2009-02-27 15:51:07 CET

2009-02-27 15:52:10 CET


Lithuanian English
Lietuvos Juru Laivininkyste AB - Interim information

AB LJL preliminary activity result of the year 2008 and interim information for the twelve months of 2008

Preliminary activity result of the year 2008 and interim information for the    
twelve months of 2008.                                                          

Unaudited preliminary company pre-tax loss of the 2008 is : LTL-19.726.790 (EUR
-5.713.273 ) 

 Sales revenue is -  LTL 87.616.934  (EUR 25.375.618).	 

Inclosure: AB “Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė”Confirmation by the responsible
persons and interim information for the twelve month of 2008. 

Arvydas Stropus                                                                 
Chief Accountant                                                                

Tel. +370 46 393 126