2015-12-08 08:01:04 CET

2015-12-08 08:01:04 CET


Finnish English
Biotie Therapies - Financial Calendar

Biotie's financial information in 2016

9:00 a.m.

Biotie's financial information in 2016

Biotie Therapies Corp. (Nasdaq Helsinki BTH1V; NASDAQ: BITI) announce the dates
it will disclose financial information in 2016.

The Company's financial statement release for year 2015 will be published on
March 18, 2016. Biotie acknowledges that this is later than the date for similar
releases during previous years.  The listing of Biotie's American Depositary
Shares (ADSs) on the NASDAQ Global Select Market has increased the Company's
corporate governance and related requirements and, consequently, additional time
is required for the preparation of the financial statement release.

The financial statements for year 2015 and corporate governance statement 2015
(separately from the Board of Directors' report) will be published during the
week commencing March 21, 2016 (week 12/2016).

The interim financial reports from the remainder of the year will be published
as follows:

 Interim report January - March 2016         May 12, 2016

 Interim report for January - June 2016      August 11, 2016

 Interim report for January - September 2016 November 10, 2016

Biotie's Annual General Meeting is planned to be held on April 20, 2016.
Biotie's Board of Directors will summon the Meeting at a later date. A
shareholder is entitled to have considered by the General Meeting a matter
falling within the remit of the General Meeting provided that the matter is
presented in writing in time for it to be included in the notice convening the
Meeting. A request is considered as having been received in good time if the
Board of Directors has been notified of such a request no later than March
1, 2016. Such a request should be sent to: Biotie Therapies Corp. Board of
Directors, Joukahaisenkatu 6, FI-20520 Turku, Finland.

Turku, December 8, 2015

Biotie Therapies Corp.

Timo Veromaa
President and CEO

For further information, please contact:
Virve Nurmi, Biotie Therapies Corp.
tel. +358 2 274 8900, e-mail: virve.nurmi@biotie.com

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Main Media
