2015-11-25 14:16:58 CET

2015-11-25 14:16:58 CET


Lithuanian English
Panevezio Statybos Trestas - Notification on material event

PST Nordic AB Is Starting Activities in Sweden

PST Nordic AB, the subsidiary company of one of the largest Lithuanian
construction companies Panevezio statybos trestas AB, has signed the
construction contract agreement with Åke Sundvall Byggnads AB. The company will
make the design of the pre-fabricated reinforced concrete frame, deliver and
erect it, starting all activities in January 2016 and completing them by 1 July
2016. The total value of the contract amounts to about 1.5 mln. Euros. There
will be 33 apartments in the newly built apartment building and the total area
of the building will be nearly 5000 square meters. 

For more information contact:

Gerardas Sestokas

Panevezio statybos trestas AB

P.Puzino Str. 1, LT 35173 Panevezys

tel. (+370 616) 52562

e-mail gsestokas@pst.lt