2011-02-08 12:30:00 CET

2011-02-08 12:30:02 CET


Islandic English
Orkuveita Reykjavíkur - Company Announcement

Bjarni Bjarnason appointed as Orkuveita Reykjavikur‘s CEO

The Board of Directors of Orkuveita Reykjavikur (OR - Reykjavik Energy) has
appointed Mr. Bjarni Bjarnason as the company‘s CEO, to be effective March 1,
2011. Mr. Bjarnason succeeds dr. Helgi Thor Ingason, who was appointed interim
CEO in August 2010. 
Mr. Bjarnason has an extensive experience as director in the Icelandic energy
sector. He has been the CEO of Landsvirkjun Power since 2008. Before joining
Landsvirkjun Power, mr. Bjarnason was Executive Vice President of Landsvirkjun,
responsible for power production and power sales. He has also served in other
CEO posts, including the power intensive industries of Elkem in Iceland. 
Mr. Bjarnason holds a BSc. in Geology and a Technical Licentiate in Rock
Engineering from the University of Luleaa in Sweden.