2008-05-15 08:01:37 CEST

2008-05-15 08:02:27 CEST


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Finnish English
Nurminen Logistics Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Nurminen Logistics Plc	Interim Report 15 May 2008 	9.00 am              


Until 31 December 2007, Nurminen Logistics Plc was called Kasola Plc. The       
company sold its old operations (the "Kasola operations") in a transaction      
executed on 23 November 2007. Correspondingly, the company received its current 
operations (the "Nurminen Logistics operations") on 1 January 2008. These       
arrangements were described in more detail in earlier stock exchange releases   
and the registration document and securities note published by Kasola Plc on 7  
December 2007.                                                                  

The comparative figures presented in the first section of this interim report   
are 2007       carve-out financial information of Nurminen Logistics operations 
demerged from John Nurminen LLC. Whenever comparative carve-out figures are not 
available they are not presented. In addition, first quarter figures with       
comparison to Kasola Plc's first quarter 2007 and full year 2007 figures are    
presented in Section 2. These figures, however, are not comparable with the     
company's current operations. The pro forma balance sheet consists of Nurminen  
Logistics business operations' carve-out information and Kasola Plc's balance   
sheet after the Kasola operations were sold.                                 

SECTION I                                                                       

First quarter 2008 in brief                                                     

- Net sales were EUR 21.0 million (EUR 18.7 million).                           
- Reported operating profit was EUR 1.2 million (EUR 0.8 million).              
- Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 1.1 million (EUR 0.8   
- EBT was EUR 0.3 million (EUR 0.5 million)                                     
- Net profit was EUR 0.2 million (EUR 0.4 million).                             
- Earnings per share: 0.01 Euros.                                               

MARKET REVIEW/BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT                                              

Nurminen Cargo enjoyed favourable market conditions for most of the period.     
Economic outlook was good, which lead to strong demand both from old and new    
customers. The import of wood from Russia continued to decline and the future   
prospects of this business are bleak. The financial impact of the wood          
operations is not material, however. Moscow air cargo business was discontinued 
due to weak profitability, which caused some non-recurring costs. Shares in     
Turku Stevedoring Oy were profitably divested.                                  
Nurminen Heavy continued to benefit from the boom in the mechanical engineering 
industry. Demand was robust in all main markets. Nurminen Heavy operations in   
Tallinn were shut down, which did not have a material impact on profits.        

The market conditions of Nurminen Care did not change significantly. The        
consolidation of the ambulance operator market continues as the basic structure 
of the industry remains fragmented.                                             

The net sales of the first quarter 2008 amounted to EUR 21.0 (2007: 18.7)       
million. Compared to the corresponding period last year the increase of the net 
sales was 11.8%. Reported operating profit was EUR 1,186 (832) thousand. The    
increase was 42.5 %. Operating profit includes non-recurring profits of EUR 186 
thousand (0) and non-recurring costs of EUR 81 (0) thousand. Therefore          
comparative operating profit was EUR 1,081 thousand and increased 29.9 %        
compared to the corresponding period last year.                                 

Non-recurring asset sale profit (EUR 186 thousand) resulted from other          
shareholders redeeming Nurminen Logistics Plc's shares in Turku Stevedoring Oy. 
Non-recurring costs were related to the winding-up of Moscow air cargo business.
The winding-up was published in stock exchange release by Kasola Plc on 28      
December 2007.                                                                  

In total, the development of the business operations in the first quarter met   
the expectations both in terms of the volume and margins. The unexpected        
postponing of certain customer projects to the second quarter of the year kept  
the net sales on a slightly lower level than expected.                          

The financial result was burdened by the weakening of Russian rouble during the 
first quarter, which resulted in unrealised translation loss of EUR 633         
thousand. These losses were related to an internal loan which the parent company
granted to a Russian subsidiary. Correspondingly the strengthening of Russian   
rouble that has accorded so far in second quarter has resulted in unrealised    
exchange rate gains for the company. On the other hand the financial income     
includes a hedging profit of EUR 186 thousand. The company has hedged           
approximately half of its Russian rouble exchange rate risk.                    

Nurminen Cargo's net sales for the period came to EUR 16.5 (15.0) million. The  
net sales of the segment met the expectations. The operating profit developed   
positively as expected and was EUR 1,006 (417) thousand.                        

Nurminen Heavy's net sales were EUR 2.3 (2.6) million. The net sales developed  
as expected and decreased slightly compared to corresponding period last year.  
Operating profit was EUR 158 (314) thousand and in line with expectations. The  
first quarter of 2007 was exceptionally strong.                                 

Nurminen Care's net sales amounted to EUR 2.1 (1.2) million. Its net sales      
increased as a result of the acquisitions and successful tenders in 2007.  The  
growth was slightly weaker than expected due to lower than expected order       
volumes. Nurminen Care's operating profit was EUR 19 (74) thousand.  Operating  
profit developed weaker than anticipated due to clearly higher than average     
fleet repair costs and start-up costs related to new business locations.        


Company's outlook has remained the same since the publication of the financial  
statements bulletin on 29 February 2008. The management of the company expects  
the organic growth to exceed 10% of net sales, and the company's operating      
margin to improve compared to 2007 carve-out financial information of Nurminen  

On the long-term Company's goal is to increase its turnover annually by         
approximately 20% on average, including acquisitions, and reach an operating    
profit level of over 7%.                                                        

The economies of Russia and other CIS countries seem to continue their strong   
growth. Export of oil and natural gas continues to grow, which fuels vigorous   
growth of Russian imports. This will lead to growing demand both international  
and internal logistics services. These factors create a good basis for the      
development of Nurminen Cargo's operations, in particular.                      

Nurminen Heavy is looking for growth particularly in the traffic of Russia and  
other CIS countries. The unit will acquire additional transport equipment in    

Due to completed acquisitions and tendering processes, Nurminen Care's sales    
will continue to increase.                                                      

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The most significant business risks are associated with the pace of economic    
growth in Russia and other CIS countries as well as potential slowdown of global
economic growth. Economies of Russia and other CIS countries are expected to    
develop positively despite a possible slowdown of global economic growth, but   
they have risks typical of emerging markets. However, stability created e.g. by 
the result of the Russian presidential election will reduce these risks.        
The company is involved in the Finnish import logistics of Russian wood as part 
of Nurminen Cargo's operations. If realised, the continuous increases of Russian
export tariffs will reduce or bring to an end the import of wood from Russia and
have a negative impact on the company's financial performance. The effect will  
not, however, be material to the company.                                       

FINANCIAL POSITION AND BALANCE SHEET                                            

Company's financial position has remained stable after the transaction which was
closed on 1 January 2008.                                                       

Company's cash flow from operations was EUR -2,449 thousand mainly due to       
lowering of the trade payables related to the Vuosaari project. Cash flow from  
investments was EUR 7,102 thousand.  The positive cash flow from investments is 
caused by reverse take over. Cash flow from financing activities amounted to EUR
1,428 thousand. At the end of the period, cash and cash equivalents amounted to 
EUR 9,166 thousand. Liquidity was good throughout the reporting period.         

Group's interest bearing dept was EUR 38.3 million and correspondingly the net  
interest bearing dept was EUR 29.1 million.                                     

Balance sheet totalled EUR 93.7 million and equity rate 40.1 %.                 

As a compensation for transferring the logistics businesses of John Nurminen LLC
to Kasola Plc, Kasola Plc issued 9,999,989 new class A shares to the            
shareholders of John Nurminen LLC.                                              

As the transaction was a reverse take over as described in IFRS 3 standard, the 
logistics business transferred from John Nurminen LLC was the acquirer and      
Kasola Plc the acquisition target in this transaction. Acquisition cost of      
Kasola Plc was determined by the last quoted price Kasola Plc A class share in  
2007, which was EUR 5.10 per share. The acquisition cost was thus EUR 13,867    

The net assets of Kasola Plc at the transaction date were EUR 9,103 thousand.   
Therefore the reverse take over goodwill amounted to EUR 4,764 thousand. This   
goodwill will be allocated to the business segments according to their          
respective fair values.                                                         

The formation of goodwill was affected by the share price that resulted from    
John Nurminen LLC acquisition of Kasola Plc's shares in September 2007. The     
share price remained stable from September to the end of the year. The goodwill 
benefits Nurminen Logistics Plc's business mostly through it being as a public  
company better positioned especially on international markets to its customers, 
potential customers and other co-operation partners as a more trustworthy    
partner. In addition Nurminen Logistics Plc as a public company has an access to
greater variety of different financing options to finance growth of its current 
businesses. Furthermore it has a possibility to create share-based incentive    
plans to keep its key persons and to attract new skilful persons.               

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                                             

The Group's gross capital expenditure Q1/2008 amounted to EUR 1.8 (0.5) million,
accounting for 8.4% of net sales. Depreciation totaled EUR 1.1 (1.1) million, or
5.3% of net sales. Investments were mainly made in railway wagons, IT-systems   
and ambulances.                                                                 


At the end of the period, the Group staff was 625 on average, compared to 578 on
31 December 2007. The number of personnel working abroad was 121. Nurminen Cargo
had 342 (353) employees, Nurminen Heavy 30 (29) and Nurminen Care 218 (159).    
Management and administrative staff numbered to 35 (37).                        

SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                         

The trading volume of Nurminen Logistics Plc's shares was 26,583 in 1 January - 
31 March 2008, which represented 0.21% of the total number of shares. The value 
of the turnover was EUR 140,738. The lowest price for the period was EUR 4.70   
per share and the highest EUR 5.70 per share. The closing price for the period  
was EUR 5.25 per share and the market value of the entire share capital EUR     
66,775,000. At the end of the period, there were 279 shareholders.              

The company has one series of shares.                                           

The company owns 705 of its own shares, which represent 0.006 % of the votes in 
the company.                                                                    

DECISIONS OF THE GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING                                         

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 11 April 2008 made the       
following decisions:                                                            

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders confirmed the company's financial    
statements and the group's financial statements for the financial period 1      
January - 31 December 2007 and released the Board of Directors and the Managing 
Director from liability.                                                        

Amendment of Articles of Association                                            

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders decided in accordance with the       
proposal made by the Board of Directors that a provision shall be added to      
Section 4 of the company's Articles of Association according to which three (3) 
deputy members, at the most, may be elected to the company's Board of Directors.
It was further decided to amend Section 7 of the Articles of Association so that
the company shall have one (1) auditor, which is required to be an Authorized   
Public Accountant -audit firm, and that no deputy auditor shall be elected.     
Changes reflecting the aforesaid amendments were made to Section 10 of the      
Articles of Association with respect to matters to be submitted to the Annual   
General Meeting of Shareholders.                                                

Composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors                          

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolved that the Board of Directors 
shall consist of five (5) ordinary members and one (1) deputy member. The Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders re-elected the following ordinary members to the
Board of Directors: Olli Pohjanvirta, Juha Nurminen, Matti Lainema, Matti       
Packalén and Rolf Saxberg. Jukka Nurminen was elected deputy member of the Board
of Directors.  In its first meeting immediately following the Annual General    
Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors elected Juha Nurminen as the    
Chairman of the Board.                                                          
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders decided to pay annual remuneration of
EUR 30,000 to the Chairman of the Board, EUR 20,000 to the deputy Chairman of   
the Board, and EUR 15,000 to the other members of the Board and in addition a   
fee of EUR 700 per meeting to each member of the Board. It was decided to       
compensate the travel and other expenses of the members of the Board in         
accordance with customary practice. It was furthermore decided to pay to the    
members of the Board a merit pay, which shall be tied to the profit of the      
company's share during the term of the Board of Directors. The profit of the    
company's share shall be calculated from the change in the share's average price
of the month preceding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (i.e. March   
2008) and the average price of March 2009, taking into account the dividends.   
For each percent the profit has accrued the Chairman of the Board shall be paid 
a remuneration of EUR 2,000 and other members of the Board EUR 1,000. If the    
yearly profit exceeds 25 percent, the remuneration shall be paid according to 25
percent. The decision means that the final remuneration of the members of the   
Board of Directors shall be subject to the total return of the company's share. 

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved the Board's proposal that a 
per share dividend of EUR 0.12 shall be paid for the financial year 2007. The   
dividend shall be paid to shareholders entered in the company's shareholder     
register on the record date of 16 April 2008. The dividend payment date shall be
25 April 2008.                                                                  


KPMG Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accountant audit-firm, was re-elected as Nurminen 
Logistics Plc's auditor. Mr. Lasse Holopainen acts as the responsible auditor.  

DIVIDEND POLICY                                                                 

Company's board has on 14 May 2008 determined company's dividend policy,        
according to which Nurminen Logistics Plc aims to, in case company's financial  
policy so allows, annually distribute as dividends approximately one third of   
its net profit.                                                                 

AUTHORISATIONS GIVEN TO THE BOARD                                               

The authorization given by the extraordinary general meeting on 8 October 2007  
to the board to decide on the issue of shares and special rights, for a maximum 
of 20,000,000 new shares, is still valid.                                       

EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                                  

The Board of Directors of Nurminen Logistics Plc has approved a new share-based 
incentive plan for the Group key personnel. The plan was described in more      
detail in stock exchange release published on 17 April 2008.                    

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with requirements of IAS 34 

All figures in this interim report have been rounded and consequently the sum of
individual figures can deviate from the presented sum figure. The presented     
financials are unaudited.                                                       

Certain statements in this bulletin are forward-looking and are based on the    
management's current views. Due to their nature, they involve risks and         
uncertainties and are susceptible to changes in the general economic or industry

NURMINEN LOGISTICS PLC                                                          
Board of Directors                                                              

For more information, please contact Lasse Paitsola, President and CEO (tel.    
+358 400 405 801)                                                               

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Major media                                                                     

Nurminen Logistics provides high-quality logistics services, such as railway    
transports, terminal services, forwarding, special and heavy transports and     
medical transports.                                                             
The company has collected logistics know-how from three centuries, starting in  
1886. Nurminen Logistics' main market areas are Finland, the Baltic Sea region, 
Russia and other CIS countries. The company's share is listed on the Helsinki   
Stock Exchange.                                                                 

Accounting policies                                                             
Until 31 December 2007, Nurminen Logistics Plc was called Kasola Plc. The       
company sold its old operations (the "Kasola operations") in a transaction      
executed on 23 November 2007. Correspondingly, the company received its current 
operations (the "Nurminen Logistics operations") on 1 January 2008, when the old
John Nurminen LLC was demerged. These arrangements were described in more detail
in earlier stock exchange releases and the registration document and securities 
note published by Kasola Plc on 7 December 2007.  Carve-out financials presented
have been carved out from income statement and balance sheet information of old 
John Nurminen LLC.                                                              

The below presented pro forma balance sheet has been prepared for illustrative  
purposes to describe what company's Balance Sheet would have been in case the   
Nurminen Logistics operations had been acquired at the date of the balance      

In the pro forma balance sheet the acquisition of Nurminen Logistics operations 
has been treated as a reverse acquisition on the basis of IFRS 3 Business       
Combinations. This means that in the pro forma balance the acquirer is Nurminen 
Logistics operations and the acquisition target is the company. The pro forma   
balance sheet presumes that the acquisition date is the date of the pro forma   
balance sheet.                                                                  

| INCOME STATEMENT                 |  1-3/2008   |   1-3/2007   |  1-12/2007   |
| EUR 1,000                        |    Total    |  Carve out   |  Carve out   |
|                                  |             |    Total     |    Total     |
| NET SALES                        |      20 958 |       18 747 |       81 693 |
| Other operating income           |         404 |          304 |        1 885 |
| Materials and services           |      -9 932 |       -9 527 |      -41 471 |
| Employee benefits expenses       |      -4 916 |       -3 932 |      -18 120 |
| Depreciation                     |      -1 103 |       -1 071 |       -4 448 |
| Other operating costs            |      -4 225 |       -3 689 |      -15 012 |
| OPERATING PROFIT                 |       1 186 |          832 |        4 527 |
| Financial income                 |         268 |          179 |           16 |
| Financial expenses               |      -1 201 |         -497 |       -2 507 |
| Share of profit in associates    |           3 |           11 |           29 |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAX                |         256 |          525 |        2 065 |
| Income taxes                     |         -64 |         -120 |         -384 |
| PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD            |         192 |          405 |        1 681 |
| Net profit attributable          |             |              |              |
| To equity holders of the parent  |          82 |          296 |        1 373 |
| To minority interest             |         111 |          109 |          308 |
| EPS undiluted                    |        0,01 |              |              |
| EPS diluted                      |        0,01 |              |              |

| BALANCE SHEET             |      31.3.2008 |     31.12.2007 |     31.12.2007 |
| EUR 1,000                 |              0 | Carve out      | Proforma       |
| ASSETS                    |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| Non-current assets        |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| Property, plan, equipment |         48 607 |         48 041 |         48 041 |
| Goodwill                  |         15 038 |         10 725 |         15 489 |
| Intangible assets         |          2 702 |          2 317 |          2 317 |
| Investments in associates |            249 |            210 |            210 |
| Other long-term           |             39 |            262 |            262 |
| investments               |                |                |                |
| Deferred tax asset        |            258 |            337 |            337 |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS        |         66 893 |         61 892 |         66 656 |
| Current assets            |                |                |                |
| Trade receivables and     |         17 606 |         15 103 |         17 783 |
| other recivables          |                |                |                |
| Cash and bank             |          9 166 |          3 085 |         10 156 |
| CURRENT ASSETS            |         26 772 |         18 188 |         27 939 |
|  ASSETS TOTAL             |         93 665 |         80 080 |         94 595 |
|                           |                |                |                |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES    |                |                |                |
| Share capital             |          4 215 |          4 215 |                |
| Other reserves            |         22 439 |          8 592 |                |
| Retained earnings         |         10 391 |         10 309 |                |
| Minority interest         |            501 |            391 |                |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY      |         37 546 |         23 507 |         36 566 |
| Long-term liabilities     |                |                |                |
| Deferred tax liability    |            502 |            760 |            760 |
| Non-current interest-free |          2 378 |          1 480 |          1 480 |
| liabilities               |                |                |                |
| Long-term liabilities,    |         35 749 |         35 726 |         35 726 |
| interest-bearing          |                |                |                |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES   |         38 629 |         37 966 |         37 966 |
| Current liabilities       |                |                |                |
| Trade Payables and Other  |         14 961 |         15 754 |         17 210 |
| Liabilities               |                |                |                |
| Short-term                |          2 529 |          2 853 |          2 853 |
| interest-bearing          |                |                |                |
| liabilities               |                |                |                |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES       |         17 490 |         18 607 |         20 063 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES         |         56 119 |         56 573 |         58 029 |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND          |         93 665 |         80 080 |         94 595 |
| LIABILITIES               |                |                |                |

| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW     |   1-3/2008    |    1-3/2007    |   1-12/2007    |
| STATEMENT                  |               |                |                |
| CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING   |               |                |                |
| ACTIVITIES                 |               |                |                |
| Operating profit           |           233 |            322 |            129 |
| Adjustments to reconcile   |           -10 |              0 |          -1604 |
| profit                     |               |                |                |
| Depreciation and           |          1103 |            178 |            644 |
| amortisation               |               |                |                |
| realisoitumattomat         |           632 |              0 |              0 |
| kurssivoitot- ja tappiot   |               |                |                |
| Financial income and       |          -133 |              3 |             76 |
| expenses                   |               |                |                |
| Taxes paid                 |          -414 |            -65 |           -230 |
| Changes in working capital |         -3860 |           -478 |           -800 |
| Cash flow from operating   |         -2449 |            -40 |          -1785 |
| activities                 |               |                |                |
| CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING   |               |                |                |
| ACTIVITIES                 |               |                |                |
| Acquisition of             |          7071 |              0 |              0 |
| subsidiaries, net of cash  |               |                |                |
| acquired                   |               |                |                |
| Disposal of                |           104 |              0 |           4930 |
| subsidiaries/assoaciated   |               |                |                |
| companies                  |               |                |                |
| Proceeds from sales of     |            59 |              0 |           3204 |
| fixed assets               |               |                |                |
| Investments in tangible    |         -1770 |            -27 |           -286 |
| and intangible  assets     |               |                |                |
| Proeeds from repayments of |          1638 |              0 |              0 |
| loans                      |               |                |                |
| Cash flow from investing   |          7102 |            -27 |           7848 |
| activies                   |               |                |                |
| CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING   |               |                |                |
| ACTIVITIES                 |               |                |                |
| Changes in liabilities     |          1428 |            -33 |          -1672 |
| Dividends paid             |             0 |              0 |           -297 |
| Cash flow from financing   |          1428 |            -33 |          -1969 |
| activities                 |               |                |                |
| CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH    |          6081 |           -100 |           4094 |
| EQUIVALENTS                |               |                |                |
| Cash and cash equivalents  |          3085 |           2976 |           2976 |
| at beginning of period     |               |                |                |
| Cash and cash equivalents  |          9166 |           2876 |           7070 |
| at end of period           |               |                |                |

A=  Share capital 
B=  Share premium account                                                       
C=  Reserve fund                                                                
D=  Fair Value reserve                                                          
E=  Unrestricted equity reserve                                                 
F=  Translation differences                                                     
G=  Retained earnings                                                           
H=  Minority interest 
I=  Total 

| STATEMENT  |  A   |  B  |  C   |  D  |   E    |  F   |   G   |   H   |   I   |
| OF CHANGES |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| IN EQUITY  |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| 1-3/07     |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| Shareholde | 4215 |  86 | 2374 |  27 |      0 |    0 |  2685 |     0 |  9387 |
| rs' equity |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| at         |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| beginning  |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| Recognised |    0 |   0 |    0 |   1 |      0 |    0 |     0 |     0 |     1 |
| in share   |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| holder'    |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| equity     |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| Profit for |    0 |   0 |    0 |   0 |      0 |    0 |   243 |     0 |   243 |
| the period |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| Dividens   |    0 |   0 |    0 |   0 |      0 |    0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |
| Shareholde | 4215 |  86 | 2374 |  28 |      0 |    0 |  2928 |     0 |  9631 |
| rs' equity |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| 31.3.2007  |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |

| STATEMENT  |  A   |  B  |  C   |  D  |   E    |  F   |   G   |   H   |   I   |
| OF CHANGES |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| IN EQUITY  |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| 1-3/08     |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| Shareholde | 4215 |  86 | 2374 |   0 |   6132 |    0 | 10309 |   391 | 23507 |
| rs' equity |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| at         |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| beginning  |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| Recognised |    0 |   0 |    0 |   0 |  13868 |  -22 |     0 |     0 | 13846 |
| in share   |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| holder'    |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| equity     |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| Profit for |    0 |   0 |    0 |   0 |      0 |    0 |    82 |   111 |   193 |
| the period |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| Dividens   |    0 |   0 |    0 |   0 |      0 |    0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |
| Shareholde | 4215 |  86 | 2374 |   0 |  20000 |  -22 | 10391 |   502 | 37546 |
| rs' equity |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |
| 31.3.2008  |      |     |      |     |        |      |       |       |       |

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                           

| Net sales by segment            |  1-3/2008   |   1-3/2007   |   1-12/2007   |
| EUR 1,000                       |             |  Carve out   |   Carve out   |
| Cargo                           |       16505 |        14977 |         65560 |
| Heavy                           |        2335 |         2561 |          9455 |
| Care                            |        2118 |         1209 |          6678 |
| Eliminoinnit                    |             |              |               |
| Total                           |       20958 |        18747 |         81693 |

| Operating profit by segment     |  1-3/2008   |   1-3/2007   |   1-12/2007   |
| EUR 1,000                       |             |  Carve out   |   Carve out   |
| Cargo                           |        1006 |          417 |          2819 |
| Heavy                           |         158 |          341 |           927 |
| Care                            |          19 |           74 |           781 |
| Eliminoinnit                    |           3 |              |               |
| Total                           |        1186 |          832 |          4527 |

Related party transactions                                                      

The related parties comprise the members of the board of directors and executive
board of Nurminen Logistics and companies in which these members have control.  
Related parties are also deemed to include shareholders with direct or indirect 
control or substantial influence.                                               

| Related party transactions                         |                         |
| EUR 1,000                                          |                1-3/2008 |
| Sales                                              |                     230 |
| Expenses                                           |                      61 |
| Financial expenses                                 |                     125 |
| Trade receivables and other recivables             |                     174 |
| Trade Payables and Other Liabilities               |                      25 |
| Long-term liabilities                              |                  15 170 |

KEY FIGURES                                                                     

| KEY FIGURES                    | 1-3/2008      | 1-3/2007     | 1-12/2007    |
| Gross capital expenditure,     |           727 |           27 |          286 |
| 1000 eur                       |               |              |              |
| Personel                       |           625 |           85 |           80 |
| Contingent liabilities, 1000   |               |              |              |
| eur                            |               |              |              |
| Mortgages given                |         2 874 |        5 177 |            0 |
| Other contingent liabilities   |         8 521 |          195 |            0 |
|                                |               |              |              |
| SHARE PRICE DEVELOPMENT        |               |              |              |
| Share price at beginning of    |          5,10 |         4,00 |         4,00 |
| period                         |               |              |              |
| Share price at end of period   |          5,25 |         4,10 |         5,10 |
| Highest for the period         |          5,70 |         4,20 |         5,75 |
| Lowest for the period          |          4,70 |         3,50 |         3,43 |
|                                |               |              |              |
| EQUITY/SHARE EUR               |          2,84 |         3,89 |         3,67 |
| EARNINGS/SHARE (EPS) EUR       |          0,01 |         0,10 |         0,01 |
| Equity ration %                |         40,09 |        72,10 |        91,01 |

REPORTED FIGURES OF KASOLA PLC                                                  

In the 2007 official annual report of Kasola Plc the profit and loss statement  
is divided to continued and discontinued operations. In the table below, the    
profit and loss statement comparison for the full year 2007 includes both       
continued and discontinued operations.                                          

| INCOME STATEMENT                |   1-3/2008    |  1-3/2007   |  1-12/2007   |
| EUR 1,000                       |     Total     |    Total    |    Total     |
| NET SALES                       |        20 958 |       2 833 |       10 298 |
| Other operating income          |           404 |          67 |        1 794 |
| Change in invetories of         |             0 |         229 |            0 |
| finished goods and work in      |               |             |              |
| progress                        |               |             |              |
| Production for own use          |             0 |          14 |            0 |
| Materials and services          |        -9 932 |        -963 |       -3 956 |
| Employee benefits expenses      |        -4 916 |      -1 015 |       -4 201 |
|                                 |               |             |              |
| Depreciation                    |        -1 103 |        -178 |         -644 |
| Other operating costs           |        -4 225 |        -665 |       -3 163 |
| OPERATING PROFIT                |         1 186 |         322 |          128 |
| Financial income                |           268 |          24 |          115 |
| Financial expenses              |        -1 201 |         -21 |         -206 |
| Share of profit in associates   |             3 |           0 |            0 |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAX               |           256 |         325 |           37 |
| Income taxes                    |           -64 |         -82 |          -26 |
| PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD           |           192 |         243 |           11 |
| Net profit attributable         |             0 |           0 |            0 |
| To equity holders of the parent |            82 |         243 |           11 |
| To minority interest            |           111 |           0 |            0 |
| EPS undiluted                   |          0,01 |        0,10 |         0,01 |
| EPS diluted                     |          0,01 |        0,10 |         0,01 |

| BALANCE SHEET                 |      31.3.2008 |    31.3.2007 |   31.12.2007 |
| EUR 1,000                     |                |              |              |
| ASSETS                        |                |              |              |
| Non-current assets            |                |              |              |
| Property, plan, equipment     |         48 607 |        6 115 |            0 |
| Goodwill                      |         15 038 |            0 |            0 |
| Intangible assets             |          2 702 |           38 |            0 |
| Investments in associates     |            249 |            0 |            0 |
| Investments in associates     |             39 |           46 |            0 |
| Deferred tax asset            |            258 |          328 |            0 |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS            |         66 893 |        6 527 |            0 |
| Current assets                |              0 |            0 |            0 |
| Invertories                   |              0 |        2 383 |            0 |
| Trade receivables and other   |         17 606 |        1 572 |        2 931 |
| recivables                    |                |              |              |
| Cash and bank                 |          9 166 |        2 876 |        7 071 |
| CURRENT ASSETS                |         26 772 |        6 831 |       10 002 |
|  ASSETS TOTAL                 |         93 665 |       13 358 |       10 002 |
|                               |                |              |              |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES        |                |              |              |
| Share capital                 |          4 215 |        4 215 |        4 215 |
| Other reserves                |         22 439 |        2 488 |        2 460 |
| Retained earnings             |         10 391 |        2 928 |        2 429 |
| Minority interest             |            501 |            0 |            0 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY          |         37 546 |        9 631 |        9 104 |
| Long-term liabilities         |                |              |              |
| Deferred tax liability        |            502 |          309 |            0 |
| Non-current interest-free     |          2 378 |          177 |            0 |
| liabilities                   |                |              |              |
| Long-term liabilities,        |         35 749 |          336 |            0 |
| interest-bearing              |                |              |              |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES       |         38 629 |          822 |            0 |
| Current liabilities           |                |              |              |
| Trade Payables and Other      |         14 961 |        1 511 |          898 |
| Liabilities                   |                |              |              |
| Short-term interest-bearing   |          2 529 |        1 394 |            0 |
| liabilities                   |                |              |              |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES           |         17 490 |        2 905 |          898 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES             |         56 119 |        3 727 |          898 |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES  |         93 665 |       13 358 |       10 002 |

Calculation of Key Figures                                                      

Equity ratio (%) =                                                              

  Total equity                                                                  
______________________________________ x 100                                    

  Total assets - advances received                                              
Earnings per share (EUR) =                                                      

Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent company      
_________________________________________________________ x 100                 
Number of shares (average during the period)                                    

Equity per share (EUR) =                                                        

________________________________________ x 100                                  

  Number of shares at the end of the period