2021-07-02 16:10:58 CEST

2021-07-02 16:10:58 CEST


Lithuanian English
Snaige - General meeting of shareholders

Resolutions of the Extraordinary Meeting of AB „Snaigė“ shareholders

The Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Snaige AB (further – the Company) was held on 2 July 2021.

Decisions on the agenda questions were adopted on the Extraordinary General Meeting.

The agenda question: 1.  On non-execution (cancellation) of the decisions of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company, dated 11 February 2021;

The decision:
 “1.1. Not to execute (to cancel) the decision adopted regarding issue No. 1.1 of the agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company dated 11 February 2021, by which it was decided to initiate delisting of all the outstanding shares of the Company and to delist them from trading on the regulated market AB Nasdaq Vilnius as well as not to continue the public offering thereof.
1.2. Not to execute (to cancel) the decisions adopted regarding issues No. 1.2, 1.3 and 2 of the agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company dated 11 February 2021, under which the order was detailed regarding submission of the tender offer, aimed at delisting the shares of the Company from trading on AB Nasdaq Vilnius, determination of its price, as well as granting authorizations to the Manager of the Company (General Manager) in relation to the delisting of Company’s shares from trading on AB Nasdaq Vilnius.
1.3. Taking into account the decisions taken on issues No. 1.1-1.2 of the agenda of this general meeting of shareholders of the Company, to determine that the Company’s shares will continue to be offered publicly, they will be listed on AB Nasdaq Vilnius regulated market, the Company continues to be the issuer, whereas the tender offer, aimed at delisting the shares of the Company from trading on AB Nasdaq Vilnius will not submitted, unless any new decisions concerning these matters are adopted by the general meeting of shareholders of the Company.”

The General Director
Mindaugas Sologubas
Phone: +370 315 56206