2013-04-19 08:00:00 CEST

2013-04-19 08:00:07 CEST


Tieto Oyj - Company Announcement

Tieto's comparison figures for 2012 based on the new business structure

Tieto Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 19 April 2013, 9.00 am EET

Tieto's new business structure and operating model took effect at the beginning
of 2013. The new structure is based on service lines and industry groups. In
line with the new operating model, Tieto changed its financial reporting at the
beginning of 2013. The first interim report for 2013 to be published on 25
April will be prepared in accordance with the new reporting structure. 

The service lines are:

  -- Managed Services
  -- Consulting and System Integration
  -- Industry Products 
  -- Product Engineering Services.

They constitute the main operating segments. Tieto will disclose the customer
sales and operating profit among others of the service lines. 

Additionally, Tieto will disclose customer sales by industry groups, which are:

  -- Financial Services
  -- Manufacturing, Retail and Logistics
  -- Public, Healthcare and Welfare
  -- Telecom, Media and Energy.

Due to an amendment of IAS 19 ‘Employee benefits', there will be a change in
the calculation of pension liability. The related finance costs are calculated
on a net funding basis and presented in financial items. This change has an
impact of EUR 1.7 million on the company's annual-level operating profit. On
the other hand, this amount will increase finance costs. Based on the change,
Tieto has restated its operating profit (EBIT) for 2012 as EUR 63.0 million
(previously EUR 61.3 million) and operating profit (EBIT) excl. one-off items
for 2012 as EUR 138.8 million (previously EUR 137.1 million). The net result
remains unchanged. 

Tieto's financial reporting for 2012 has been adjusted to account for the
changes. The figures may still be subject to changes during the year. The
tables below are also available in Excel format at www.tieto.com/Investors. 

Customer sales by service line, EUR million                          
                                       2012  2012  2012   2012   2012
                                        1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Managed Services                        124   121   112    127    484
Consulting and System Integration       127   125   116    131    500
Industry Products                       130   127   118    134    510
Product Engineering Services             86    83    77     87    331
Group total                             467   456   424    479  1 825

Customer sales by industry group, EUR million                      
                                     2012  2012  2012   2012   2012
                                      1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Financial Services                     94    92    85     97    368
Manufacturing, Retail and Logistics    82    81    75     85    322
Public, Healthcare and Welfare        112   110   102    115    439
Telecom, Media and Energy              93    91    85     96    364
Product Engineering Services           86    83    77     87    331
Group total                           467   456   424    479  1 825

The new operating model taken into use in 2013 is steered based on project
performance and direct costs are linked to deliveries in the service lines. The
calculation of operating margin percentages is based on customer sales by
service lines as internal invoicing between legal entities based on transfer
pricing requirements is reported within Steering Functions and Global

Operating profit (EBIT) by service line, EUR million                    
                                          2012  2012  2012   2012   2012
                                           1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Managed Services                          -2.5  -3.7   7.5    5.1    6.4
Consulting and System Integration         12.7   3.9  13.0    4.5   34.0
Industry Products                         32.4   8.4  13.0   11.4   65.2
Product Engineering Services               2.5  -3.9   0.4  -23.9  -24.9
Steering Functions and Global Management  -3.0  -8.0  -1.8   -5.0  -17.8
Operating profit (EBIT)                   42.1  -3.3  32.0   -7.8   63.0
Operating margin (EBIT) by service line, %                              
                                          2012  2012  2012   2012   2012
                                           1-3   4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Managed Services                          -2.0  -3.1   6.6    4.1    1.3
Consulting and System Integration          9.9   3.1  11.2    3.4    6.8
Industry Products                         24.9   6.6  11.0    8.5   12.8
Product Engineering Services               3.0  -4.7   0.5  -27.7   -7.5
Operating margin (EBIT)                    9.0  -0.7   7.6   -1.7    3.4

Adjusted operating profit (EBIT) by service line, EUR                           
                                            2012        2012  2012   2012   2012
                                             1-3         4-6   7-9  10-12   1-12
Managed Services                            -2.1         7.2   9.3    9.9   24.3
Consulting and System Integration           12.7        11.3  13.6   18.5   56.1
Industry Products                           17.1        12.6  14.2   18.6   62.5
Product Engineering Services                 3.5         2.2   1.6    2.3    9.7
Steering Functions and Global Management    -2.9        -4.7  -1.2   -5.1  -13.8
Operating profit (EBIT)                     28.4        28.6  37.5   44.2  138.8
Excl. capital gains, impairments and restructuring costs                        
Adjusted operating margin (EBIT) by service line, %                             
                                               2012  2012     2012   2012   2012
                                                1-3   4-6      7-9  10-12   1-12
Managed Services                               -1.7   5.9      8.3    7.8    5.0
Consulting and System Integration              10.0   9.0     11.6   14.0   11.2
Industry Products                              13.1   9.9     12.0   13.9   12.3
Product Engineering Services                    4.1   2.6      2.1    2.7    2.9
Operating margin (EBIT)                         6.1   6.3      8.9    9.2    7.6
Excl. capital gains, impairments and restructuring costs                        

Personnel by service line, end of period                                
                                            2012    2012    2012    2012
                                             1-3     4-6     7-9   10-12
Managed Services                           3 448   3 369   3 340   3 228
Consulting and System Integration          4 800   4 675   4 596   4 104
Industry Products                          3 621   3 572   3 579   3 550
Product Engineering Services               4 694   4 615   4 481   4 310
Service Lines total                       16 564  16 232  15 996  15 192
Industry Groups                              722     697     640     607
Steering Functions and Global Management     835     794     768     738
Group total                               18 121  17 723  17 404  16 537

Depreciation by service line, EUR                  
                                       2012  2012     2012         2012     2012
                                        1-3   4-6      7-9        10-12     1-12
Managed Services                       16.2  16.3     17.2         17.4     67.0
Consulting and System Integration       0.2   0.2      0.3          0.2      1.0
Industry Products                       0.2   0.3      0.3          0.3      1.1
Product Engineering Services            0.2   0.2      0.2          0.2      0.9
Steering Functions and Global           2.4   2.5      2.4          2.4      9.6
Group total                            19.2  19.5     20.4         20.5     79.7
Amortization on allocated intangible assets from acquisitions by      
 service line, EUR million                                            
                                          2012  2012     2012         2012  2012
                                           1-3   4-6      7-9        10-12  1-12
Managed Services                           0.7   0.7      0.7          0.6   2.6
Consulting and System                      0.2   0.2      0.2          0.2   0.6
Industry Products                          0.5   0.4      0.3          0.3   1.5
Product Engineering Services               0.2   0.2      0.2          0.0   0.6
Steering Functions and Global              0.0   0.0      0.0          0.0   0.0
Group total                                1.5   1.4      1.4          1.0   5.3
Impairment losses by service line, EUR million                           2012           2012  2012   2012        2012
                                     1-3            4-6   7-9  10-12        1-12
Managed Services                     0.5            0.0   0.0    0.5         1.0
Consulting and System Integration    0.0            0.0   0.0   11.5        11.5
Industry Products                    0.0            0.0   0.0    6.5         6.5
Product Engineering Services         0.0            0.0   0.0   15.1        15.1
Steering Functions and Global        0.0            0.0   0.0    0.0         0.0
Group total                          0.5            0.0   0.0   33.6        34.1

For further information, please contact:

Lasse Heinonen, CFO, tel. +358 2072 66329, +358 50 393 4950,

Tanja Lounevirta, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 2072 71725, +358 50 321
7510, tanja.lounevirta(at)tieto.com 




NASDAQ OMX Stockholm

Principal Media

Tieto is the largest Nordic IT services company providing full life-cycle
services for both the private and public sectors. The company has global
presence through its product engineering business and global delivery centres.
Tieto is committed to developing enterprises and society through IT by
realizing new opportunities in customers' business transformation. At Tieto, we
believe in professional development and results. 

Founded 1968, headquartered in Helsinki, Finland and with approximately 17 000
experts, the company operates in over 20 countries with net sales of
approximately EUR 1.8 billion. Tieto's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX in
Helsinki and Stockholm. Please visit www.tieto.com for more information.