2014-03-05 08:00:00 CET

2014-03-05 08:00:04 CET


Finnish English
Lemminkäinen - Company Announcement

Comparison figures for 2013, according to Lemminkäinen's new segment division



Lemminkäinen published its new strategy for 2014 - 2018 in October 2013 and
announced that it will renew its reporting structure. Until the end of 2013,
Lemminkäinen's business was organised in four business segments: International
Operations, Building Construction, Infrastructure Construction and Technical
Building Services. 

Based on the new strategy, Lemminkäinen will focus on insightful infrastructure
solutions and Russia. The renewal will increase the transparency of reporting
regarding Scandinavia and Russia. Project exports, which was previously
reported in International Operations figures will we reported under the Finland
and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure construction business segment. 

From the beginning of 2014, Lemminkäinen's business operations are organised
into five business segments: 

  -- Finland, Building construction
  -- Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure construction
  -- Finland, Technical building services
  -- Russia
  -- Scandinavia

In 2013, Lemminkäinen did not have any discontinued operations. Therefore, the
income statement segment figures equal to the Company's IFRS figures.
Scandinavia segment's 2013 figures include telecommunication business' Asian
and American operations which were divested in 2013. 

Comparison figures for 2013, based on the new segment division, are presented
in the following tables: 

NET SALES, EUR million                              1-12/     1-9/   1-6/   1-3/
                                                     2013     2013   2013   2013
Finland, Building construction                      592.9    388.7  239.5  123.1
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure    687.3    495.1  212.5   56.3
Finland, Technical building services                221.9    153.0   98.4   43.9
Russia                                              164.5    123.6   59.3   19.2
Scandinavia                                         611.9    454.9  235.6   71.4
Other operations and Group eliminations             -60.4    -36.5  -17.7   -7.5
Group total, IFRS                                 2,218.2  1,578.7  827.6  306.4

DEPRECIATION AND IMPAIRMENT,                             1-12/  1-9/  1-6/  1-3/
EUR million                                               2013  2013  2013  2013
Finland, Building construction                             0.3   0.3   0.2   0.1
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure          22.9  17.3   8.9   2.9
Finland, Technical building services                       0.7   0.6   0.4   0.2
Russia                                                     1.7   1.2   0.7   0.3
Scandinavia                                               14.0  10.8   5.6   1.4
Other operations                                           5.7   4.2   2.8   0.9
Group total, IFRS                                         45.3  34.3  18.6   5.8

OPERATING PROFIT, EUR million                         1-12/   1-9/   1-6/   1-3/
                                                       2013   2013   2013   2013
Finland, Building construction                          5.0    9.6    2.1    4.1
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure       16.3   21.1   -8.6  -12.8
Finland, Technical building services                   -1.6   -2.6   -1.9   -1.4
Russia                                                 -0.3    2.4   -3.1   -3.6
Scandinavia                                           -29.4   -8.2  -27.0  -20.8
Other operations                                      -80.8  -11.1  -12.2   -3.7
Group total, IFRS                                     -90.9   11.2  -50.7  -38.2

The Group's 1-12/2013 operating profit includes EUR 20.1 million write-downs,
of which are divided as follows: 

  -- EUR 14.1 million to Building construction segment in Finland
  -- EUR 3.0 million to Infrastructure construction segment in Finland and the
  -- EUR 0.3 million to Technical building services segment in Finland
  -- EUR 2.7 million to Scandinavia segment. 

The Group's operating profit 1-12/2013 includes expenses from damages ordered
by the District Court totaling EUR 65.6 million, which is subject to other

The Group's operating profit 1-12/2013 without the mentioned write-downs and
damages is EUR -5.2 million. 

OPERATING MARGIN, %                                    1-12/  1-9/   1-6/   1-3/
                                                        2013  2013   2013   2013
Finland, Building construction                           0.8   2.5    0.9    3.3
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure         2.4   4.3   -4.0  -22.7
Finland, Technical building services                    -0.7  -1.7   -1.9   -3.2
Russia                                                  -0.2   1.9   -5.2  -18.8
Scandinavia                                             -4.8  -1.8  -11.5  -29.1
Group total, IFRS                                       -4.1   0.7   -6.1  -12.5

The Group operating profit margin 1-12/2013 without the mentioned write-downs
and damages is -0,2%. 

NET SALES, QUARTERLY, EUR million                    10-12/   7-9/   4-6/   1-3/
                                                       2013   2013   2013   2013
Finland, Building construction                        204.2  149.2  116.4  123.1
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure      192.2  282.6  156.2   56.3
Finland, Technical building services                   68.9   54.6   54.5   43.9
Russia                                                 40.9   64.3   40.1   19.2
Scandinavia                                           157.0  219.3  164.2   71.4
Other operations and Group eliminations               -23.9  -18.8  -10.2   -7.5
Group total, IFRS                                     639.5  751.0  521.2  306.4

DEPRECIATION AND IMPAIRMENT, QUARTERLY, EUR million     10-12/  7-9/  4-6/  1-3/
                                                          2013  2013  2013  2013
Finland, Building construction                             0.0   0.1   0.1   0.1
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure           5.6   8.4   6.0   2.9
Finland, Technical building services                       0.1   0.2   0.2   0.2
Russia                                                     0.5   0.5   0.4   0.3
Scandinavia                                                3.2   5.2   4.2   1.4
Other operations                                           1.5   1.4   1.9   0.9
Group total, IFRS                                         11.0  15.7  12.8   5.8

OPERATING PROFIT, QUARTERLY,                          10-12/  7-9/   4-6/   1-3/
EUR million                                             2013  2013   2013   2013
Finland, Building construction                          -4.6   7.5   -2.0    4.1
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure        -4.8  29.7    4.2  -12.8
Finland, Technical building services                     1.0  -0.7   -0.5   -1.4
Russia                                                  -2.7   5.5    0.5   -3.6
Scandinavia                                            -21.2  18.8   -6.2  -20.8
Other operations                                       -69.7   1.1   -8.5   -3.7
Group total, IFRS                                     -102.0  61.8  -12.4  -38.2

The Group's 10-12/2013 operating profit includes EUR 20.1 million write-downs,
of which are divided as follows: 

  -- EUR 14.1 million to Building construction segment in Finland
  -- EUR 3.0 million to Infrastructure construction segment in Finland and the
  -- EUR 0.3 million to Technical building services segment in Finland
  -- EUR 2.7 million to Scandinavia segment. 

The Group's operating profit 10-12/2013 includes expenses from damages ordered
by the District Court totaling EUR 65.6 million, which is subject to other

The Group's operating profit 10-12/2013 without the mentioned write-downs and
damages is EUR -16.3 million. 

OPERATING MARGIN, QUARTERLY, %                         10-12/  7-9/  4-6/   1-3/
                                                         2013  2013  2013   2013
Finland, Building construction                           -2.3   5.0  -1.7    3.3
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure         -2.5  10.5   2.7  -22.7
Finland, Technical building services                      1.5  -1.3  -0.9   -3.2
Russia                                                   -6.6   8.6   1.2  -18.8
Scandinavia                                             -13.5   8.6  -3.8  -29.1
Group total, IFRS                                       -16.0   8.2  -2.4  -12.5

The Group operating profit margin 10-12/2013 without the mentioned write-downs
and damages 
is -2.5%.

ASSETS, EUR million                           12/2013   9/2013   6/2013   3/2013
Finland, Building construction                  454.6    516.4    494.5    425.0
Finland and the Baltic countries,               249.7    308.0    296.5    241.6
 Infrastructure construction                                                    
Finland, Technical building services             61.8     58.5     56.9     56.4
Russia                                          152.2    142.9    117.3    111.3
Scandinavia                                     284.2    309.3    307.1    260.8
Other operations                                 47.8     44.6     50.5     45.7
Segments total                                1,250.3  1,379.7  1,322.8  1,140.8
Assets unallocated to segments and Group         92.4    253.2    139.0    146.4
 eliminations, total                                                            
Group total, IFRS                             1,342.7  1,632.9  1,461.8  1,287.2

ORDER BOOK, EUR million                       12/2013   9/2013   6/2013   3/2013
Finland, Building construction                  544.3    661.4    667.8    608.6
Finland and the Baltic countries,               510.0    415.0    413.4    386.3
 Infrastructure construction                                                    
Finland, Technical building services             88.1    113.3    111.6     95.9
Russia                                          322.2    383.0    353.8    156.0
Scandinavia                                     356.7    420.7    538.5    379.4
Group total                                   1,821.3  1,993.4  2,085.1  1,626.2
- of which unsold                               346.5    412.6    460.0    201.7

PERSONNEL ON AVERAGE, persons                     12/201  9/2013  6/2013  3/2013
Finland, Building construction                     1,391   1,430   1,445   1,395
Finland and the Baltic countries, Infrastructure   2,351   2,366   2,135   1,751
Finland, Technical building services               1,658   1,669   1,638   1,582
Russia                                               751     751     742     725
Scandinavia                                        1,369   1,374   1,354   1,352
Parent company                                       303     309     307     301
Group total                                        7,823   7,899   7,620   7,107

Corporate Communications

Katri Sundström
Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel. +358 2071 54813

key media

Together with our customers we create conditions that make living, working and
travelling functional, safe and healthy. We operate in Northern Europe and
employ about 7,800 experts. In 2013, our net sales were about EUR 2.2 billion.
Lemminkäinen Corporation's share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange
Helsinki. www.lemminkainen.com