2011-04-20 07:45:00 CEST

2011-04-20 07:45:02 CEST


Finnish English
Nordic Aluminium - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Net sales of Nordic Aluminium were EUR 18.24 million (EUR 16.94 million year
2010). Earnings per share were EUR 0.59 (EUR 0.49). The operating profit for
the period was EUR 3.98 million (EUR 3.11 million) and the net profit was EUR
2.83 million (EUR 2.39 million). 

Net sales and profitability

The net sales of Nordic Aluminium accounted for EUR 18.24 million (EUR 16.94
million). The profitability improved from the previous year's first quarter so
that the operating profit was EUR 3.98 million (EUR 3.11 million). The
operating profit margin was 21.8% which was higher than previous year's first
quarter (18.4%). Earnings per share were EUR 0.59 (EUR 0.49). 

International operations and export accounted for EUR 8.39 million (EUR 8.45
million), which is 46 per cent of the net sales (50 per cent). 

The order backlog is EUR 6.39 million (EUR 6.01 million).

Seasonality of sales and profit

Seasonal fluctuations are not significant in general.


The gross capital expenditures for the period were EUR 0.72 million (EUR 0.36


During the first three months of 2011 the average number of personnel in Nordic
Aluminium Group was 128 (146). At the end of the period the number of employees
was 125 (150). 


Main business risks are related to the uncertainty in global economy and its
influence on market demand. 


The shares of Nordic Aluminium Plc are traded at the Helsinki Exchanges. The
trading identifier is NOA1V and the ISIN code is FI0009006415. During the first
three months of the year 2011 a number of 96,468 shares were traded with EUR
3.08 million. The share quotation ranged between EUR 28.30 and EUR 37.25. The
number of shares was 4,836,882 which remained unchanged during the reporting
period. The market capitalisation of the company's shares stood at EUR 177.8
million (EUR 105.9 million) at the end of March. 

Dividend from the financial year 2010 was EUR 2.10 per share, amounting to EUR


There were no significant changes in the ownership during the period (1-3/2011).


The demand for Nordic Aluminium Plc´s products has gradually increased in 2011
as a result of improved market outlook, and The Board of Directors expects
full-year net sales to grow from last year. The Board of Directors regards it
as challenging to maintain the operating profit margin percentage as high as in
the previous year. The company will continue with the new model of activity, so
that is concentrating on highly refined aluminium products. 

The above mentioned predictions are based on the company's management's best
view of the company's condition and market outlook. 


This release contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect the
current views of the company's management. Due to the nature of these
statements, they contain risks and uncertainties and are subject to changes in
the general economic situation and in the company's business sector. 

Accounting policies

These presented interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with IAS34 Interim Financial Reporting. Nordic Aluminium Plc applies the same
accounting policies as are applied in 2010 annual financial statements. 

The financial information is prepared in accordance with international
financial reporting standards IFRS. Since the beginning of 2011 the company has
introduced new and revised standards as described for the 2010 financial

While the group has only one primary business segment, "Aluminium products",
which is equal to the official consolidated income statement and profit and
loss account, the interim report do not include separate information over the
group's primary business segment. 

The key figures in this interim financial report are calculated with the same
accounting principles as in year 2010 annual financial statement. The
calculation rules of key figures are presented in the financial statements
bulletin of the previous year. 

The figures presented in the tables below have been rounded to two decimals,
which should be taken into account when reading the sum figures. 

The interim report has not been subject to audit.


EUR million                      1-3/11     %    1-3/10     %    1-12/10     %  
Net sales                         18,24           16,94            68,26        
Other operating income             0,04            0,00             0,08        
Increase (+) or decrease (-)                                                    
finished goods and work in        -0,49           -0,85             0,33        
Raw materials and consumables     -8,37           -7,12           -31,62        
Personnel expenses                -2,04           -1,99            -6,02        
Depreciation and reduction of     -1,03           -1,22            -4,54        
Other operating expenses          -2,37           -2,65           -10,63        
Operating profit                   3,98  21,8 %    3,11  18,4 %    15,86  23,2 %
Financial items                   -0,13            0,09             0,24     
Profit before taxes                3,85  21,1 %    3,20  18,9 %    16,10  23,6 %
Income taxes                      -1,02           -0,81            -4,18        
                                   0,00            0,00             0,00        
Net profit for the period          2,83  15,5 %    2,39  14,1 %    11,92  17,5 %
Profit attributable to:                                                         
Owners of the parent               2,83  15,5 %    2,39  14,1 %    11,92  17,5 %
Minority interest                  0,00            0,00             0,00        
Other comprehensive income:                                                     
Conversion difference             -0,05            0,06             0,13        
Total comprehensive income                                                      
 attributable to:                                                               
Owners of the parent               2,78  15,2 %    2,45  14,4 %    12,05  17,6 %
Minority interest                  0,00            0,00             0,00        
Basic and diluted earnings per     0,59            0,49             2,46        
 share, EUR                                                                     


EUR million                            March 31,2011  March 31,2010  Dec 31,2010
Non-current assets                                                              
Tangible assets                                25,12          26,83        25,31
Goodwill                                        2,25           2,25         2,25
Intangible assets                               0,87           1,33         0,99
Tradable financial assets                       0,02           0,02         0,02
Other financial assets                          0,01           0,00         0,00
Deferred tax liabilities                        0,07           0,09         0,07
Total                                          28,34          30,52        28,64
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                     6,13           5,68         6,77
Accounts receivable and other current          13,20          12,86         9,60
Advance payments                                0,04           0,04         0,04
Other financial assets                          7,65           0,00         0,00
Cash in hand and at banks                      12,10          10,12        16,51
Total                                          39,12          28,70        32,92
Total assets                                   67,46          59,22        61,56
Shareholders equity and liabilities                                             
Shareholders` equity                            6,19           6,19         6,19
Share premium account                           3,45           3,45         3,45
Conversion difference                          -0,19          -0,22        -0,14
Retained earnings                              36,33          34,16        43,66
Shareholders` equity:                          45,79          43,58        53,17
Owners of the parent                                                            
Minority interest                               0,00           0,00         0,00
Total                                          45,79          43,58        53,17
Long-term liabilities                                                           
Deferred tax liabilities                        3,20           2,87         3,20
Provisions                                      0,20           0,07         0,20
Interest bearing liabilities                    0,01           0,02         0,01
--------------------------------------                              ------------
Total                                           3,41           2,96         3,41
Short-term liabilities                                                          
Accounts payable                               18,24          12,66         4,96
Provisions                                      0,00           0,00         0,00
Short-term interest bearing                     0,02           0,02         0,02
Total                                          18,26          12,68         4,98
Total liabilities                              21,66          15,64         8,39
Total shareholders` equity and                 67,46          59,22        61,56


EUR million

                                         1-3/11  1-3/10  1-12/10
Cash flow from operations                                       
Net profit (loss)                          2,83    2,39    11,92
Depr. according to plan                    1,03    1,22     4,54
Financial items                            0,13   -0,09    -0,24
Taxes                                      1,02    0,82     4,18
Cash flow before change                    5,01    4,34    20,40
in net working capital                                          
Change in net working capital:                                  
Short-term receivables,                   -3,60   -4,03    -1,94
Inventories increase(-)/decrease(+)        0,65    0,74    -0,36
Short-term interest bearing liabilities    2,57    0,64    -0,77
                                          -0,38   -2,65    -3,07
Cash flow from operations before           4,63    1,68    17,20
interests and taxes                                             
Paid interests and payments for           -0,19   -0,01    -0,15
other financial expenses                                        
Received interests and payments            0,06    0,09     0,39
from other financial income                                     
Paid income taxes                         -0,46   -0,81    -2,53
Cash flow from operations(A)               4,04    0,96    14,92
Cash flow from investing activities                             
Investments in tangible and               -0,72   -0,36    -1,85
intangible assets                                               
Income from sales of tangible              0,00    0,00     0,03
and intangible assets                                           
Repayment of loan receivables              0,00    0,00     0,00
Cash flow from investments(B)             -0,72   -0,36    -1,82
Cash flow from financial items                                  
Rights issue                               0,00    0,00     0,00
Withdrawals of short-term loans            0,00    0,02     0,00
Amortization of short-term loans          -0,01    0,00    -0,01
Withdrawals of long-term loans             0,00   -0,08     0,00
Amortization of long-term loans            0,00    0,00    -0,06
Dividends paid                             0,00    0,00    -6,29
Cash flow from financial items(C)         -0,01   -0,06    -6,36
Change in cash flow (A+B+C)                3,31    0,54     6,87
Conversion difference                     -0,05    0,08     0,13
Total                                      3,26    0,62     7,00
Cash in hand and at banks                 16,51    9,50     9,51
in the beginning of period                                      
Cash in hand and at banks                 19,77   10,12    16,51
in the end of period                                            
Change                                     3,26    0,62     7,00


EUR million

                  Shareholders    Sh.pr.   Convers. Retained.   Total

                  Equity          account diff.     earnings   equity


01.01.2010                6.19       3.45     -0.27      38.03   47.41

Comprehensive income                           0.06       2.42    2.48

Earning and costs tot.                                            2.48

Dividends                                                 -6.29 -6.29


31.03.2010                6.19       3.45     -0.22      34.16   43.58


01.01.2011                6.19       3.45     -0.14      43.66   53.17

Comprehensive income                          -0.05       2.83    2.78

Earning and costs tot.                                            2.78

Dividends                                               -10.16 -10.16


31.03.2011                6.19       3.45     -0.19      36.33   45.79


EUR                                   1-3/11    1-3/10   1-12/10

Basic and diluted

earnings per share, EUR                 0.59      0.49       2.46

                                   March 31, March 31,   Dec 31,

                                        2011      2010       2010

Equity ratio, %                         67.9      73.6       86.4

Gearing, %                             -43.1     -23.2      -30.9

Balance sheet total, EUR million       67.46     59.22      61.56


EUR                                March 31, March 31,   Dec 31,  2011      2010       2010

Equity/share, EUR                       9.47      9.01      10.99

Average number of personnel

at the end of the period                 125       150        151

                                      1-3/11    1-3/10    1-12/10

Investments, EUR mill.                  0.72      0.36       1.85

Average number of personnel              128       146        156

Geographical segments:

Net sales

EUR million                           1-3/11    1-3/10    1-12/10

Finland                                 9.85      8.49      34.95

Other countries                         8.39      8.45      33.31

Total                                  18.24     16.94      68.26


EUR million                           1-3/11    1-3/10    1-12/10

Current income tax                      1.02      0.81       3.83

Change in deferred income tax           0.00      0.00       0.35

Total                                   1.02      0.81       4.18


EUR million                        March 31, March 31,   Dec 31,

                                        2011      2010       2010

Raw materials and consumables           0.89      1.09       1.01

Work in progress                        2.60      2.41       2.87

Finished goods                          2.63      2.17       2.89

Total                                   6.13      5.67       6.77

Interest bearing loans and borrowings:

EUR million                        March 31, March 31,   Dec 31,

                                        2011      2010       2010

Bank loan                               0.00      0.00       0.00

Obligations under finance leases        0.03      0.04       0.03

Total                                   0.03      0.04       0.03

Contingent liabilities:

EUR million                        March 31, March 31,   Dec 31,

                                        2011      2010       2010

Consignation liability                  0.37      0.41       0.26

Rental and leasing liabilities          5.44      6.81       4.89

Corporate mortgages given               0.00      0.00       0.00

Related party disclosures:

EUR million                           1-3/11    1-3/10    1-12/10

Sales                                   3.12      2.61       9.49

Purchases                               0.00      0.02       0.03

Receivables                             0.66      0.67       0.07

Accounts payable                        0.00      0.02       0.04

Order bakclog:

EUR million                        March 31, March 31,   Dec 31,

                                        2010      2009       2009

                                        6.39      6.01       7.22

Nordic Aluminium Plc publishes its six-month Interim Report for January-June
2011 on August 10, 2011. The company bulletins will be published also on
web-pages www.nordicaluminium.fi. 

Kirkkonummi April 20, 2011


The Board of Directors

Joakim Berndtsson


For further information please contact:

CEO Joakim Berndtsson, tel. +358 20 7660 206



The Main Media

