2013-10-04 13:26:38 CEST

2013-10-04 13:27:39 CEST


English Islandic
Realurin - Breyting á stjórn/framkvæmdastjórn/endurskoðendum

Faroese Shipfinancing fund - Change of directors

Mr Jóannes Eidesgaard, Tvøroyri is appointed as director in the board for
Faroese Shipfinancing Fund. Mr Jóannes Eidesgaard is replacing Mr Óli E.
Heinesen, Klaksvík. Óli E. Heinesen has been a director in the Fund since 1988. 

Mr Jóannes Eidesgaard is former Faroese Prime Minister and has also attended
the position as Finance Minister and Member of Parliament. He is educated
school teacher.