2010-03-05 13:53:39 CET

2010-03-05 13:54:51 CET


Lithuanian English
Ukio Bankas AB - Notification on material event

Draft resolutions of the ordinary general meeting, to be held on 26 03 2010, prepared by the Board

Shareholders of the Bank will be asked to second the following draft

1. Agenda issue: AB Ukio bankas annual report on results of operation in 2009.
AB Ukio bankas annual report on activities during 2009 to be heard (see
appendix No. 1). The resolution on this issue is not adopted. 

2. Agenda issue: AB Ukio bankas international audit report. 
Take into consideration AB Ukio bankas auditor's UAB “Deloitte Lietuva”
conclusion while approving AB Ukio bankas financial statements for the year
2009 (see appendix No. 1). 

3. Agenda issue: Approval of AB Ukio bankas financial statements for the year
To approve AB Ukio bankas financial statements for the year 2009 (see appendix
No. 1). 

4. Agenda issue: Approval of AB Ukio bankas profit (loss) distribution for the
year 2009. 
To approve AB Ukio bankas profit (loss) distribution for the year 2009. 

5. Agenda issue:  Election of the audit company and setting of the payment
terms for audit services. 
Elect audit company to be AB Ukio bankas auditor and set the payment terms.

6. Agenda issue: Amendment of AB Ukio bankas Articles of Association.
Approve the new edition of AB Ukio bankas Articles of Association. Authorize
Chief Executive Officer to sign the new edition of AB Ukio bankas Articles of

7. Agenda issue:  Use, management and disposal of AB Ukio bankas assets.
7.1. to assign, lease or pledge as well as stand surety and guarantor for
obligations of other entities with AB Ukio bankas fixed assets and currently
held and, pursuant to this resolution, obtained securities, rights and
subsequently acquired movable and immovable property of other issuers. 
7.2. to delegate Ukio bankas Board to make decisions in each specific case on
the basis to this resolution of the general meeting on property assignment,
lease or security of  obligations, as well as standing surety or guarantor with
this property. 

8. Agenda issue:  The election of all Supervisory Council of AB Ukio bankas.
To elect members of Supervisory Council of AB Ukio bankas from the candidates
nominated by the shareholders of AB Ukio bankas. 

Information is not confidential

The authorizations to provide additional information are vested in Gintaras
Ugianskis, Chairman of the Board, +370 37 301 301. 

Gintaras Ugianskis, Chairman of the Board, 2010 03 05