2007-03-20 12:45:00 CET

2007-03-20 12:45:00 CET


Finnish English
Marimekko - Notice to general meeting


Marimekko Corporation's shareholders are invited to attend the Annual General   
Meeting which will be held on Thursday, 12 April 2007 from 14:00 onwards at     
Marimekko Corporation's head office. The address is Puusepänkatu 4, 00880       
Helsinki, Finland. The registration of attendees will commence at the meeting   
venue at 13:00.                                                                 

Matters to be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting                          
The General Meeting will discuss the matters that are to be dealt with in the   
Annual General Meeting pursuant to Section 12 of the Articles of Association.   

Meeting documents                                                               
The financial statement documents will be on view from 2 April 2007 onwards at  
the company's head office, Puusepänkatu 4, 00880 Helsinki. Copies of these      
documents will be mailed to shareholders on request. The company's Annual Report
for the financial year 2006 will be mailed to all shareholders.                 

The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting that a        
dividend of EUR 0.65 per share be paid as dividends for the year 2006,          
representing 65.4% of the Group's earnings per share for the financial year.    
Marimekko Corporation's distributable funds on 31 December 2006 amounted to     
EUR 15,785,611.09. The dividend will be paid to shareholders who are registered 
on the dividend payout record date in the company's Shareholder Register kept by
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. The Board of Directors will propose  
17 April 2007 as the dividend record date and 24 April 2007 as the dividend     
payout date.                                                                    

Right to attend the Annual General Meeting                                      
Shareholders who have been registered by 2 April 2007 at the latest in the      
Shareholder Register, which is kept by Finnish Central Securities Depository    
Ltd, have the right to attend the General Meeting.                              

Registration in the Shareholder Register                                        
The shareholder in whose name the shares are registered is automatically entered
in the company's Shareholder Register. Those owners of nominee-registered shares
who wish to participate in the Annual General Meeting can be temporarily        
recorded in the Shareholder Register. This must be done by 2 April 2007 at the  
latest. For temporary registration, shareholders must contact their account     

Notice of attendance                                                            
Shareholders who wish to attend the General Meeting shall inform the company of 
their intention to do so before 16:00 on 10 April 2007 at the latest, either in 
writing or by telephone: Marimekko Corporation, Share Register, P.O. Box 107,   
00811 Helsinki, Finland; website www.marimekko.com, section Investors; tel.     
+358 9 758 7238 (Marja Korkeela); fax +358 9 759 1676;                          
email: marja.korkeela@marimekko.fi. Any proxies should be sent to the above     
address before the expiry of the notification period.                           

In Helsinki, 20 March 2007                                                      

MARIMEKKO CORPORATION                                                           
The Board of Directors                                                          

DISTRIBUTION:   Helsinki Stock Exchange                                         
                Principal media                                                 
                Marimekko's website www.marimekko.com                           

MARIMEKKO CORPORATION                                                           
Marja Korkeela                                                                  
Tel. +358 (0)9 758 7238                                                         
Fax  +358 (0)9 759 1676                                                         
Email: marja.korkeela@marimekko.fi