2009-05-21 15:52:51 CEST

2009-05-21 15:53:59 CEST


Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai AB - Notification on material event

The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders

The Extraordinary Meeting of of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai AB, (company
code110870890 registered office at P.Lukšio st.5B, LT-08221, Vilnius), will
take place on June 23, 2009, at 10 a.m. in Vilnius, Lukšio 5B. 
The meeting is convened on the initiative of the Shareholder of Rytų
Skirstomieji Tinklai AB (LEO LT, AB) and by the resolution of the Management
Board of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai AB. 

Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:
1.	Recall of the Supervisory Board of Rytu skirstomieji tinklai, AB;
2.	Election of the Supervisory Board of Rytu skirstomieji tinklai, AB.

Draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders:

1.	Recall of the Supervisory Board of Rytu skirstomieji tinklai, AB
Draft resolution:
“To recall the current Supervisory Board of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai, AB in
corpore, which authorities are being terminated with the initiation of
activities of a new Supervisory Board of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai, AB”. 

2.	Election of the Supervisory Board of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai, AB
Draft resolution:
„1. To elect the following persons to the Supervisory Board of Rytų
skirstomieji tinklai, AB: 
-	[___________];
-	[___________];
-	[___________];
-	[___________];
-	[___________];

2. To establish the date for activity initiation of the new Supervisory Board
of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai, AB to be the date of the meeting of Rytų
skirstomieji tinklai, AB shareholders, which have elected the Supervisory

Registration of shareholders starts on June 23, 2009 at 9 a.m. and ends at 9:50

The accounting day of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is 16
June, 2009. 

The shareholders shall submit ID documents on arrival. Shareholders' proxies
must also have a power of attorney certified in accordance with the procedure,
established by law.