2007-06-14 08:45:00 CEST

2007-06-14 08:45:00 CEST


Fortum - Changes board/management/auditors


After a very successful development during the current decade, Fortum is now    
entering a new phase. In order to kick-start the further steps, the following   
appointments have been made:                                                    

Fortum Management Team (FMT)                                                    
Maria Paatero-Kaarnakari, currently VP Corporate Development, will become SVP,  
Corporate Strategy. The position is new and prompted by the strategic           
opportunities and challenges facing Fortum going forward. Maria Romantschuk,    
currently Head of Press Relations at the office of The President of Finland,    
will become SVP, Corporate Communications. The current position holder, Carola  
Teir-Lehtinen, will move to a new position (see below). Both SVP´s report to the
President and CEO Mikael Lilius.                                                

A change of reporting lines to FMT has already happened: besides Fortum Heat    
also the business unit Fortum Värme is reporting to SVP Timo Karttinen.         

Business Units                                                                  
Four out of Fortum´s total of seven Business Units will have a new head:        

Matti Ruotsala, currently VP, AGCO Corporation and Managing Director of Valtra  
Inc, will become President of Fortum Generation. The Unit´s current head, Pekka 
Päätiläinen, will continue as Senior Advisor until his retirement in the summer 
of 2008. Both will report to SVP Tapio Kuula.                                   

Per Langer, currently head of the Portfolio Management and Trading (PMT) unit,  
will become President of Fortum Heat. The Unit´s current head, Risto Riekko,    
will continue as Senior Advisor until his retirement in the summer of 2008. Both
will report to SVP Timo Karttinen.                                              

Kalle Ahlstedt, currently VP Physical Portfolio Management, will become         
President of Fortum PMT and report to Tapio Kuula.                              

Markku Vauhkonen, with a long international career within the TetraLaval Group, 
will become President of Fortum Service and report to Tapio Kuula. The Unit´s   
current head, Kim Kronstedt, will move to a new position (see below).           

Corporate Staff Units                                                           
Carola Teir-Lehtinen, currently SVP Corporate Communications, will become       
Corporate VP, Sustainable Development. The position is new and prompted by      
Fortum´s desire to making sustainability, especially the climate issue, a       
success factor for the company. She will continue to report to Mikael Lilius.   

Kim Kronstedt, currently President of Fortum Service, will become the Group     
Safety Manager and report to Carola Teir-Lehtinen.                              

Arja Koski, currently Corporate VP Environment, Health and Safety, will become  
VP Renewables in the Generation business unit. The position is new and prompted 
by Fortum´s desire to further increase the share of renewable energy sources in 
its generation portfolio. She will report to Matti Ruotsala and be a member of  
the unit management team.                                                       

Päivi Mecklin, former head of the Corporate Financial Services unit, has been   
appointed head of the Customer Services unit. She reports to SVP Christian      
Lundberg. The former head of this unit, Markku Moilanen, is currently finishing 
his doctoral thesis.                                                            

Ensio Väisänen, formerly VP Development, has been appointed head of the         
Corporate Financial Services unit. He reports to CFO Juha Laaksonen.            

Other changes                                                                   
The current Corporate Communications unit will be split.                        

The Corporate Branding function, headed by Susanna Serlachius-Pressler, will    
start reporting to Christian Lundberg in his role as supervisor of the two      
business units with the largest customer interfaces, Fortum Markets and Fortum  
Distribution. The current Swedish Communication unit, headed by Ann             
Lindell-Saeby, will also start reporting to Christian Lundberg in his role as   
country head for Sweden.                                                        

The changes will become effective on September 1st, except for Matti Ruotsala,  
who will assume his position somewhat later during the fall. Päivi Mecklin and  
Ensio Väisänen have already started in their new positions.                     

"I am very pleased with this rearrangement of our top management. With these    
changes we have reinforced our praxis of job rotation, we have created some new 
positions in order to promote strategically important endeavors and we have     
obtained some new blood into the organisation. All three are needed to enable a 
successful journey into Fortum´s next phase", concludes President and CEO Mikael

Fortum Corporation                                                              
Carola Teir-Lehtinen                                                            
SVP, Corporate Communications                                                   

Further information:                                                            
Mikael Lilius, President and CEO, Fortum Corporation, +358 10 29100     
Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Key media                                                                       