non-current assets, EUR 1000   |     187 |     362 |      915 |
|   Investments in fixed assets, % of net sales |   0,9 % |   2,2 % |    1,2 % |
| Treasury shares held by the Group at the end  |  66 829 |  24 956 |   69 022 |
| of period                                     |         |         |          |
| Treasury shares, % of total share capital and |   1,0 % |   0,4 % |    1,0 % |
| votes                                         |         |         |          |
| Number of total issued shares at the end of   | 6607628 |  6607628|  6607628 |
| period                                        |         |         |          |
| Personnel on average during the period        |     366 |     413 |      392 |
| Personnel at the end of period                |     360 |     413 |      372 |

* Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent company / Number of   
shares excluding the acquired own shares                                        

| QUARTERLY KEY FIGURES       |      I |      IV |     III |      II |       I |
|                             |   2010 |    2009 |    2009 |    2009 |    2009 |
| Net sales, EUR 1000         | 21 584 |  25 724 |  17 570 |  14 746 |  16 745 |
| EBITDA, EUR 1000            |     61 |     824 |      67 |     274 |      82 |
| Operating profit/loss, EUR  |   -160 |     349 |    -427 |      63 |    -139 |
| 1000                        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Profit/Loss before taxes,   |    -43 |     300 |    -487 |      44 |    -217 |
| EUR 1000                    |        |         |         |         |         |
| Net profit/loss for the     |   -240 |     165 |    -581 |     -55 |    -311 |
| period, EUR 1000            |        |         |         |         |         |
| Earnings per share, EUR     |  -0,04 |    0,02 |   -0,09 |   -0,01 |   -0,05 |
| (diluted = non-diluted)     |        |         |         |         |         |

| RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                  |        I |        I |     I-IV |
| EUR 1000                                    |     2010 |     2009 |     2009 |
| Purchases from related parties              |        0 |        0 |        0 |
| Loan receivables from related parties       |      562 |      571 |      562 |
| (management of subsidiaries)                |          |          |          |

| COMMITMENTS                                        |   March 31 |     Dec 31 |
| EUR 1000                                           |       2010 |       2009 |
| Mortgages and guarantees on own behalf             |            |            |
| Business mortgage for the Group's loan liabilities |      6 850 |      6 850 |
| Real estate pledge for the Group's loan            |        900 |        900 |
| liabilities                                        |            |            |
| Shares and other assets pledged as security for    |      3 634 |      3 634 |
| group companies'                                   |            |            |
|    liabilities                                     |            |            |
| Pledges and guarantees given for the group         |        226 |        226 |
| companies' off-balance                             |            |            |
|    sheet commitments                               |            |            |
| Guarantees given on behalf of third parties        |        280 |        280 |
| Minimum future operating lease payments            |      6 744 |      4 397 |

Accounting principles applied in the condensed consolidated financial statements

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 following the   
valuation and accounting methods guided by IFRS principles. The accounting      
principles used in the preparation of this interim report are consistent with   
those adopted in the preparation of the Annual Report 2009 taking into account  
also the new, revised and amended standards and interpretations. Adoption of the
amended standards IFRS 3 (Business Combinations) and IAS 27 (Consolidated and   
Separate Financial Statements) impacted the accounting of minority interests and
the amendments will affect the future business combinations significantly.      
Adopting the amendments in IFRS 2 and IAS 39 as well as the new interpretations 
IFRIC 17 and IFRIC 18 did not have a material impact on the information         
presented in this interim report.                                               

The IFRS principles require the management to make estimates and assumptions    
when preparing financial statements. Although these estimates and assumptions   
are based on the management's best knowledge of today, the final outcome may    
differ from the estimated values presented in the financial statements.         

In the financial statement 2009, the errors concerning previous years were      
corrected in the equity as of January 1, 2009, which has been taken into account
accordingly in the comparable equity and key figures of 2009 presented in this  
interim condensed consolidated financial statement.                       

The TyEL pension premium loans withdrawn in summer 2009 have a bank guarantee   
which guarantee margin is linked to the covenants regarding the equity ratio and
the interest-bearing debts/operating profit ratio. In 2009, the covenant was 35 
% for the equity ratio and 5 for the interest-bearing debts/operating profit    
ratio. Based on the adopted financial statements 2009, the covenant for the     
interest-bearing debts/operating profit ratio was violated but the breakage has 
been agreed with the bank with no material consequences for the Group. In this  
interim report, these TyEL pension premium loans are presented in long-term     
interest-bearing liabilities.                                                   

The Group has no knowledge of any significant events after the end of the       
interim period that would have had a material impact on this interim report in  
any other way that has been already discussed in the interim review by the Board
of Directors.                                                                   

These condensed consolidated financial statements are unaudited.                

In Vantaa on May 6, 2010.                                                       

WULFF-GROUP PLC                                                                 
BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Further information:                                                            
CEO Heikki Vienola                                                              
tel. +358 9 5259 0050 or mobile: +358 50 65 110                                 
e-mail: heikki.vienola@wulff.fi                                                 

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