2017-04-21 14:28:14 CEST

2017-04-21 14:28:14 CEST


Klaipedos Nafta - Notification on material event

Term of office of AB Klaipėdos Nafta’s supervisory council and audit committee has expired

We hereby inform that after the general meeting of the shareholders of AB Klaipedos Nafta convened on 21 April, 2017 the term of office of AB Klaipėdos Nafta’s supervisory council has expired, as provided in Article 31 Paragraph 4 of Law on Companies of Republic of Lithuania. The term of office of the audit committee has expired together with the term of office of the supervisory council.

Candidates to the supervisory council will be selected according to the regulation No 631 of the Government of Republic of Lithuania dated 17 June, 2015 Regarding the Approval of the Selection Procedure of the Candidates to the Board of State Company or Municipality Company and Candidates to the Management or Supervisory Body Elected by the General Meeting of the Shareholders of State or Municipality Controlled Company. The members of the audit committee are elected by the supervisory council.