2017-09-20 08:00:02 CEST

2017-09-20 08:00:02 CEST


Telia Lietuva, AB - Notification on material event

During the auction Telia Lietuva sold real estate objects for EUR 6.14 million

On 19 September 2017, during the second auction of Telia Lietuva real estate eight objects were sold for the total amount of EUR 6.14 million.

Among the top value objects offered during the second auction the administrative buildings of a total of 5 thousand sq. meters’ space located in Vilnius at T. Ševčenkos str. 25 and Muitinės str. 35 were sold for EUR 4.34 million.

In addition, during the auction, part of administrative building in Klaipėda (Danės str.) were sold for EUR 600 thousand, administrative premises in Klaipėda (H. Manto str.) – for EUR 261 thousand, administrative premises in Klaipėda (Liepojos str.) – for EUR 39.6 thousand and in Kaunas (Laisvės ave.) – for EUR 900 thousand.

The total value of real estate object sold during the first auction held on 9 August 2017 was EUR 124 thousand.

Overall, during the first two auction 18 real estate objects were sold for the total value of EUR 6.26 million.

The total space of real estate objects offered by Telia Lietuva at public auctions for sale this year amounts to more than 22 thousand sq. meters and the initial price of the real estate portfolio exceeds EUR 11 million.


         Audrius Stasiulaitis,
         tel. +370 5 236 7019