2016-03-24 14:21:33 CET

2016-03-24 14:21:33 CET

Vilniaus Degtine - Other information

Strategy and communication to determine twice increased sales of

Vilniaus degtinė, the only company to use Lithuanian spirit for vodka
production, calculates that the sales of Bajorų Premium vodka increased twice
during six months and reaches 660,000 bottles. 225,000 bottles were purchased
during the same period last year. 

According to Juozas Daunys, CEO of Vilniaus degtinė, such outcome on
non-advancing market is a really pleasing result. Goal-oriented work and a
right choice of communication strategy enabled us to get a bigger share of the
market than our competitors and December as well as January sales demonstrate
even more impressive growth – sales increased three times. 

“We are exceptional on the entire Lithuanian alcohol market. We are the only
ones in Lithuania to produce vodka from spirit produced in Lithuania – spirit
distilled at Obeliai distillery. Thus, the product is of Lithuanian origin,
which determines not only the absolute authenticity of the product, but also
its exclusive quality so much appreciated by consumers”, - the company manager
commented the reasons to such success. 

He said that investment into innovative bottle design (30,000 EUR) proved to be
true. Bajorų Premium bottle design was innovated in fall last year and the
biggest focus while working on new product design was given to the emphasis of
traditions as well as top grade of the product. 

“Since the main substance of Bajorų Premium vodka – ethanol (spirit) – is born
in the only one distillery still operating in Lithuania and owned by Vilniaus
degtinė, this noble distillery situated in Obeliai, which cherishes deep
traditions, is now displayed on exclusive bottle”, – told J. Daunys. 

The selected trademark communication strategy keeps pace with the European
traditions – emphasis on locality and authenticity, commitment to quality and
exclusive production process today is much more important than emotion and
image based communication. 

“Recent tendencies have been self-evident – more and more consumers appreciate
authentic and genuine homemade and homegrown products. And, naturally, such
products require traditional production process. This strategy is especially
appealing to alcohol producers, who cater for domestic market. However, I can
also confirm that the biggest global trademarks behave the same way. There is a
reason that such producers as Absolut or Grey Goose, who can afford developing
the most ingenious and peculiar products, look back to revelation of production
traditions, emphasize the product origin, and search for new ways to enthrone
the craftsmanship”, - indicated Juozas Daunys. 

Vilniaus degtinė, as it has been following Bajorų sales, which have been
increasing for some time now, does not hide its ambitions to become the second
vodka trademark in Lithuania. 

“In fact, there is one important condition. We all know that any communication
strategy and product positioning will not work, if the product itself has no
quality and is not worthy of its consumers. Consumers appreciate and love
Bajorų Premium, because it is not only the communication – it is also the
quality deserving the highest ratings”, - summarized J. Daunys, CEO of Vilniaus

         Juozas Daunys, 852330819