2013-08-28 15:05:00 CEST

2013-08-28 15:05:01 CEST


Lithuanian English
LESTO AB - Notification on material event

Regarding resignation of the members of the Board of LESTO AB

LESTO AB, identification code 302577612, registered office placed at Žvejų str.
14, Vilnius, the data is collected and stored at the Register of Legal
Entities, notifies that on 27th August, 2013 LESTO AB received the applications
of the independent member of the Board Mrs Edita Jonikienė and the member of
the Board Mr Paulius Martinkus on the resignation from the members of the
Board. Based on articles of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania,
the mandate of the members of the Board expires on 11th September, 2013. 

Currently the Board of LESTO AB consists of Chairman of the Board Mr Darius
Maikštėnas and members Mr Arvydas Tarasevičius, Mrs Ramutė Ribinskienė, Mrs
Edita Jonikienė and Mr Paulius Martinkus. 

Information is not confidential.

         Representative for Public Relations Ernestas Naprys, Tel. No (+370-5)
251 4516.