2009-01-30 11:02:22 CET

2009-01-30 11:03:23 CET


Lithuanian English
Kauno Energija AB - Interim information

Preliminary result of the AB “Kauno energija” activity of the year 2008

Preliminary not audited AB "Kauno energija" result of the accounting for the
2008 year (31 December, 2008), according to the International accounting
standards is loss 2806 thousand LTL (813 thousand EUR), Group‘s loss 3092
thousand LTL (895 thousand EUR). 
Income from the sales of the Company for the 2008 year - 205330 thousand LTL
(59468 thousand EUR), Group‘s - 206071 thousand LTL (59682 thousand EUR). 
The planned 3719 thousands LTL work loss has been influenced by decreased sale
volume and the delayed profit-taxes. 

Jovita Sereikienė
Head of Asset Management Department
+370 37 305664