2016-09-06 18:01:13 CEST

2016-09-06 18:01:13 CEST


Anglų Islandų
Icelandair Group hf. - Company Announcement

Traffic Data August 2016

The Company carried 484 thousand passengers on international flights in August.
The number of passengers was 17% above the figure for August last year.  The
passenger load factor was 87.5% compared to 89.1% in August last year. The
capacity increase totalled 22% between years. 

Passengers on domestic flights and Greenland flights were 36 thousand in
August.  The capacity was increased by 17% compared to August 2015.  The load
factor was 71.4%, decreasing by 6.3 percentage points from last year, mainly
due to less demand for flights to Greenland than expected. The number of sold
block hours in charter flights decreased by 9% between years.  Cargo transport
increased by 5% year-on-year. The number of sold room nights at our Hotels
increased by 11% compared to previous year. The room utilisation was 90.3%,
compared to 88.8% in August last year. 

INTERNATIONAL          AUG 16   AUG 15   CHG (%)     YTD 16     YTD 15   CHG (%)
Number of Passengers  483,979  412,027       17%  2,522,634  2,126,006       19%
Load Factor             87.5%    89.1%  -1.6 ppt      83.0%      84.0%  -1.0 ppt
Available Seat KM     1,704.1  1,394.8       22%    9,228.0    7,575.5       22%
REGIONAL AND           AUG 16   AUG 15   CHG (%)     YTD 16     YTD 15   CHG (%)
 GREENLAND FLIGHTS                                                              
Number of Passengers   35,959   33,259        8%    214,260    204,732        5%
Load Factor             71.4%    77.6%  -6.3 ppt      71.5%      74.1%  -2.6 ppt
Available Seat KM        23.3     20.0       17%      112.2      104.7        7%
CHARTER FLIGHTS        AUG 16   AUG 15   CHG (%)     YTD 16     YTD 15   CHG (%)
Fleet Utilisation      100.0%   100.0%   0.0 ppt     100.0%     100.0%   0.0 ppt
Sold Block Hours        2,003    2,192       -9%     15,893     15,427        3%
CARGO                  AUG 16   AUG 15   CHG (%)     YTD 16     YTD 15   CHG (%)
Freight Tonne KM        8,201    7,784        5%     69,995     65,244        7%
HOTELS                 AUG 16   AUG 15   CHG (%)     YTD 16     YTD 15   CHG (%)
Available Hotel Room   40,012   36,800        9%    241,941    229,739        5%
Sold Hotel Room        36,147   32,693       11%    199,281    185,798        7%
Utilisation of Hotel    90.3%    88.8%   1.5 ppt      82.4%      80.9%   1.5 ppt

For further detailed information please contact:

Bogi Nils Bogason, CFO, Icelandair Group tel: + 354 665-8801
Íris Hulda Þórisdóttir, Director Investor Relations, Icelandair Group tel: +
354 840-7010